We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Dragontail: you are with which sinseh now? hows your china trip holidays to your sis's place? my hubby first SA results seems ok, but the doc at Kandang Kerbau Hospital says some parameters looks weird dont know how this outside lab test one, so she wants hubby to repeat with their on reference standards. i even gave Dr Wu see the SA report, she says not a big problem

Hi soursop, reddates, goodtobe, apple!

soursop: mine is female doc too. but i heard she only appt on wednesdays. i did the same tests as u, but HSG is after 2nd visit then she assign me to HSG. oh i did a pap smear on 1st visit too.

i used to have pre and post O bbt less than 36degC when i just started ttc.. now slightly better ranging from 36.0 to 36.5degC. Dr Wu say i got hormone imbalance (aka. progesterone levels low after O). but i still think is low cos always gets cold easily.

I just started taking Chasteberry (Vitex) from GNC. Dr google says it helps with hormone imbalance... and i saw one forum about breast enhancement, they saying about this chasteberry too with one person from 36A to 36 C or D.. wow wow!! this 2ww i can feel my boobs like growing again! sounds bizzards i know hahaha... see how it goes. btw, today auntie come..see red so sad. i called for KKH appt for HSG, next tues appointment...


Active Member
Soursop if you want to post BIG photo, you can try cut and paste onto the forum but must be done from desktop.

Littlehammie I'm seeing one from upp serangoon. He does few sessions of acupuncture for me. Seen him for 1.5mths now. He has given me the green light to try after cny. Now, he says better don't try first because he wants to tiao my body for few cycles.

After hsg can be very promising! So hope it works well for you.


Active Member
Soursop if you want to post BIG photo, you can try cut and paste onto the forum but must be done from desktop.

Littlehammie I'm seeing one from upp serangoon. He does few sessions of acupuncture for me. Seen him for 1.5mths now. He has given me the green light to try after cny. Now, he says better don't try first because he wants to tiao my body for few cycles.

After hsg can be very promising! So hope it works well for you.
issit the one with poohy? or someone i cant remember she also went then one time hit +

good to be

hi dragontail and apple121079, I started my Chinese med on last sat and Monday went to gynae to scan n notice the cyst. will it take effect so fast?

do u have any good gynae to recommend me?


Active Member
Sorry I think I am showing signs of forgetfulness. Can't remember whom has done this done that seen who seen what :p

Gootdtobe then surely tcm won't affect so fast, if it does at all.

I did see one at GlenE but unfortunately it didn't work for me. Hopefully others can recommend some to you.


Active Member
anyone heard of getting baby luck from confinement mummies to get a pair of chopsticks and tie a red cloth ribbons and give this to those who wan baby luck? my excolleague says it is quite good luck one.. i'm getting my other excolleague to help me as she has just gave birth.. :x


Hi Little hamster
Never heard of this urban legend or myth before leh!
My friend going to deliver soon!!! Hehe maybe can get her to help

Today Dr lim only did the inserting of fingers to press to check my womb for big cyst.
Cos I just did my pap smear

I very scare of HSG leh think someone mentioned it's uncomfortable

Pls keep me posted after you did yours

My af is next Tues so my HSG most likely is week after next. ..hmm then it will be cny by then
Hope the after effect not too uncomfortable if not I can't enjoy the new year :(


Must it be a new pair of chopsticks or chopsticks that she has been using??

Can I prepare the stuff then ask her to tie then give me?
Ppl doing confinement already very busy where got time to prepare the chopsticks and ribbon hehe


Active Member
i see my friend like so free wor... hahaha maybe she got alot energy.

chopsticks old or new also can, and use cloth type ribbon. after receiving, put in room (i think anywhere? cos my fren no say specifically)


hmmm i got no friend doing confinement. One just did in Nov 2013. another one will be Mar 2014.

We got to take from her during her confinement period or can take after?