We are TTC-ing!


New Member
Report on first visit to kkh!
So lucky it was a female Dr today
Dr lim yu hui

She made a copy of my hub sa result and my thyroid, pap smear and lupus antibody results.

Ordered for a series of blood test and HSG.

Managed to do two blood tests today.
One is to check how much eggs I have in balance.
One is to check my progesterone level (cd 21) which happens to be today

Pending blood test fsh/lh/en, serum (day2 of menses) , HSG and ultrasound pelvis (19feb)

Total time spent in kkh today = 1.5hour
Original bill $192
Damage=$81 (after subsidy)
Hi soursop, tt's not too big a damage :) Is it because you went through referral from polyclinic, or do you think the prices of the fertility check would generally be there? Have you done a vaginal scan before? Was just wondering if I should do a fertility check like yours or a v-scan first... blood test sounds less intimidating than v-scans... >.<


New Member
oops, I just realized that was my first post in this forum! I've been following this thread for a while, so it didn't occur to me... HELLO EVERYONE!! Happy new year and hope all "shi jies" here will get BFP together!! :Dancing_tongue:


Hello doodoo.....welcome to the group!

Ai ya not shi jie la....keke....care to share abt your TTC journey so far?


New Member
Hello doodoo.....welcome to the group!

Ai ya not shi jie la....keke....care to share abt your TTC journey so far?
just started TTC-ing only... so beri new to everything here... :001_302: noticed quite a lot of gals TTC v long then realized not O-ing.. so wondering if I should just go check right from the start? Just scared of doc poke here poke there... >.<


Hi Doodoo123 and welcome to this ttc family!!

To answer your questions
1) I purposely go polyclinic to get referral so can get govt subsidy more than 50% of the bill. Cos I know it will be a long long journey (might endup doing ivf or iui) so better take care of my pockets $$$

2) if go private gynae or kkh without polyclinic referral, the price between the two should be around the same.

3) ya im currently waiting for my next appt to do pelvis ultrasound which is the vaginal scan that you are referring to.

normally polyclinic will only give referral letter if you have been ttc for the past 12 months but no results. Of course, you can bluff bluff a bit la :p
For me I very kiasu and time is not on my side so I prefer to quickly do the necessary tests to check if there's anything wrong so can treat accordingly then to waste time trial and error. Tired of the 2ww and disappointment of seeing red every month

U can visit kkh website on fertility
very informative
Home - KK Women's and Children's Hospital

please feel free to ask any questions u have in miNd

ill be posting the receipt breakdown soon


Breakdown of my KKH receipt (subsidized patient-referred by polyclinic) with GST absorbed.

consultation (first visit) - $32 (U.P. $95)

Blood test : anti-mullerian hormone - $29 (U.P. $58)

Blood test : progesterone (to be done on cd21) - $20 (U.P. $39)

Total amount paid : $81 (U.P. $192)


Active Member

Doodoo you remind me of dodo fish cake :p Welcome to the forum. Since you just started ttc, just go easy....no stress....It strikes best when you are feeling relax. How old are you and your hubby?

I'm planning to seek 2nd opinion with a fertility doc at KKH regarding my fibroid. Will call the doc next week after my trip.


Red dates, not too sure whether she's senior consultant or not, cos not stated anywhere.
but I feel comfortable with her and she's very knowledgable ;)

Anyway subsidized patients can't choose the doctors so hopefully I can see her again
Now I realise the price differences between a Sgporean and PR.

My KKH charges for first consultation :$135(TPS) that is after office hours - usual $110, subsequent consultation $80.

red dates

Soursop, I'm paying $70+ to see a consultant. I remember $90+ is the range for snr consultant or abv.

Littlehamster, i also keep seeing the same doc when I was under subsidise status. Now changed to pte, still seeing the same doc. Juz that need to pay more to see the same doc...which doc are u seeing?


Little hamster, I also dunno why the price difference. ..are u also under subsidy? your $30 (usual $70) is for first visit or subsequent visit?
Are u also seeing Dr Lim Yu Hui?
My visit is clinic For.

So sian, my af coming. Yesterday started having super light flow with cramps. .. but the color varies from dark brown to bright red . It's only cd23. My cycle usually 28 days.

The main difference in my ttc this cycle is I started raspberry leave tea and acupuncture

I wonder which one shorten my cycle

Dragontail, now I know why my opk keeps showing negative. I ovulated early since this cycle is shortened

Another sad thing is my bd on cd 7, 9 , 11 failed when I o on cd 10 (based on counting back 14 days)
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Soursop dun be dishearten....hugzzz

Jia you on yr next cycle!

I am still tiaoing my body. Sinseh said my body heaty which will also makes it difficult to conceive. Virus like flu also will. This time she give me medi to expel body heatiness then eat another medi to unblock tubes then medi for ovulation.

She seems confident that I will conceive but I am taking it naturally.

She said no spicy and fried stuff and cold stuff from fridge.


Active Member
Soursop no wonder...but did such short cycle ever happen before? In fact your bd dates are very spot on.

Acupuncture will take few sessions to take effect. You will get there.


Active Member
Oh btw soursop, I seem to have the same experience as you. My first cycle since I started acu also was shortened. From 32 days to 28 days. But now 2nd cycle it has resumed back to about 31 days (me in that cycle now on cd22).

So wondering if your next cycle will be back to norm pattern or not.


Active Member
Mxlo so dont overdose on cny goodies ah!

My sinseh told me I will fall sick if I eat too much cny tidbits hee. So he likes me to tarek abit. But he teaches me if I do eat heaty food, press an acu point on my palm. It's the most pop-up part of the fleshy palm that connects to the thumb. When he pressed both that spots I screamed. Ha pain!

red dates

Oh..that painful but useful point. But pregger shld avoid pressing that point as it will cause mc.

Dragontail:850381 said:
Mxlo so dont overdose on cny goodies ah!

My sinseh told me I will fall sick if I eat too much cny tidbits hee. So he likes me to tarek abit. But he teaches me if I do eat heaty food, press an acu point on my palm. It's the most pop-up part of the fleshy palm that connects to the thumb. When he pressed both that spots I screamed. Ha pain!