We are TTC-ing!

I onli started my tcm on last yr dec. after my 1st dosage, my menses was shorten to 36 days. But this cycle late again. Tcm say nt so fast one dosage can work, ask me to be patient.
I gt the urge to go n test but hor i think will be disappointment so i keep on putting off....

My menses had been irregular since young, went kk c doc also nt much use. onli say i hormone imbalance.. so i had to seek to tcm advice. juz keep my finger cross n finish my medicine n c hw first, juz the frustration of dunno when it will cme...


its funny when I read most hubby dun want us to test early... mine too.. I was quite dl with him then.. guess we r def more anxious than men.. why these men can be so laid back when we cld barely sit still n a min passed wo wondering the what if's....


Active Member
On the other hand I appreciate that my man acts that way. Actually i feel men can't handle disappointment as that well as women. To him, he rather be disappointed once than a few times (if say i wanna poas early. And then have to poas again later if it were a bfn).

If he doesn't stop me I may poas like mad then he has to hear bad news so many times. Haa. He likes to hit to the spot and not on ambiguity in a way.


Active Member
Congrats HFA. I hope I can hug you too :) have you thought about which gynae to see?

My test is no line this morning. So my date with KKH is still on tomorrow!
Thanks dragontail! actually I tot it could be too early to test for you. since you hv no spotting yet, probably u are still in the game. I actually do not wish to go back to Dr LC Cheng (who was doing all these tests for me and preparing for my iui) cos he was the one who told me I was out this month as I only had 11mm follicle on day 19. Luckily I used my last opk and tested a smilie on cd25. phew! another reason is cos I tink he is more specialised in IUI/IVF. I had problem with my first pregnancy so I would want to look for one who is more experienced in monitoring such cases. Anyone heard of Dr Paul Tseng? I have shortlisted him. Going to read more about him later. Maqisa, who is your gynae?
Thanks Apple, thanks Yukki, thanks everyone! Hubby and I hugged for awhile and I shed some tears. He asked me to bite him, haha. But I think the both of us are withholding our happiness. We dun dare to be too happy yet. It's so ironic right? I guess most of us are once bitten twice shy.


Active Member
Unless I'm counting my dpo wrong this cycle, I should be spotting and spotting today but I'm still clean down there :p

Anyway will just monitor. I'm also looking forward to see the gynae tomorrow as I wonder how is my hsg test result. Anything no good with my tubes or uterus etc? And also get the mc off work tomorrow because I hate Tuesday at work!

Now try to stay positive. I'm a sure it will turn out all well for you three :)