We are TTC-ing!


Hi mummygal,

thks.. I shall get from qoo10. Is it accurate also to test compared to clearblue? today my cd 22. I think my ovulation has passed, not sure if i ever ovulate or not.. now got to wait till next round then test rgt? If the opk shows a a dark line, can I assume sure will ovulate soon?

Hi dragontail,

Thks for yr advise! My menses is usually between 28 to 35 days..if too stress, sometimes will skip a mth. Yes, quite difficult for me to do bbt. :(

Fyi ladies,

Ytd I just bought my conceive well at watsons , they are hving promotions at 25% off with 6% cash rebate for DBS card holders. Guardian is having 20% off too.


Active Member
Mxlo very nice to see a smiley face back at you right?:) I feel since you have bd yesterday, take a break today and bd tomorrow instead.

Lynn unfortunately a positive opk doesn't guarantee an o will occur for sure. It's just that your body is gearing to o but because of some weird hormones, it may not happen at all. The only way to be sure one did o is from bbt (your temp will go up after an actual ovulation has ocurred) or from doctor's scan.

Today is cd1. Ladies, likely I'm embarking on IVF :) Decided it's time we try all methods, including medical intervention. Will be seeing the IVF doc on 7feb.


Yes feeling is good! I went into the room and dance in front of my hubby and sing "I got a smiley face".....ok will bd tmr! Am on cd 15!

I am seeing doc at kkh in the afternoon to get appt for hsg.

Dragontail jia you!


Hi dragontail,

I see..maybe I should work harder from now on.. a bit lazy to do bbt as I am not sure for irregular menses works or not.. sigh.. N my tcm dr Wu did not want to tell me more.. only asked me do BBT. She only said going to ovulate soon.. but my temp never rise leh..sigh..also asked me to bd but Im too tired this cycle, maybe I should try it next cycle. Just got to wait till my menses come.

Oh you are going to try IVF? I heard its gd.. my sis in law tried 2 times n she succeeded at 2nd attempt. Striked at age 38. Must hv perserverance! Gd luck to u!


Mxlo very nice to see a smiley face back at you right?:) I feel since you have bd yesterday, take a break today and bd tomorrow instead.

Lynn unfortunately a positive opk doesn't guarantee an o will occur for sure. It's just that your body is gearing to o but because of some weird hormones, it may not happen at all. The only way to be sure one did o is from bbt (your temp will go up after an actual ovulation has ocurred) or from doctor's scan.

Today is cd1. Ladies, likely I'm embarking on IVF :) Decided it's time we try all methods, including medical intervention. Will be seeing the IVF doc on 7feb.
May I know wats IVF??
Hi ladies, went to show my tcm my bbt chart, she say my temp too low.. which is not good. She ask me relax as she say she can sense tat i am too stress... Ask u gals by taking my pulse, she can det whether my menses is coming? She say maybe menses coming le. this time round she gave me capulse medication as well. Wah i dunno how to swallow pills one.... sian..:(
Btw the cheap opk can buy from taobao? I went to one of the website mentioned earlier in this thread but the seller nvr get back to me.


Active Member
Thanks mxlo. Actually have to hear out what the doc says during the first consultation. Maybe I'm hopeless. Ivf also can't help. Haa .

Lynn, thanks. My sis is having twins and edd in May14. It got successful at her third transfer in ivf. But ivf is also not a guarantee. I hear successful and non successful stories too.


Active Member
Lynn, Dr wu is one who doesn't tell you much. But she will open up and tell you more if you ask her questions. I did got bfp merely 2 weeks into her medicine though. Did she suggest acupuncture? Can ask her about acu for you and see what she says. You just started with her ?


Active Member
Apple strangely your David opk looks different from the one I got from taobao. Also David brand. Maybe different packaging? One thing I like to order from tb is because they throw in free little cups to pee into.



Active Member
Strangely I can't find it from my hand phone Googling. Must go home to my desktop to find the link for you. But I order through my China tb account. Items are shipped to China though. I'm not sure how to have them shipped directly to sg!
Aiya should have asked you all if you want to order them...I just ordered new packs and my sis in China is bringing back to sg soon. Next round she's coming back again I ask you all! But hopefully by then no one needs it :)


Dragontail, yes I just started with Dr Wu.. this is my 2nd wk of medicine. But I am not sure if it is supposed to feel that way rgt now.. just during the first wk of her medication powder, I got a sudden urge to bd, is her medicine that strong?? or just tht I was going to ovulate? seen her on the 13th day cycle..2day is the 22nd day.
She did not suggest me to do acupunture but I asked her if I need to as I feel maybe would regulate my menses. She said just try the medicine first.
Paiseh, usually my desire is not that obvious.. im wondering what medicine she gave me that gives me a strong desire.. don't kw if its gd or no gd..or my hormones change.

Yes IVF is also not 100% successful, I have a frd who failed after one attempt and she gave up.. but I think since you decided to try, don't think so much, just go for it. At least u try still got chance rgt? Unlike me, i am scared of those injection, so never want to think abt it..furthermore, my hubby is not free to even go for IVF..very time consuming.


Hi all, I've survived the HSG without painkillers.

Wow actually I find the pain more intense than menstrual cramp!!! But it's only for that few minutes (less than 5 min)

Now at recovery area under observation before they let me go off

Update more later. ..

