We are TTC-ing!


Icic.. thanks for ur advise.. i shall not test anymore till next cycle. Thanks thanks..
Gonna get my hb to try tonight since its still positive....


Maq, welcome back.
don't be disheartened!

i was also on the verge of giving up after af came last cycle.

so I kept myself on track by getting hub to do SA analysis while I do my fertility tests with kkh.

it kinda distract u from the disappointment and at the same time u get to find out where it exactly went wrong. So if eventually I decided to give up TTCing,at least I know why I couldn't make it.

one stone kills two birds. :001_302:


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good to be

anyone know whether is it normal to have short menses? usually my menses will bleed for 3 to 4 days. but during these few months, I only bleed 1 to 2 days.


Can anyone tell me where to buy Blackmore conceive well supplements? Is it good? Can I get from Guardian pharmacy? Is this supplements heaty? I just seek TCM to tiao my body as I got irregular menses and wondering if this supplement is too heaty to take with the medication.


Hi mummygirl,

Thks lots for your info.. I will check it out. Yes, lets jia you and learn together.. hope all of you will receive lots of luck in this yr 2014!!


New Member
Hi Lynn, you can get Blackmore at Watsons. I just bought it few days ago. I think there is a 20% discount now.

my AF just report today. new cycle new hope!

do you're continue taking the blackmore supplement when you are having your period? or stop taking when having period?


Hi missy18,

Thks for yr info, i will get it by this wkends! Oh, I thought multi vitamin pills like Conceive well can be taken daily rgt? Need to stop during menses?
I am struggling if I should continue taking red dates tea twice a wk as well since this supplement already contain iron (24mg). Don't kw if I will overdose..

I have been taking red dates longan ginger tea for 2times per wk and bazhen soup once per wk as my body is cooling. Never take multi vitamin before..not sure if I will overdose with too much iron supplements. Btw, normally u gals take this supplemt in the morning or afternoon?


Hi missy18,

Thks for yr info, i will get it by this wkends! Oh, I thought multi vitamin pills like Conceive well can be taken daily rgt? Need to stop during menses?
I am struggling if I should continue taking red dates tea twice a wk as well since this supplement already contain iron (24mg). Don't kw if I will overdose..

I have been taking red dates longan ginger tea for 2times per wk and bazhen soup once per wk as my body is cooling. Never take multi vitamin before..not sure if I will overdose with too much iron supplements. Btw, normally u gals take this supplemt in the morning or afternoon?

I took mine in the afternoon after a meal, cos I dun really take full bf..

I stopped taking during my 1st 3days of mense and continue after... lolz...


mummygirl, me too. I usually take my supplements after lunch.

Btw we should measure bbt once a day in the morning or at bedtime as well? My TCM dr requested me to do bbt but I did not do it at the same time for the past few days.. 2day is my cd 18. I have loads of cervical mucus after taking tcm medicine. But its usually slightly yellowish in colour. This morning I discovered slippery yellowish cm that was very stretchy and slippery when I urinated.. I am not sure when I will ovulate..

Past few days temp was around 36.3 degree. Not sure if its the norm?