We are TTC-ing!


Aiya Apple if I'm u, I will just do a hpt hehe

Anyway think early pregnancy can't be detected from pulse reading cos the reading will be too faint to tell


Apple, 36-60+ cycle days kindda out of the norm range.. did u see any doc? did u see any improvement after taking your tcm med? I read frm some other post some gals managed to regulate their cycle period after seeking tcm help... its not overnight, of coz but over times, some of them do managed to hve shorten long cycle period and successfully conceived.


Minty: All the best on your ivf journey!

My neighbor also went for ivf n they now have a set of 龙凤胎 now both already pri 5!
Apple, how do u hold urself from testing? I just bought an hpt kit for tmr.
I m going crazy going toilet every now n then to check...saw some transparent discharge yesterday & today. Duno what that means... Urgh....


HFA: hey gal!! I read that just before some tested positive, they experience ewcm!!!! though for me, since I never seem to hve any, all I got was those creamy white discharge. Jia you gal!

Dragontail: yeah, Jinx those sickening spotting away!


Active Member
Apple how long have you been seeing tcm? Hope your sinseh is able to help you regulate your cycle. For me, my cycle has been pretty consistent since young. But my problem especially lately is I get spotting before and after af. Sinseh says my zhong qi bu zhu. How I wish my af is like a tap. On and off kind!

Hfa tomorrow is your big day. Not sure if I even have a chance to poas tomorrow. I really feel af coming! Usually I don't have a chance to poas because of days of spotting lor. Bleh.


Dragontail: I too have read that spotting when period due not good but its not exactly a very serious prob... I used to spot jus before af due, brownish color type and when af bout to end, I get those spotting... I didn't really give it some tot back then.. then aft my d&c last yr, when af comes, its jus full red blood and I dun see brown spotting already. I dunno if it had anything to do with the procedure but I never think that spotting is a prob when I had it, till I researched bout conceiving when ttc.


HFA: cool gal... if u confirmed nt testing today, now dun go think bout it... I know that all too familiar wanting to test feeling then end up... super sianz one. Once I over kan cheong n even go test at cd25!!! and of coz I got a neg and was super emo and bad temper... aft that I jus f- care and tell myself to test when af really nt here...


Active Member
Maq thanks for sharing. My spotting can get quite long which can be irritating. Like pre af, af, post af, total can be 10 days. My sinseh asks me to eat beef. Eeeee. ...I'm not really a meat person so quite hard.

Hfa yes fmu will be it. But like I said I have to do it (12dpo) so I know if tue is back work or not!

You are 14dpo actually don't need fmu. Haaa instigating Hfa now.....


Active Member
Lol we are in the same boat. I asked hubby "eh I test tonight what ya think? Tonight or tomorrow what's the difference mah? " . He said no. Tomorrow morning. Haa Ok la whatever.