We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Thanks dragontail. This whole bdd is turning me into a monster!! :elvis: Just trying to psyche myself now to not to think so much and think positive thoughts! And if dont succeed.. Can try in feb or plan a holiday in mar...

Hey dragontail - weren't you suppose to go on hols with ur gf? This month?


Active Member
Yeah, just do what you both can... the rest I believe can leave it to fate a little bit :)

Yes me and bff going to bkk on 24th. In fact, I just called bkk Healthland Spa (the famous one!) to book a slot. Been bkk few times but never got to try it. Told her this could be our last girly crazy trip together (we are both travel buddies and been to few places together), at least for a long time, because we are both t-c-cing. She's going for her IVF in Feb. In fact she postponed this IVF (first try wasnt successful in Dec) to Feb because we are so going bkk in Jan!

I'm having O-pain, and super duper bloated today. Heavy water retention. If I dont suck in my stomach, I really look pregnant. And my CM stretches more than 2inches tonight. Reckon my BBT should tip within these couple of days (I hope. I've been waiting to see an O or else I feel uneasy!). Just now told hubby "hey you gotta clear your dead friends you know". He replied ok tomorrow night. :p


Ligtlej. ..hugs...I understand how u feel. I also have to tell my hubby...eggs cannot wait for your良辰吉日! My eggs choose the days and not your soldiers! But well there are days he jus failed...really upsetting...jus gonna pray for miracle babies! We will get it someday!

Guess what ..I must be so obsessed about being pregnant that I dreamt about it last night! Dreamt I was pregnant....cannot anyhow toss in bed!


Active Member
Thanks poohy. I wish men can be more "on the ball" :p

Hahah I think I am obsessed too. I seem to be buying a how to get preggers book every month. Thinking of getting this yoga for fertility DVD soon! It is like, every time af come I go buy something... Uh oh....

Hey dragontail - heathland is good!!! If I were you I would book everyday! One day Thai massage, one day Swedish massage, one day foot massage. To compensate for all the walking and shopping you will be doing in Bkk :)

Ya things changed after pregnancy / kids. I miss those times when I travel with my bff. Now not possible already... In fact it is so difficult to catch up with her too....


Haha littlej for me is...oh failed again...time to buy more tonics or vitamins!

I also missed those times when I got to go out shopping or trips with my friends....now freedom lost. Agony of being married? Haha


Active Member
poohy, try again! Remember to make booking with hubby ok ;p

Luckily I can still do what I like without my hubby. But Im sure once a baby pops, end of social life. That's what I thought when I was younger.... so scared thinking I had to be responsible totally for another being. Now, so wary I have no energy for my kid when say 10-12yrs down the road when I'll be in my 50s (omg I'll be so old). Have discussed with hubby that he probably has to hold the active hands on our kid by then. Oh well, life has its way. Come already then say.


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Tot normally first child usually comes later than edd? My mum told me I was a stubborn one I came out 2weeks late lol

Poohy: sry to hear this. Try again next mth! Don't stress


Active Member
Oh I thought it's the other way round. Sorry I'm inexperienced :p

I'm having abundance EWCM now (stretch like a super rubber band!) and I'm very sure my body is crying fertile now. I see already I really feel like making babies or else wasted. Ha! But sinseh/gynae suggest wait till after AF. I'm struggling inside.


Active Member
Well if both sinseh and gynae advise to wait then dragontail - suggest u wait... Think about not stressing wondering if u are preggers or not whilst u are in Bkk!

Wow. I really admire how dragontail can measure ewcm. In abundance now next monh also have!


Active Member
We broke the "rules" and BDed. Been so long we didnt get close and he said we'll BD once more tonight and tomorrow night. Told him anyway this first session is just emptying dead bullets :p

Talking about trip, my last bkk was in april last year and I didnt know I was already preggie there. Tested with hpt only back in sg. I was eating drinking like mad there. Walked alot and massaged everyday. I mean I totally didnt expect I could be pregnant then. Ignorance is a bliss sometimes. Guess you're right littlej...I migh not enjoy this coming trip to the fullest knowing there might be a chance I get lucky in this round.
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Dragontail - you and I are on the opposite end of the spectrum. You broke the rules and I kept the rules.

So I used the "pretty please... You know how important this is to me" tactic to get dear to bd with me today. So he didn't complete this game and came home to bd instead... I was quite surprised cuz I was like we can do tonight what... But he said he was scared he will be too tired and cannot perform!

Hee hee. I guess it is moments like these you know how important you are to the man (even when he doesn't show it outwardly).

Hahaha but being the proud person that I am... I joked that he has poor planning skills :p

But ya.. The condition is... No more of this timing thingy next month... Hope jan will be my lucky month!


Active Member
Ah yes dragontail - u are right. Ignorance could be bliss. Like my friend who just found out she was preggers. She wasn't even trying and she still went for holiday, drink and gym and did everything normal and voila she only found out at the 3rd month!

Then again she is only 28 years old and hubby is 30 years old so maybe she has youthful hyperactive eggs and soldiers. :p


Active Member
Awww.. it's a happy ending, littlej :)

I was talking about this BD thing with hubby over lunch. He initially didnt want to try this round because he still feels I should rest few months; perhaps another disappointment will be hard to swallow again (if unfortunately). But I told him I'm ready and I really dont have much opportunity windows to try for a snake. And if we try in this cycle, likely it will be an October baby like himself. His heart softened and so we BDed. ;p

Now I scared Dr Wu will disapprove what we have done.


Active Member
Ahh.. The woman's sentimental tactics are pretty effective eh :p my dear said next time can don't use such tactics on him... Hee hee... Have to keep these 把柄 - to be used sparingly :p

Oh. I guess dr wu may just give you more tonics to further strengthen perhaps? All the best dragontail (btw this means our cycles are pretty similar in terms of timing right?)! Anyway, have you tried Pilates and yoga? I heard these are quite good for strengthening the pelvic area?


Opsssh no no...what I meant was previous months whenever af arrive...I will start to look for other vitamins to eat.

This month af havent come but then not much hope also lah...so many pimples on face and chest! Outbreak!


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Actually when I talked to my hubby, I was a bit teary eyed. Dont know why... was a bit emotionally when I told him I want to try again, regardless what docs say.

I was practicing yoga before all these t-c-cing started. I always enjoy yoga but just thought I should stop when t-c-cing. Not sure if it will impact women like us at this point. Actually, now I feel like joining Zumba as I love dancing!

You're right! I think we both are close in the cycle timing. I'm still waiting for a temp hike tho to confirm I have O-ed. Thanks for the goody luck. Same to you =)

Oh sorry poohy. Got ya wrong. Still got hope then!

Btw, I've been very disturbed by my bad outbreaks. It has been like that since Nov when I had BFP. Especially the chin area. When one big pimple is finally healing, a new one surfaced. I think all these are caused by few things. The heaty t-c-m powder, my MC emotion roller coaster, and all the heaty longan drinks I've had (I already stopped 5 days ago). Every morning I wake up I feel so discouraged. I'm trying to gulp lots of water now everyday, hoping that'll help. When I was younger, I had some medications for problem skin but you cant get preggie. So now I cant count on that and just hoping I will have good hormones soon. Just wanna rant :(


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Hee hee... Nothing but a good bd session to bring a smile after tears right? :)

Oh I think yin yoga is ok. Not power yoga or Hatha, and definitely not bikram!!! But of course yin yoga isn't really "exercising" comparing to Hatha or power. But compromise la- I do enjoy yin for its relaxation.

Definitely no Zumba! Erm at least that is what I read and what the gynae said. Nothing too vigorous that involves jumping and Active moving around. In face when I asked second gynae can still do body combat he asked me "are you training to be a boxer?" - so that shut me up. So I also stopped body combat and pump.

Look at the positive side! Treat the pimples as the second wave of puberty = young and raging hormones :)


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Argh. I am having insomnia!!! Slept at 1230, woke up at 445 and have been tossing and turning since!!! This is going to affect my bbt... Grrr...

On hindsight, shouldn't have had a large passion fruit tea latte at 9pm last night :-(