We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Ha! I love that game! You know my dad got slight color blind. He cant tell apart the green from the yellow. Therefore our Mastermind looks different from others because he made a black marking around the so called rim of the yellow. Lol. But im sure we have thrown it away many years ago. Should have kept it for old times sake.

Yesyes those you mentioned... nostalgic. I remember I always cheong to the food level at basement yaohao at plaza singapura last time!

Lololol why didn't I think of that? So I probably POAS every two hours. Ok good idea. Very busy everytime go pee pee :p


Quincy, my O is pretty regular, but I always test a few days before in case I O-ed early. But I realise I nv O early, i will only O late, causing my cycle to stretch v long....I suspect the stress at work causes me to O late the past few mths....I wasted a lot of sticks


Dragontail: Clearblue digital ones are really good though very ex... I try to alternate the clearblue one and the cheapies...

My AF is expected in 7 days... So when shld i start testing for hpt?


Active Member
Quincy, oh ok I go find for that game!

Tvh, most of the time, my cm (plus other O signs) are quite accurate. I actually dont want to do opk anymore because I feel I can count on those natural symptoms. My last two bpfs i had those right symptoms, without the the help of opk. I wanna opk now because the supplier sent me wrong orders. So there are 3 boxes of opk lying in my drawer now. Ha! Just thought I will use them since they are there.

Miko, wait till on the day your af supposed to arrive then test. Testing too early may give false negative.


Active Member
Agree with quincy. Just occupy ourselves with more activities during the 2ww. (I find go out with bff and eat and shopping is the best!). Like that then we wont feel disappointed if we just pin on too high hopes. Let life goes on norm during that phase :)


dragontail, you are lucky to have signs of O. I totally cannot feel O. Some ppl say you will feel cramps or sore breasts...but I can't feel a thing...that's why i need the opks...and some ppl have mid cycle bleeding...indicating O....but i think ewcm is quite a good gauge of O....normally when I get that, i test the next day, i get a smiley...but ewcm doesn't happen every month though...so it's a guessing game for me sometimes


Active Member
dragontail, you are lucky to have signs of O. I totally cannot feel O. Some ppl say you will feel cramps or sore breasts...but I can't feel a thing...that's why i need the opks...and some ppl have mid cycle bleeding...indicating O....but i think ewcm is quite a good gauge of O....normally when I get that, i test the next day, i get a smiley...but ewcm doesn't happen every month though...so it's a guessing game for me sometimes
mine is like yours. sometimes i am in dry spell.


mine is like yours. sometimes i am in dry spell.
ya...so i started taking evening primrose oil...it helps abit....but can only take from day 1 up till ovulation....after that stop because it will cause uterus contractions so cannot take it during 2ww in case it interferes with implantation...


Active Member
My biggest sign is ewcm. It is only a matter of how abundant it is every month. Only recently I realised I have O pains! And hor and hor, I got swollen labia. Hee that's a sure tell tale for me.


littlej - yar i do the housework myself. take it as exercise! i'll ask hubby play with my daughter if i'm mopping the floor.....

TGIF! snakey year....means more pple eat snake? hahaha...relax littlehamster!


i also test after lunch around 2-3pm.. then if i see the line seems dark at night around 9 i will test using smiley.. haha coz smiley to ex to use twice n everyday LOL only when i suspect line is dark then i use smiley =x


Active Member
my sinseh taught me to rely on opk.
but that time when i was with him, he checked for my swollen ovaries then instruct me to do testing.
i do not really know how to do checkings myself.
and his instruction is to test from 3rd round of pee onwards.
according to him morning 1st pee is not as accurate for opk.


Active Member
On the opposite side, my sinseh doesnt promote opk. She very much relies on our bbt.

More cny visitings to do this weekend, ladies?