We are TTC-ing!


Hello, I'm back from my holiday. Went back to work today and there were piles of works n hundreds of emails. But I still knocked off on time as I tell myself I have to be stress free. Luckily I have understanding close colleagues who we're covering me n knows that I m going for IVF. One more week to my next AF and I will embark on my journey to IVF. We all need to stay positive and be stress free. The angel will come.


Active Member
Welcome back mint. And all the best to your ivf.

Anyone feels the ovulation pain monthly? I do and this cycle is more intense sensation than usual which i suspect is due to post-hsg. I just felt the sharpest one on the right ovary. Anyone feels stronger pain after hsg?
Having ms or the lack of it doesn't mean your pregnancy is viable or not...I have no or occasionally ms for my elder girl but for my younger girl, my ms last until 3rd trimester..hence pls don't stress yourself up just because u don't have the symptoms which certain percentage of pregnant women have...


Rant a bit here. Beware of Emo post.

Was feeling super depressed last night. Cried buckets, partly because of PMS, partly because I failed again, partly because my ttc buddy got pregnant! We got pregnant around the same time last yr, and miscarriage one after another.

I was very happy for her but on the other hand I became very depressed cos I didn't make it this time round.

Just to share a bit of her success story.
She just switched to a tcm at tampines one month ago as recommended by her friend. The sinseh apparently was super confident she'll get pregnant very fast. Indeed After taking the med for less than one cycle, she got pregnant!
Amazing right?!!

Haha I'll be ditching my sinseh and will be switching over to her tcm dr

See if he really can work wonders for me too!


Soursop: dun depresed k.. totally feel u. Maybe e new sinseh suit u... theres always hope in a new cycle! Jia you!!!


Active Member
Scang I hope I won't see the 3rd time that you spam this thread.

Soursop yeah dump your sinseh! This new one might be the bingo for you. Hope you're feeling better after the cry. I think this new sinseh is surely a good hope for you.

Who is this sinseh? Good things must share share le :)


My new Sinseh practise at a medical hall, those kind of neighborhood 药材店

Looks insignificant.... He does his reading at a corner of his medical hall.

That's why initially when she told me about this Sinseh I was like huh... Sure or not??!! Very doubtful of his capability.

It was until she bfp within one cycle of treatment then I drool haha

In any case, I have attached his namecard

I just saw him. He said my womb is chilled and body get heaty easily.
The only thing he asked me to avoid is cold drinks and stuff.
Then he gave me two weeks of medicine supply.

I went in the afternoon and waited for an hour
Long queue think got 5pax in front of me


My frnd also got PCOS, went to c a sinseh at Tampines and after 6 mths of getting of menses regular, she preggy nw n will be due May. Wonder if it is the same one. The one she went to is at Tampines central near Blk 500+


Ya i agree with Dragontail and natalie. But gynae always say its good mean hormones are working well. :(

Little hamster, i am doing ok....not that great but i take comfort that some mtbs are worse than me, so no complain. my nausea/vomitting abit siao siao one, can be whole day, can be after lunch and before dinner, can be after dinner during bedtime like last nite, after dinner vomit, and before i doze off i vomit again. For me ginger la, lemonade la dun really work well, if i wanna vomit means i want to cannot stop one. Its just this part makes this 1st tri abit unbearable.

BUT ytd when i went for my weekly checkup, i heard my bubbsicle heartbeat very strong at 154pm...every thing just makes it worth it la. :)


Hi all, thks for sharing Pcos cases of successful pregnancies..

Last few days I was pretty down as my menses came n blood flow was as usual super light n couldn't stop my mind frm thinking "negatively" abt that "MXXX"again. ( sorry to be a bit emo)..

Until ytd, I consulted my gynae n cleared some of my doubts abt my prob.. she comforted me that my previous blood test report got no signs of "Mxxx". Phew! Pretty normal to her.. But since my menses cycle is rather erratic, the hormones blood test might not be very accurate to see my eggs reserves. So I insisted to do a AMH blood test to see my egg reserves to ease my mind.. Now waiting for my results.. but somehow im a bit regretted to do this test cos if i kw i got bad results.. how??

My gynae actually did not suggest me to do coz she said if i do the test n results is no gd, then it will give me more stress rgt? sigh...Serves me rgt...
:eek:15::eek:15::eek:15:.This 2 wks period of waiting is "torturing" to me.

Btw, I need someone to inteprete my previous opk that I did. That was the first time i did for this cycle. I shall try to put up tonight..


New Member
Hi all, am new here.. wld like to seek some advice.. after opk shows positive, is the general guide to bd alternate days? Or is 2-3 days consecutively ok? TIA :)


Mxlo, I'm so happy for u and bub.
All the best ya

** Grabbing the baby dust **

Little hamster, think plus consultation the charges around 100 but the Med can last 2weeks

Oh my friend usual cycle around 38days but after taking his Med, she conceived on the day way earlier than her usual ovulation day.
So the Med shorten her cycle

If u gals remember I'm supposed to start clomid this cycle but the Sinseh told me not to take cos his Med will help me to ovulate.