We are TTC-ing!


I see.. but i just seen tcm on cd 13, she asked me to chart so i just follow her instructions.. her medication for this wk was super bitter, and eversince i took it for 5days, I got loads of cm, very uncomfortable.


Active Member
red dates, have you booked your hotel?

I guess in Phuket depends on what you wanna do. Can do island hopping (around SGD70). About 7am to 4pm tour. Take a boat and they will stop at some islands for your to swim/snorkel. Lunch inclusive. Or if you're adventurous, rent a bike or car and drive around with your gps and a map. Not difficult to navi.

But if you are like me (old and just want something relaxing :p), you can just nua whole day at the beach. Get a tan and waste the day away. That's luxury to me.

Of course, dont forget the food there are a lot of choices and not expensive.


Wah wah wah!! Wat have I been missing out!

Greetings from hkg! It's so sooo cooling here! Just came back from a nice dinner at The Peak!:D


Active Member
Mxlo enjoy urself!

Hi Lynn ! Yellow cm sometimes mean heaty. Ur tongue got whitish coating layer? Got means heaty, n shld cut down lrd tea. CW I take after lunch , as morn n dinner eat tcm powder. Based on ur cm texture I think u gonna o soon, u can try pee on opk. My pre o bbt ard 36.1-36.3..

Missy18, bbt can start before o, then u compare after o, see whether ovulation occurred ornt. Take bbt in morning before u get out of bed


New Member
hi all, ive got mild symptoms of giddyness, backache, cramps, bloatedness... but i have always had bad stomach too. not sure if its my wishful thinking
currently ttc and just bd last week... so its 3rd week now?
anyone with similar experience ???


Hi littlehamster,

Thks for yr info. Yes i have a little whitish coating layer on my tongue.. that means its heaty thats why yellowish discharge?? I seldom have pure white cm, usually a little tinge of yellow. Not sure if its fertile cm.

Do I need to stop taking conceive well during menses come?? Where to buy cheap opk test kits? I never tried using opk test kits before as its kinder difficult for me to know when is my ovulation due to my irregular menses... :confused: I'm wondering for irregular menses, does bbt helps?


Hi littlehamster,

Thks for yr info. Yes i have a little whitish coating layer on my tongue.. that means its heaty thats why yellowish discharge?? I seldom have pure white cm, usually a little tinge of yellow. Not sure if its fertile cm.

Do I need to stop taking conceive well during menses come?? Where to buy cheap opk test kits? I never tried using opk test kits before as its kinder difficult for me to know when is my ovulation due to my irregular menses... :confused: I'm wondering for irregular menses, does bbt helps?


i bought mine from qoo10, cost abt $0.15/pc only.. But i do purchase a few from watson....the more expensive ones...
This month was my very first month testing on opk...

today is my CD21, so my O day is past liao.... Now is e 2ww...... Think back, we did not bd on e darkest opk actually.... Chances r slim....


Active Member
Lynn, CW is to be taken every single day. No stopping during AF. If you scroll a couple of pages back, someone did post a site for opk cheapies in SG. I got mine from taobao. For BBT, it's probably helpful for you to only determine if you do ovulate. I doubt it can help much on pinpointing when to start opk since your cycles are irregular. You probably have to start opk early just to not miss your O in case you do O early that cycle. What's your cycle days range like?

You can use fertilityfriend.com. You just need to input your daily wake up temps and the app will tell you if you've ovulated. As for anticipating ovulation, the app can also help but you probably need 2-3 cycles of charting then the app can do a better job in predicting.


Active Member
mummygirl, I always feel it's too ganjeong to BD once I see a positive opk. Like chik chok lok wanna bd quickly. Haa. I feel relax-relax is better. So you'll never know. Like I shared, we BD at least 5 days before I ovulated in my first bfp....

MXLO, so how many pounds you gained from your trip? HK sure eat n eat. Hee. Your OPK looks akan datang already. Maybe 2 more days or so you'll get a positive. Which CD are you on today? Start BD tonight if you've not.


mummygirl, I always feel it's too ganjeong to BD once I see a positive opk. Like chik chok lok wanna bd quickly. Haa. I feel relax-relax is better. So you'll never know. Like I shared, we BD at least 5 days before I ovulated in my first bfp....

MXLO, so how many pounds you gained from your trip? HK sure eat n eat. Hee. Your OPK looks akan datang already. Maybe 2 more days or so you'll get a positive. Which CD are you on today? Start BD tonight if you've not.
true too... Feel like we r doing for e sake of having a bb.. Did not really enjoy the mood n process.... Hmm..
Now is the waiting game....

welcome back.... Hows ur trip? Cold weather?
seem like dragontail said, another two or three days.... Wat cycle day r u at now?
Ur control line seem quite fade too?


Hello ladies...i'm backies....away due to sick for 2 wks plus busy preparing for cny... :)

Hows everyone? Hope to have gd news from e ladies here...

Me now in the 2ww again...lol...looking fwd to my gynae visit the nxt coming sat...


Hello! ! Ya the control line also light. This guardian brand one damn difficult to read! Anyway I already bd once in hkg. .well could have done better but hubby said weather too cold and heater in the apartment not working well! But we bd ytd nite and this morning liao! Keke! Hubby like on heat! Lol! We used pressed and hubby said too wet!

I sure put on weight but also walked a lot cos we stayed in mid levels! Lots of uphill! :( had so much food! Celebrated hubby bday at the peak! Very nice ambience and food! Abit ex but worth it! Good view too!



Good morning gals!!

I din do opk last nite cos we came by home very late. So jus now I did using expensive one and I got a smiley face!

So bd today or tomorrow? We already bd ytd and the day before ytd liao!

