We are TTC-ing!


Today went polyclinic to get referral letter to kkh for fertility check and was given tomorrow morning appt!!!

Do I need to bring my husband along huh?


Hi Little hamster!!!

You are our Zu shi ye (the thread starter) haha!!!

I'm going kkh for my first check up for fertility

Do I need to bring my husband along for first visit??


Hihi lttle hamster,

i m new! :) u all are such wonderful group of ladies! Dragontail been very kind n share lotsa things with me... Of cos and the rest too... :)

good to be

hi dragontail and red dates, my gynae gave me increased the dosage of clomid over the 6 mths. like from 1 to 2 den 2 to 3. after taking 3, found out got cyst. thats y I stop clomid for this mth. this gynae nvr seem to ask me to stop the clomid. he only suggest to me either to stop for few cycles or I can cont to have it. but in the end I suggested to stop.

so now I having tcm med with some multi vits and see how it goes.
Hihi to little hamster too! really nice to noe u gals here...

Btw, i start taking my temp today... 35.94! is it normal? or thermometer spoil?? LOL!

good to be, i was on clomid for 3 cycles. 1 tab for 2 cycles and 2 tab for the 3rd cycle. My blood test report shows my progesterone count was even lower than before i started clomid. My gynae ask me to take insulin together with clomid after 3rd cycle. But i nvr follow n when to c tcm, tcm say i not reacting to clomid, gynae should have stop. Tcm ask me dun take clomid already since no use for me.

red dates

Hehehe....practice makes perfect lah...

Dragontail:849661 said:
Reddates, most of the time, tcm and angmor medicine can work hand in hand but better to check with your sinseh. And i think most gynaes don't really approve tcm.

Wah you so confident can pee accurately on the opk strip? That one is a real talent. Lol.

red dates

Lucky you! I waited for a while though. ..

Good to bring hub along

soursop2014:849769 said:
Today went polyclinic to get referral letter to kkh for fertility check and was given tomorrow morning appt!!!

Do I need to bring my husband along huh?

red dates

He is not suppose to let u cont if you are not reacting well...my gynea stop my clomid intake and switch me to letrozole after the first cycle.
Anyway both comes w side effect...sigh....

good to be:849779 said:
hi dragontail and red dates, my gynae gave me increased the dosage of clomid over the 6 mths. like from 1 to 2 den 2 to 3. after taking 3, found out got cyst. thats y I stop clomid for this mth. this gynae nvr seem to ask me to stop the clomid. he only suggest to me either to stop for few cycles or I can cont to have it. but in the end I suggested to stop.

so now I having tcm med with some multi vits and see how it goes.


Active Member
Apple but have you ovulated? Maybe from opk or cm?

If that's post o temp then quite low hor. Maybe you opened your mouth for a while before popping in the thermometer?


Active Member
Soursop update after this morning rendezvous with doctor :p

Actually hubby doesn't need to go. Usually all its needed is his sperm for his SA test. The doc will probably ask if your hubby wants to do that. Then another day submit his army.
I go scan tat time on CD13, they say got small small egg, so they say i maybe o already... tonite i go back use opk n test c hw first. today also 35.95 deg..

good to be

Hihi to little hamster too! really nice to noe u gals here...

Btw, i start taking my temp today... 35.94! is it normal? or thermometer spoil?? LOL!

good to be, i was on clomid for 3 cycles. 1 tab for 2 cycles and 2 tab for the 3rd cycle. My blood test report shows my progesterone count was even lower than before i started clomid. My gynae ask me to take insulin together with clomid after 3rd cycle. But i nvr follow n when to c tcm, tcm say i not reacting to clomid, gynae should have stop. Tcm ask me dun take clomid already since no use for me.

hi apple121079, so u think I shd stop all the clomid n jus concentrate on tcm? my gynae also told me that I'm not reacting well on the clomid. now this mth I stop taking the clomid

good to be

He is not suppose to let u cont if you are not reacting well...my gynea stop my clomid intake and switch me to letrozole after the first cycle.
Anyway both comes w side effect...sigh....
lm thinking of seeking second opinion on my cyst now. I'm so afraid it will grow bigger. now I stop taking clomid n took some multi vit


Active Member
Goodtobe may I suggest you stop tcm and seek 2nd opinion from another gynae as well. My sis has ovarian cyst and doc told her COULD be due to tcm. Just could be. Anyway she got that cyst removed and got preggy then.


Report on first visit to kkh!
So lucky it was a female Dr today
Dr lim yu hui

She made a copy of my hub sa result and my thyroid, pap smear and lupus antibody results.

Ordered for a series of blood test and HSG.

Managed to do two blood tests today.
One is to check how much eggs I have in balance.
One is to check my progesterone level (cd 21) which happens to be today

Pending blood test fsh/lh/en, serum (day2 of menses) , HSG and ultrasound pelvis (19feb)

Total time spent in kkh today = 1.5hour
Original bill $192
Damage=$81 (after subsidy)