We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Haha I shall try the v legs open and close too. Thanks!

As for the pad, i know it's a superstituos believe. So do it at your own risk ;p Can ask, no problem.


Me much better le. It was awful this morning. I cant even walk. I had this injury since 6 mths ago due to zumba exercise. But I din get it treated becos ok mah not that pain and can walk.

Played some games at cuzzie place ytd where jumping was needed. ..and thats it!! Today at sinseh there was so painful...but now better le. Walking aid is needed. Haha
Oh, tat looks painful... MXLO. Take care.
The pad thing is juz a belief lar, my frnds took it and both got pregnant. Maybe juz coincidence ba. As for touching preggy women tummy, i tried touching my frnd one when she preggy with twins. Nothing also ah.... lol!


Active Member
You must have played very hiong Mxlo :) Get well soon.

Mummygirl, lets jiayou together. Remember to do the v legs after bd. Hee.

And ladies, it's also good to do kegel exercise. Just do it 3x a day. No one will know as it won't show on your face lol. This will strengthen your pelvic muscles, especially important when you get bfp. You don't have to do it lying down. Anywhere also can. While taking train, while in meeting (especially those darn boring ones), etc.



Thks gals! Will soon be up and running! But will take special care le. The sinseh asked me if I dun want my legs liao huh. Haha!

Kegel is good! !


Hi gals, my hub semen analysis result is back!
conclusion is teratozoospermia with only 3% healthy sperm, the rest abnormal.
did some research, stated tat conceive naturally not impossible but might be tougher....

a bit sian with this news but trying to keep the spirit high cos hub dun feel good too knowing he plays a part in our unsuccessful attempts so far

im seriously contemplating going to polyclinic to get referral to kkh for fertility checks and possible ivf in future.

anyone has experience with kkh fertility checks?

i don't wan to do at my private gynae cos it will be a long term thing so I wan to keep cost low.

is kkh the only place that can get subsidy ? How about Thomson medical?


Soursop2014: ive a fren went kkh..u need to go poly get referral..poly will imm call kkh fix appt 4 u n advise u date n time of appt.if u do not choose gynea will b under subsidized rate..its much much cheaper as i compared agst my bills- i chose my gynea.watever tests need to b done will b informed after the scan..


Active Member
Soursop my hubby has the same condition.

I think try not to read too much into such test as afterall the jerking is all done out of stress! How to produce happy army? I have friends whose hubbies also have that and they succeeded afterall.

But still, it's good to get your man to wear boxer and not brief. Eat more walnut and zinc supplement. And of course, exercise. You will be surprised after few months if he does the SA again, the result will be improved.

red dates

Hi gals! I'm back..been very be with xmas shopping and celebration lately...

Maq, miss ya too!

Anyway, my af came on xmas! So happy! Realised I have some clots...not sure if it's normal tho...

Merry xmas to all ! (Xmas last for 12 days)


Active Member
I was just thinking about you, red dates! Welcome back. Missing in action is fangning and rainbow. Hello are you-s there?

I can feel your ecstasy RD. Very good. A new cycle a new hope. For the clots, maybe it's ok for the first cycle? Monitor your 2nd cycle. If it's still like that, good to see the doc. I didn't get clot back then though.

Yeah tgif. I'm going for some self indulgence today. Me me me day. :) Hope you all are still enjoying the holiday mood!
Ladies, need help here. I was suppose to go for a scan on day 14 of my menses. Tried calling 2 clinic near my home. 1st one say doc will not be at tat clinic on tat day. 2nd one say consulation is $160. The nurse say if i wan a scan only, y dun i go to my gp and ask gp to send me for scanning, then after tat get the report from gp.
Could this be done? Sorry ladies, i'm a bit lost here :(


Active Member
That I'm really lost too Apple! I only went to one all under one roof. I thought it's better that the one (ie the doc) who scans is the one who diagnoses you.


Thank u heartz and dragontail

yeah now putting him on supplements like co-q with selenium, vit c and zinc, folic acid and also our tcm med

Yesterday sinseh says she will give him stronger med. However in tcm, there's no particular med that target at abnormal spermie but it works on a holistic level

Anyway now is cd9 So bd started liao. Hopefully the 3% normal can make it to the destination!

hub was rather worried cos on hindsight, my previous chem preg could be due to his abnormal sperm...

He doesn't wan to risk my health with more chem preg
But I choose to continue ttc with fingers crossed


Apple, I don't think gp can do transvagina scan!
they wouldn't even invest in the machine in the first place

How come the gynae nurse So snobbish!
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