We are TTC-ing!


New Member
Hi ladies, just wanted to share that my hubby and I just completed our fertility tests, everything was normal and ok so I dunno why we cannot conceive for so long (2 years). We figured it is probably our frequency (ya sadly, we don't BD a lot nowadays) and maybe I should be more alert on when I actually ovulate. Gynae prescribed me clomid. Has anyone actually gotten preggies after taking clomid?

Sianz... hubby is stress with work or we're always occupied with other stuff... rather than BD. Sometimes I think our S** life is getting bad to worse. Only do for having baby like that. :elvis:


Mummygirl i usually identify my fertile ewcm by how much it can stretch. Not really by color,although my ewcm is always clear. If it can stretch 3inches or so it means I'm ovulating real soon. I think for your case do opk daily. Might be around the corner since you said you got heap of cm.
Thanks dragontail.... ah, then I understand now, more of how it stretch rather than focus on its color...
suddenly its like a huge amount of cm... but till now, no more le.. yes, I will do a test tonight on OPk again. :)


Active Member
Mummygirl it took me many cycles to realize my cm is like that....many cycles I tried to figure out color/texture (ya know, lotion and creamy sound the same to me!). So many websites tell you so many things. Then I realized my best bet is how stretchy it can get. I always get it right after that. Good luck and bd soon!


New Member
Hi Doodoo123 and welcome to this ttc family!!

To answer your questions
1) I purposely go polyclinic to get referral so can get govt subsidy more than 50% of the bill. Cos I know it will be a long long journey (might endup doing ivf or iui) so better take care of my pockets $$$

2) if go private gynae or kkh without polyclinic referral, the price between the two should be around the same.

3) ya im currently waiting for my next appt to do pelvis ultrasound which is the vaginal scan that you are referring to.

normally polyclinic will only give referral letter if you have been ttc for the past 12 months but no results. Of course, you can bluff bluff a bit la :p
For me I very kiasu and time is not on my side so I prefer to quickly do the necessary tests to check if there's anything wrong so can treat accordingly then to waste time trial and error. Tired of the 2ww and disappointment of seeing red every month

U can visit kkh website on fertility
very informative
Home - KK Women's and Children's Hospital

please feel free to ask any questions u have in miNd

ill be posting the receipt breakdown soon

Thanks soursop for the info and the breakdowns! v v useful... have you gotten ur results back yet? hopefully they're good?
Seems like a ton of tests we can do... so maybe i can go for the blood tests and avoid the V-scan for now... but so mafan total 3 diff days of blood tests hor? plus polyclinic referral... means total 4 days leave :O


New Member

Doodoo you remind me of dodo fish cake :p Welcome to the forum. Since you just started ttc, just go easy....no stress....It strikes best when you are feeling relax. How old are you and your hubby?

I'm planning to seek 2nd opinion with a fertility doc at KKH regarding my fibroid. Will call the doc next week after my trip.
Hello dragontail!! hee... oddly i don't fancy fish balls / fish cakes... lol
yar I'm trying to stay relaxed as much as possible... so trying not to measure too many things and "pretend" i'm not TTC-ing...


Mummygirl it took me many cycles to realize my cm is like that....many cycles I tried to figure out color/texture (ya know, lotion and creamy sound the same to me!). So many websites tell you so many things. Then I realized my best bet is how stretchy it can get. I always get it right after that. Good luck and bd soon!

exactly... I been reading different websites and telling so many things which I ended up kinda confused... therefore I post here and ask... hope u dun find me nagging.. and fan. :( but if base on website, my O should be later at my CD24-25, now I only CD15
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New Member
oh i forgot to mention... i'm in my 20s, hubby in his 30s... :302:

no prob about needing to have TTC-ing for 12 months then get referral lah... i've been married for a couple of yrs.. not difficult to convince and get referral :p


Mxlo, haha so qiao but most likely we won't bump into each other cos hsg is done at level 1 diagnostic imaging while your first appt will be at clinic D level B1. Hehe.

first consultation is only blood test and vagina (womb) check and also Pap smear if you have not done one. You won't get to do HSG on the same day unless its your cd 10 I think and there's available slot.


Doodoo, ya the whole fertility check is very time consuming. Start early cos the whole wait and checks take about 1-2 months to get the results. Then if results not good and if it eventually leads to iui or ivf, it will add on a few more months of waiting and timing.

basically this whole project makes me feels like playing game, got to clear stage by stage. No short cuts.

i won't get to know how's my test results until the next appt with the Dr on the 19 feb....
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Risty misty and fang Ning, thanks for the advice.

after much consideration, I have decided that I won't be taking any painkillers before the hsg cos I wan to go through it and have the experience :p :p


Mummygirl, pic not really clear...
are both lines equally dark?

if yes, meaning you going to ovulate in the next 24 hours.

If i see this result i will hack care and just bd...
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Heartz, I would suggest just go polyclinic get referral first to save time Unless you don't intend to get subsidy.

At least start off on a casual mode and take it slow and easy


Heartz, that's weird I thought that hsg is like part of the fundamental fertility checks cos I go kkh the dr immediately ordered me to do the various blood test and hsg and ultrasound.

machiam like a SOP