We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Bbhope, sometimes bbt maybe erratic. If u think u about to O, 2-3 days before can start bd, n do it once every 2 days to save energy. My temps these few mths also not clear but I got use opk n cm to gauge too, so only rough estimate.


Active Member
Littlej, I have not decided yet! But likely prada. Not miu. Looks like there is a 30% off prada, including sales items. So I think it's a good chance to grab.

You are so right. As we grow older, we tend to gear towards ROI and will think about passin down to next generation. It's a nice thought:)

Oh my im also loving Kate's saphirre ring! I was eyeing for one years ago. Ok maybe when a baby does pop I ask hubby again. Haa!

At my friend's dad's wake now. Life is so short. He was very healthy but he woke up with a stroke and he passed away just 4 hours later. Cherish what you have today with your spouse. Let tomorrow worry itself.


Active Member
Bbhope, whats a guo dong gou? Guo dong as in those jelly dessert? Hehhe sound so cute to be describing a dog like that.

Mine is an English cocker spaniel. She just celebrated her 15 years old birthday last month. She very poor thing when young. She was saved from a mill. Merely before 2years old, she already gave birth 3x. So glad I found her. Fell in love with her the moment I met her.


Active Member
@quincy - muahahah. U and hubby have the most hilarious conversations! Haha well if prop on pillow then only pillow is ahem stained lor. Haha or u can try the towel method? :p

@bbhope80 - combine bbt with something else. Be it ewcm or opk. Or u can go to dr wu who also helps monitor bbt. Aiyo cannot equate making out = just for babies. I mean, I know it is difficult but we need to make the conscious effort cuz we also dun wanna lose the spark and the passion in the relationship right? i personally feel our hubbies are all very helpful to keep to schedule and swee swee do the duty when the time calls so we also need to ensure we keep the romance alive. My thoughts la.

Oh yes the sapphire ring is beauty isn't it. Haha I saw one at lee hwa before but not as beautiful.

Oooo - take a pix of the prada bag! Haha I love bags but nowadays I feel cannot find not so common bags - like you know more exquisite not whole world carrying the same brand type. my goodness it is quite scary to see the type of people queuing outside Chanel so I lost interest already. Oh Btw even youngsters are jumping onto the bandwagon. I have a 22 year old exec who owns a balenciaga and another 23 year old colleague with two Chanels. I was like, wa youngsters these days very rich hor. Aunty here only had her first branded bag at 30 years old. Haha.

@tvh - will you be thinking of getting a full time domestic helper soon?


TVH so sorry my friend told me that this domestic helper say her schedule full already (she charge $12/hr)... Bu she tml will check w her again and let me know again


New Member
Dragontail, cocker spaniel is so so cute! Wow 15 yrs! U must be v caring! U home cook for her? Guo dong Gou a.k.a hyperactive dog..run around bite this bite that. Spoil a lot of my things liao. Everything also put inside the mouth. (•_•)"

Littlej, eih, my cm is mostly dry leh and opk never ever see a red line b4. Dr wu long queue? Actually i don't quite like bd. *embarassed* kinda of pain to me.

Eih, i dont even own 1 branded bag leh..although sometimes quite tempted but still haven't plunge in. Hohoho. Kids nowadays are rich la use ah pa ah ma $$, phone also beta and newer than us la.


Active Member
Haha okok if I can make myself like a bag at prada tomorrow. I dont really indulge in bags often. The last was when I was in states (honeymooning) and I went crazy at the factory outlet. If I really really want a bag, I would ask my friend buy from their europe trip. I wouldnt pay the price in SG though, without discount. Actually these days hard to find a not so common brand. Like you said, every other person on the street is carrying something, and they are getting younger and younger. Usually, when I buy a new bag, I will send my less loved older bag to cleaner then I recycle to my mom. Heheh she is not complaining!

Bbhope, yes my doggy is very special (to me la) and she has very typical american cocker curly hair! Although she is an English, I suspect she has a little Amercian mixed in her. Yes I cook for her rice and chicken everyday, added to her dry food. Also sometimes add an egg once a week. She is now very very old great great granny. Physically she needs a lot of care from us. Not sure if she can live past her 16th.

Hehe I still dont know what guo dong means. Which guo and which dong? My sis used to have a dog which bites everything in the house too! Everytime I pop by her place, it looks like a warzone omg. Is there anything that we can do to correct that? Can cesar milan help?


Active Member
Bbhope, I myself also can never catch a positive opk. But I am sure I do O because of my rise in bbt and I also conceived twice. Im on the verge of hating opk.

Dr wu can be long queue on weekend. But I found out her best timing is Wed at 1130am. Bo lang one sometimes.

Oh no painful bd? Er have you ever consulted a gynae on that? Dry? Got try lubricant? Can try preseed since highly recommended.


New Member
Dragon tail, it's so sweet of u! Hope ur doggie will live past 16 and more yrs to come! Oh my Guo dong "过动狗"... He is much beta now under supervision but still seize every opportunity to put things into his mouth and destroy it. I wonder why he can't behave..

Dragontail, u not working?

Nah, I didn consult a gynae on that. I don't even have a gynae. I will try to get preseed. But all those insertion sounds complicated and scary to me


Active Member
i do feel pain in my bd too.
my hubby is also upset. he thought he made me pain. but after we tried with lubricant like preseed, it got better :)
for application of preseed, i suggest just do whatever u are comfortable with. bd suppose to be comfortable right?


TVH - yar better employ part time maid to help you with household chores....those mopping, washing of toilet and ironing of clothes! dont exert urself. I also got a part time maid when i was preg...but after my gal is out, the part time maid resigned and i'm now the maid.hahah

last tiem when i used preseed, put so much until it keeps falling out! hahahaa...end up frustrated more than enjoyment. So yar dont use too much if you're going to use, bbhope.

think my tummy allergic to work...everytime sit in office, then i can feel the cramps.....=(
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prayinghard:758354 said:
TVH so sorry my friend told me that this domestic helper say her schedule full already (she charge $12/hr)... Bu she tml will check w her again and let me know again
Sure, no problem. No need sorry :)


Active Member
Oh my. I feel this week passed so slowly...

Bbhope - pain? Hopefully preseed will work. Just play with it la. dont think too much about inserting etc. Not to scare you, but I heard painful bd also signifies some underlying issues - may be physical or emotional. Maybe you would like to consult dr wu or consult a gynae. Find a female gynae if you are more comfortable. Maybe it is just me cuz I am ultra kiasee but I would also do a full pre-conception body check before ttc. Just y'know - make sure my body is fine. Anyway, just my two cents.

Ooo dragontail you are so 细心 for your dog! My dog only eats dried food - everyday. Haha.

Poohy - wa you do all the housework plus look after your daughter??? My friends got a full time domestic helper when they conceived but somehow I feel that it is an invasion of privacy but I wonder if it is a necessity.

(I am feeling so lazy, no mood to work. When is the next long weekend....)


Poohy, ya I need the part time help until after I give birth. After that, I think I will do myself again, I'm a clean freak. I keep thinking others won't be able to do as good as me....hahaha


xiaohuiis:758410 said:
few days ago was my first try on preseed.. followed instruction and got a flood -.-"

used the recommended 3mg and it was alot !!
Hahahaha me too!! 3mg simply too much! After that I tried decreasing the amt....even 2mg also too much. 1.5mg just nice. Actually I v scared to insert internally cos I see the way the applicators are packed...not sure if they are sterile....sterile ones shd be packed individually right?