We are TTC-ing!

Hi ladies,
Im back, MIA for a few days cause hubby grandma pass away in kl n we went to attend the funeral.... i forgot to bring my thermometer wif me thus i missed the routine of taking my temp in the morning. So i have to start all over again... the hsg test u all toking abt, my tcm also got ask me to check but i taking one step at a time, dun wish to stress myself for the time being......


Active Member
Mummygirl I hope I won't see here to tonight anymore as I have a feeling you will get positive opk by tomorrow or wed....hope tonight you bd! If you have not past 2 days. Once you get positive, bd too. Then bd again another time with a day break.

I read that the chance of conception is highest if we bd TWO days before o ing; and not the day when we o. So I think you start bd tonight should cover the base.


Morning mxlo, soursop, dragontail...

The line not as dark as e main line, but slightly lighter.. however not sure if its false alarm, cos later in same night i actually tested again using e cheapo opk, not even a faint line... anyway hack care just bd lor... will continue testing these few days then bd again.. haiz..


Active Member
Just finish My hsg, I took the painkillers But aiyo still pain when They start inject the dye. Now after that just crampy. I survived!!! whole procedure quite fast.

One thing is the doc dun recommend do hsg when still bleeding, He abit hesitate when He knew I'm on cd7 and toward end menses, But I told him the appointment nurse schedule me today,how am I suppose to know these details, then I say I spot on off since cd4 and last check No spot. then He like think think then proceed. One note the nurse is there to comfort u n She will give the reassuring tap tap n update status on What the doc is doing n how am I feeling. Quite Good the nurse.
Soupsop - pls update me becos i will go after CNY in Feb for HSG test. My appt with KKH is on 20 Jan to see the doctor. Referral from polyclinic. :)

I have 2 frends who did the HSG. One said painful and the other one said its ok. I guess play save just pop painkiller about 1 hr before HSG procedure bah.

I went for HSG last year, May or June.

Beforehand i also read up that it was painful etc, so I was quite worried too.

I remember I went alone and I told 1 of the nurse I was nervous and scare it will be painful, she is nice to keep ensuring me it will be ok and they will also as and when asked me how am i feeling etc.

I only felt pain when the dye was inserted. It was like menses cramp, for me it was quite cramp at a point of time. But after the whole procedure, i don't feel cramp/pain anymore. I was only allowed to leave after about 30 mins, cos they have to make sure we are ok, don't feel giddy or uncomfortable. I went back to work after that.
Just finish My hsg, I took the painkillers But aiyo still pain when They start inject the dye. Now after that just crampy. I survived!!! whole procedure quite fast.

One thing is the doc dun recommend do hsg when still bleeding, He abit hesitate when He knew I'm on cd7 and toward end menses, But I told him the appointment nurse schedule me today,how am I suppose to know these details, then I say I spot on off since cd4 and last check No spot. then He like think think then proceed. One note the nurse is there to comfort u n She will give the reassuring tap tap n update status on What the doc is doing n how am I feeling. Quite Good the nurse.

I remembered I also have some spotting on the day I have my hsg, the nurse told me is ok.


I was told that HSG can only be done on about CD10..or 3 days after your menses cleared.

Mummygirl - time to fire up!!:we2Randy-git::wong24:


New Member
hi mummies!! i'm new here!! also ttc. my #1 is 1 year and we feel it's time for a companion. tried last month but was a BFN. waiting for this month to try!


Thank u toothermitcrab and little hamster for the detailed report hehe!

Ya so weird how come they gave u such an early appointment

Nevertheless it's over that's most important!!!

Since you did feel extreme pain means there's no blockage..good good

Ya generally I'm pleasantly surprised on the caliber of kkh nurses
I felt they are very caring and motherly !! :)


Hi missy18, welcome

U had a #1, I'm sure #2 will come fast and relatively easy cos the engine already up and running

Many of my friends got pregnant very fast after they popped the first one!

Good luck


Oh ya little hamster, I just received the chopsticks with red ribbon from my friend who is doing confinement :D

Hopefully can be lucky soon!!

I just heard another myth, that's to acknowledge a god son or god daughter then u can get pregnant

Sigh dunno how true

Getting more and more superstitious


Active Member
Heartz, the doc very fast left the room after he done and didn't manage to ask as I still cramping

Soursop, cramping means no block ah?? Hope so hope so.. u so fast got ur red chopsticks. ya I heard that myth before, my fren says it worked for her colleague. Another one is to sit on someone who had just given birth's bed

Another thing the clinic doc said after my ultrasound is that my womb lining very thick, she is abit concerned. 15mm. Anyone experience this ?now I know why after O, my tummy will become bigger lol


New Member
Thanks Soursop! My mensus is a bit screw up after delivery. My cycle day becoming shorter and shorter. Last month I tested with opk for but never detect O. Dunno is it I missed o already. I just bought blackmore conceive gold to try. Anyone of u taking that? During mensus is it must stop taking the supplement?


U are so right!! See my test below for today.. its even darking than ytrday! And its darker than e control line!
Am i too early to bd ytrday? Should i bd again tonight too? Dunno if my hb still got e energy....

Mxlo, dragontail...
I have bd ytrday alrdy... do u think i should bd again tonight???



Hehe I'll just do it!! If not, can bd tomorrow morning

did u try to pee on the cheapo opk and see if its the same reading?
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Little hamster, if there's blockage u will feel extreme pain instead of cramp.....

Isn't thick lining good???...

So when's ur next appt to see dr to get your results?