We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
@dragontail - the massage sounds relaxing! Erm how to wear girdle to sleep? Is yours the spanx girdle sort? Isn't it uncomfortable? Hahha now I got reason to continue wearing my spanx petticoat type. To keep the womb warm :)

@gliterrystar - hello! I had a cervical polyp too but gynae saw and removed. Mine only very small so removed in clinic. 2.5 is erm quite gigantic - and they dun grow overnight. Which gynae did you go to previously?

Ok so I bd again today. Felt like I was "raping" my dear cuz he was so tired but I was like "eh eh smiley face on tues so we better do today"... I now wonder if my temp will increase tmr so maybe can take break. Quite tiring to follow schedule... Some more dear not free on sat so we were thinking fri after midnight...

And I am also very tired from work... So much things happening at work!!! Grrrzzz


Active Member
Today's indeed relaxing that I fell asleep few times throughout that hour. Yes mine is similar to the spanx girdle. Of course cant sleep in it! I just removed it. Couldnt even enjoy to the fullest when I was having my dinner.

LOL. Well, he'll get use to it. Haa. First month is kinda strange honestly, despite we're already together for so long. I mean it has always been impromptu kind of thing. Then suddenly it gets all mechanical and technical.

And I think I've tuned my hubby into a baby-making machine :( I mean we have not been BD-ing since I found out I had a BFP end Nov. Was told by sinseh no BD during first tri; and shortly after I had an MC and had been on the road to recovery.... 2 nights ago I was having the "feel" and asked hubby lets BD (gynae did tell us we should use protection till my next AF). But hubby declined and said "we should see the sinseh first! Wanna reserve my friends". A.h! What have I done?
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dragontail..hahaha tell ur hubby he has to release the friends regularly! otherwise the friends he kept inside are dying ones!

haiz....i think this mth might be goner for me....been having cramps on and off.....


Active Member
Ha! So that was an excuse. Must dig out some articles on this for him to read. He thinks he knows it all.

I'm excited to get your update, littlehamster. I really hope it's the one for you.


wooh littlehamster jia you! I'm also due in few days time...but me not very positive abt it.haha....thinking if i shd go back for IUI next round....


Active Member
I aso kinda hope this is one. But so far no symptoms leh. Only weird left cramps n pain that's all. And constipation as usual after O

Good luck to u poohy too! Until af come still got hope


Active Member
Wow dragontail - your husband really can 忍!

@quincy - my gynae told me lie down 30min but I also did an hour or more. My mum also told me shouldn't wash up... So I just bear with it. Best do at night so can sleep! Me wanted to pee last night too so I tried to think something else. Hmm I wonder if I will get kidney stones because of bd :)

Little hamster - goody luck!


Active Member

Hey people - advice please? This means that I've ovulated right? No need to continue BD? Hahahah feel like taking a break this weekend isntead of following Doc's instructions of Sat + Mon... Poor dear feeling the pressure...
Read before BD-ing in the morning is better as our bodies have recovered from a night's rest so the egg and sperm should be more alert too. Shouldn't reserve the Sperm for too long as it will affect their mobility though sperm count is increased.

Don't know if my mood is affecting my body but I'm not really well lubricated these days.. Is the preseed useful? Want to enjoy BD so thinking of using it..

Littlej I don't track BBT myself but I read that once temp spiked means ovulation has occurred? But no harm trying one more time this weekend though I understand your position..


Active Member
littlej, looks like you've O-ed but according to FF, you need at least 3days of elevated temp to confirmed you've O-ed. Spermies can stay alive for days before you ovulate... personally if I were you, I will take a break already. Dont overwork :)

I think one should only read BBT first thing in the morning. Any readings later is not considered BBT accuracy.


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A gentle reminder : have you ladies gone for your regular dental cleaning? just did mine before I get preggie. Think it will be hard to sit thru a dental session with nausea thing going on. Also had a dental xray done. One tooth might have canal problem so better get it fixed before preggie. Seeing the dentist again next week on this.


Active Member
Littlej: u O Liao. Think one more time sat will be good. Maybe ur gynae kiasu or scared u O late so that's why do mon aso

My teeth is good, last checked in July. Only scared wisdom tooth. Still thinking wan go pull ornt. But left 3 chances for snakey only~~


Active Member
Yes I did a check and I think the last try will be around 3rd week of May (ovulation day) to hit snakey. Jiayous....


Active Member
Sigh. I have become the unreasonable frenzied woman :( so i tried to do the cm test and it looks as if can stretch (but not sure if it is the leftover spermies or cm though)...

so since dear not free tomorrow - i said let's bd today (to make up for sat). He said sun and I said cannot... Better be earlier than later. He said he was tired and really not in the mood and I kinda got frustrated and agitated. And sigh obviously no bd.

I just feel so anxious and i also feel rejected. since there was smiley face and doc given dates - let's just grit and whack. Why can't he just do it. And I know myself. If af comes this month - I would think that high chance it is because we missed out on sat and I would be even more upset cuz it is like so near yet so far?!?

Of course I also know how much he has been doing. We have been ttc-ing for a few months and the last 4 months have been trying with IUI , HSG and all the doc visits which he went with me (and his pet peeve is waiting at the clinic esp gynaes when the wait can be an hour or more). I also know he is gamely bd-ing even though he prefers spontaneous acts rather than to follow a time table.

Sigh- am I expecting too much? I know men can't be forced but I also can't help feeling frustrated and agitated and rejected!! :(


Active Member
I use this site to calculate. If say O on 20thMay, will be EDD 10Feb. Horse CNY is 31Jan14. This is just trying snakey luck since usually first pregnancy will pop earlier than expected. But it's very borderline no guarantee case!
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator | Tools | BabyCenter

littlej, sorry to hear how you're feeling right now. Dont know if this makes you feel better.... my last BFP my last BD was 2 days before I Oed. I didnt BD on O date nor the day before. Too tired both of us. It seems like you O-ed today. So you have covered the base nicely hey.