We are TTC-ing!


Maqisa..aussie nice place to bd since shops close early and no night activities? Haha jia you hoh when over there. Take it as a break and relax? Have a made in aussie bb

Mxlo...congrats! U be fine soon and enjoy the pregnancy.
Hi any one know the cost of iui if done at thomson with dr yvonne chan or a rough guide.
I am with Dr LC Cheng, I think he mentioned total fee for so-IUI is about 3k. I will know next month...or not I hope! now is 2ww for me but I m not getting my hopes high as I only got my positive OPK at day25....which is very unusual! though I m not sure if it was due to the HSG scan this month that causes some stress...but this is my only hopeful month before IUI next month...
Is it true dat success rate for iui at thomson is higher? I m just asking coz my hub friend's wife also did iui at thomson n got a son.
Hi Maqisa, I didn't hear of that but I know from my friend who just delivered from successful ivf with Thomson, which is why I went with Dr Cheng per her recommendation. She was also recommended by her colleague who had 2 children from IVF there. I had went there with the intention for ivf but Dr asked me to try iui first. Hope I can be one of the success stories too!
Same here
They must have seek some help somewhere along the way

Normal couples like us already so difficult
Then the both of them most of the time not in same country.

But till now they didn't state their winning formula.

I guess they are waiting for some sponsors Then endorse their products or company and then claim it helps them to conceive.

Celebrities all love to capitalize on this kind of Money making opportunity

Just my own thoughts la
wow soursop2014, u r so smart to tink of that too! ya I agree with most of you...I was doubtful about the au natural thingy too ...I was quite jealous why they both are so stressed and busy yet they are able to conceive naturally...


Active Member
Last night I got my positive opk. So bd last night. Didn't bd any earlier because I was bleeding from my hsg. Of course now the bleed has stopped. Will bd tonight too and maybe Friday just to cover the last spot of the base.

This could be my last opk.... because if bfn this cycle, we are likely hopping onto ivf.


Last night I got my positive opk. So bd last night. Didn't bd any earlier because I was bleeding from my hsg. Of course now the bleed has stopped. Will bd tonight too and maybe Friday just to cover the last spot of the base.

This could be my last opk.... because if bfn this cycle, we are likely hopping onto ivf.
Hey that means we are about the same situation! So we are both into the 2ww wait now..at least u hv more days covered. I could only bd on the day of positive opk as DH doesn't hv stamina for more :(


Active Member
HFA (I type shortie can?:) ) indeed we are about same cycle. But I'm still waiting to o so not officially 2ww yet. I just did an opk and I think today is it. Not yesterday. My cd17 now is very dark compared to yesterday's.

Don't worry...many ladies also can do one hit wonder. All you need is one good soldier hovering and waiting for your eggie to pop.


I changed because the 1st gynae was not that assuring, cos the scan showed no heartbeat and he said to see me in 2 weeks, if no heartbeat then its not a viable pregnancy. I cried buckets and it din help i was having brownish discharge. The hormones pills he gave me made me even sick. He even said, if got fresh blood no need go hospital, just wait the next day to see him. WTH! By the 3rd day, my discharge seems more and i decide to see another gynae near my place and he happen to have a clinic in Mount E and delivers at Mount A. So he changed another hormones pills and increase the dosage. And my bubbsicle had a heartbeat but was weak so this gynae said 50% and he took my blood test and will see me again that weekend.

Slowly bubbsicle heartbeat went up over 100....and he request to see me weekly due to my discharge. And i find he is more caring.


Active Member
Mxlo I really really hate your first gynae. This kind of gynae should be ripped off from their so called profession. Totally not fit. I understand anything can happen ....but they should shut these kind of mouth and be tactful what to say because it totally affects the patients. You did the right thing to have changed to another gynae. In this aspect, I generally don't like/respect doctors (the ugly ones!).

Anyway all's well now and that's most important. Sayang lil beanie:)

Thanks for the good luck!


Active Member
HFA usually when do you get your positive opk? I read you got yours this round on cd25 which sounds kinda late. I also suspect hsg causes some internal stress. My positive opk is about 2 days late too.


indeed dragontail....it has been an roller coaster ride....and the 1st gynae din helped much.....and the 1 week mc at home din make it better cos once my hubby not around, i just cry and cry and cry...

I have been talking to lil beanie, asking him/her to be guai and have strong heartbeat. I guess on top of feeling nausea and sick, the next best thing is staying positive and knowing he/she is growing well. :) heard ppl say nausea is good, it means beanie is doing well. ;)
HFA usually when do you get your positive opk? I read you got yours this round on cd25 which sounds kinda late. I also suspect hsg causes some internal stress. My positive opk is about 2 days late too.
haha ok, HFA is fine...sound like some govt agencies (MFA, HSA, etc)... ;p
last month I got it on day 19. so this month when I hvnt get my positive opk at 19, I went to doc to scan my follicle, it was only 11mm. my doc said i wun be o-ing this month..so sad...i tot there goes my only chance before iui. so i counted from day 19 of follicle 11mm, i shld o somewhere CD24-26 where my follicle will be at 20over mm. i only tested again on cd 22 (negative opk) and on cd25 (positive opk) cos i only left 2 sticks (i m using the digital clearblue). so actually i duno if there were any positive before that, which i dun tink so cos usually my positive lasts only half a day.


Active Member
Best of luck to you HFA (Haa indeed it sounds serious). I'm totally hoping I don't need ivf (just like I'm rooting for you don't have chance to go iui!). But I gotta set a plan B nevertheless. I have ttc natural enough and it's about time I seek medical assistance and pray that's the route for me. Moreover this ivf I have no subsidy so we are ready to set aside the cost.


Active Member
Can I say that it's not true nausea or bad ms means a strong or even viable pregnancy. I've seen many friends who did not experience nasty symptoms early in their pregnancy. And of course some who did. And they have popped babies healthily.

Sorry I have to beg to differ because I don't wish someone bfp here some day and then doesn't get ms and the mind starts to run wild. Everyone's pregnancy is different. I mean I don't want to see anyone thinks negative from a statement which I cannot see the truth behind. Hope you all don't mind I say this.
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New Member
Another Alternative

Hi Ladies.

I do have a friend who has knowledge on Pregnancy Detox. What I know is this pregnancy detox programme helps those who are TTC-ing.

Hope this would help.

If you're interested you may just want to text me and I'll arrange for my friend to do a free consultation for you.
