We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Goody shiny morning:)

Oh my, now you are making me yearning for that latte first thing in morning!

Or you could try bbting at 4ish? For me, the variation is not so much at such scenario. But if I continue sleeping for another 1-2hrs, after waking up at 4plus, then the bbt will not be quite accurate already.

We BD again last night and had planned to do it one more time tonight, in case my temp surges tomorrow. But now I think I better let his soldiers recharge themselves for a day. Tomorrow night then finish up the job. Ha.
Hmm I think doing yoga is still fine though go for those less impactful ones like what Littlej advised. Pilates should be good too but Zumba may be a wee bit vigorous.. I myself stopped the kickboxing and pump classes but still continuing the belly dance and aerobics/toning classes. These classes helps to maintain my sanity while tccing and I ve friends who didn't stop the classes but still got pregnant. But those with weak wombs advisable not to engage in any exercise.

Littlej your passion fruit tea too powerful a dosage.. I personally can't take caffeine drinks from afternoon onwards or else I will suffer from insomnia. Drink lots of water to flush out the caffeine hopefully will help..


Active Member
Good morning. Managed to sleep for an hour and now awake again :=(

Dragontail - today is the first time u + hubby visiting dr wu right? Goody luck!

Hee hee - so active la you both - a result of the earlier abstinence? =p

hey I just thought about it - in this case, maybe you should not do massage in Bkk? I mean, my mum and facial therapist both said ttc cannot do foot massage and shoulder massage just in case preggers so i suppose that rules out all massages?? (Sigh - I miss my foot and body massages)...

Not sure if this is true. Maybe the rest may shed some light and / or you check with dr wu?


Active Member
@superwomancgy - stupid me lor.. I thought passion fruit tea latte is de-caff.. *knocks head*

On the topic of exercise - think i wont go for my usual Sunday Pilates and yoga today cuz just o-Ed on thurs ... Dunno if there is logic here but I read implantation time should rest the womb and not over exert.

My usual exercise now consist of walking my dog for 30min daily in the morning (soaking in vit d at the same time) + walking on the threadmill and lunges and lightweights 2/3 times a week. Yes - I am putting on weight and feel flabbier :(


Active Member
The Zumba has been a desire. Cant do it during t-c-cing for sure. These days I just take long evening walks (trying to do it more often!); cant run anymore because of knee problems :(

Oh my hubby says wanna sleep in more today. So no Dr Wu later lo. Frankly, now that we already cheated and BD, my hubby drinks what magic potion also no use already. lol. And he's starting his reservist mid next week. I will still see her on Wed. And he will see her probably 3rd Feb (so long I dont get BFP by then).

You're right. Massage is no no for me in this interim. Told my BFF already. So gonna cancel the Healthland booking. But she will still go ahead with massages at near our hotel. Going BKK never feels no incomplete...... :)

i wanted to learn zumba too but did not due to T.T.C-ing
i used to learn Salsa, Tango for more than 3 years and i really love dancing
i also took up hiphop and jazz before i T.T.C
now i really miss them...
last time i was really active.... other than dancing, i also learn Muaythai and Chinese martial arts..... never expect myself to become a fat pig now after previous m/c and current T.T.C-ing..


Active Member
@dragontail - I tried Zumba before but I got two left feet so hahaha I felt super unsexy and unglam in the class :p

Oh... Em not to dampen your mood but my mum also mentioned no Tom yum and those food / soup with clams etc. not sure if it is just my mum being kiasu.

Actually I am also going away end month - a pre planned holiday with my friends too. And it coincides with my first day of af! So I guess if af comes it will just be troublesome but at least I can take my mind off the sadness. If af doesn't come then I will be dying of anticipation (cuz I promised dear I will only do the test when I am with him :p)

Dragontail - in such instances - should I get both kinds of med from dr wu? Or u think she will be able to "know" before I go?
Dragontail my pimples are popping in the chin/jaw area too. Someone told me its cos didn't drink enough water. Are your medication for skin external application or oral? If oral med then better to stop while tccing cos may be harmful to the foetus. And pimples appearing after one another in the same area is due to that area being infected so try not to squeeze them.. for myself i applied external antibiotics lotion in the area. Also you can substitute longans with black sugar for LRD tea if you feel it's too heaty for you but longans made the tea more fragrant I feel :)

No massages of all forms while pregnant? Hmm I didn't know that and I thought there are those tailored for pregnant women which I was told..

Faithmummy Muay Thai is really fierce :) and you learnt chinese martial arts! I always wanted to try that like Yong Chun Quan. I remembered asking Dr Su abt my aerobics classes and she said better to stop them and go outside for brisk walk and fresh air. Can do some toning moves on your own at home?


Active Member
Hi faithmummy, I think that site is great for OPK-ers!

Yes, so many things to compromise on when t-c-cing. I was with Amore and I enjoyed boxing and yoga and hi impact aerobics. Did try belly dance class but dont know why I dont look beautiful doing it. lol.

Hahah... littlej, I also dont know if I can do it on the Zumba. Saw some youtube videos and I got interested. Well, dont know when I can really try it :(

You're right again. Also those cold cold desserts and sweet coconut are no-nos. Cant even eat my favourite papaya salad from my fav stall at Platinum Mall! I think I might feel like I were in SG, just that everyone speaks Thai. Keke.

Oh that's so sweet of you both! So far I always tested when alone and broke the news to hubby when he got home. He would be ecstatic :)

Yes, do tell Dr Wu your situation and she would probably give you an-tai kind of medicine. She says better to be safe.
Dragontail *hi 5* I'm with Amore too :) so you totally stop going for the classes?? My package ends in feb 2014 so am just continuing with it. Which branches do you frequent? Maybe we know each other ;)


Active Member
@superwoman, last time I had acnes I took Diane35. It's basically contraception pills. It did miracles for me on my skin. Of course, I cant touch it now. My skin situation now is like that! Always the same near spot I get new pimples. So troubled by it. I have been applying antiseptic lotion diligently. I really think it's my hormone problem. But I also think I need time to get rid of them. So ya, I drink loads of plain water now everyday. Once I stopped my confinement longan drinks, and replaced with sky juice, I did see a teeny bit of skin improvement. Wont touch this beverage again! (unless confinement again)

I was shared by a malay massage lady that you can start doing pre-natal massage at 5th month. It will help to ease any cramp or strain during the pregnancy.


Active Member
^5 too superwoman! Mine stopped like a yr plus ago already. They asked me to renew but I said I was t-c-cing so dont want to renew. I went mainly to thomson plaza and bugis junction. I like Cheryl's boxing class. High energy! Wonder if she's still there. How about you, which you pop by?
Hey Dragontail I only followed Cheryl's classes since 2007 :) yes her kick boxing classes are really high impact but I stopped them since last year. Only go for her belly dance and aerobics classes.. Her stretchfit classes are good too. I frequent Bugis and Jurong Point outlets nowadays :) Dont think I'm going to renew too when my package ends ..
ya ya i just started using opks and i find this calculator quite helpful..have u cone back from bkk?

My hubby is learning yong chun now... i want to join him but i did not due to t.t.c.ing.
Dr su also told me same thing hehe. She say the best exercise for us now is brisk walking under the morning sun... she also say we can climb stairs when i ask her... because i got a habit to climb 12 storeys every evening when i reach home from work...
Faithmummy how does your hubby find Yong Chun? Haha I find the moves really sleek after watching Ip Man :p hmm I lived on the 23rd stories so don't think i can climb all the way but its definitely tough cos needs lots of stamina :)


Active Member
@ superwoman, I guess we can only consider going such classes again after giving birth. If we still have the time and energy!

@ faithmummy, I'm going on 24Jan. Have to give up few things over there like massages and nice foodies since I might be on my TWW.


Active Member
@faithmummy - I input my OPK dates onto the link but it seems to come out all wrong - Like first date negative is 070113 then first date positive is 080113 but everytime I click on calculate the site will change my dates to 110113 / 120113 - I tried on chrome, IE and even Safari on my HP. Is it because I'm putting an 'after the fact' date?

Here is a list of things i miss:
1/ foot reflexology and the shoulder and back massage (I still have my package with Wan Yang)
2/ body combat classes + hatha yoga + cross-trainer (plus flexibility to attend any class I want!)
3/ wine + alcohol social occasions (I find I am going out lesser much lesser now cuz I don't want to tempt myself + I also don't want my kakis to know I'm TTC-ing - otherwise they will keep asking how how!)
4/ spontaneous ML sessions (In my mind - BD = timed die-die also must do, more of quantity versus quality ; ML = when the mood strikes, quality versus quantity :p)
5/ spontaneous holidays / getaways with my dear (now a bit scared to make last minute plans just-in-case.. Also if plan for holiday, I try to plan during BD time :p)

Here's a list of what I gained:
1/ Morning walks with my dog (My dog is no longer fat!)
2/ A deeper relationship with my partner - with a simple act of cutting his game halfway to BD with me yesterday - Never in my life I thought he'd do that!
3/ A healthier body - With the TCM's advice. Thanks @dragontail! Even my hair stylist yesterday said I looked more 'radiant' and 'healthier'.. Didn't look so sallow :p Also, healthier since I stopped drinking and eating more healthily
4/ Flab - Muscles all turning to flab.. I can feel my thighs and arms vibrating now :p
5/ A virtual friendship with everyone here in this forum - Thanks for being my sounding board and for hearing me rant.
6/ More relaxed lifestyle - I never finished so many books & TVB dramas in a month!
7/ More savings - Since I'm staying at home more often (But my power bill now going up!)
8/ Closer relationship with my mum - She's been really a strong pillar of support and brewing soup for me consistently. Also appreciating that mothers really know best - On hindsight, I should have heeded my mum's advice and not been so 'career-minded' and 'headstrong' when younger - ie not wanting to settle down for fear that it will affect my career progress and independence.
9/ Pilates & Yin Yoga - I never took Pilates & Yin Yoga before but now I have!
10/ An in-depth understanding of this whole TTC and pregnancy stuff works - I've got like 3 books and researched on so many websites, plus the advice from you folks. Hahaha my dear thinks all of us combined can form a 'consultancy firm' :p
11/ Stronger person - Realizing that not everything is in my hands... And managing the ability to handle disappointment.

So I suppose all in all, if I compare both lists - I suppose TTC days are better than pre-TTC yah?

Hee hee - Sorry for the long post. Would be nice to see what your lists are :p
Littlej that's really a long list you have there but glad you are positive abt Tcc-ing. Everyone of us would have made sacrifices while tcc-ing.. Not much changes for me in terms of lifestyle cos maybe I haven't even experience conceiving but I find the emotional roller coaster hardest to manage. Kept asking myself maybe we should ve gotten married earlier (been together since 1999 but only married in 2008) or not taking any precautions when young. Many regrets but guess no point for me to look back and we can only look forward.. So we have decided to go for IVF after cny cos I'm really worried abt the declining egg quality with age.