We are TTC-ing!


I Juz got my Lurin medication for 228 plus for 14 days of self injection. Cannot imagine that I have self jab myself. No pain, only a bit itch after the injection. That's mark the start of my IVF.


Maqisa, i was like you when i 1st found out about my bfp. Not much symptoms...But once I hit 5-6 weeks all pattern come out liao. Some start later at 7 weeks onwards....SO...enjoy now while you can.


Dragontail: Yes i heard that some ladies get preg fast after lapo if u dun have other probs..for me only tube..my hubby motility n morp just bit borderline, count is v gd.. Afterall need 1 gd sperm to meet egg..
If this does nt wk then proceed iui, ivf really last resort..


New Member
Hi all, I'm new here :) I'm 34 years old and have been ttc-ing since October last year. as I have long cycles (39-46 days) so it's more difficult for me to pin point ovulation, and have to wait longer time than those with normal cycles :(
went to see fertility doctor today and she said my uterine lining is uneven, thus suggest me to do Hysterosonogram (saline injection). anyone has experience with this? also can check if there is blocked tubes rite?


Nah.. no progesterone pill... right now I m just talkin folic acid n multi vit daily. Gynae will see me in bout 2 weeks time as I wad told I m still early...

Heartz: discuss with ur doc bout the lapo thingy.. coz no point doin iui if left tube blocked... leave ivf as the last resort.


Mxlo: thks.. me n hubs still in bewilderment land... think I wont really feel preggy till I got some sort of confirmation frm doc scan.. sigh.. now I m jus living 1 day at a time.. dun dare think far coz everything jus so unstable rite now... (kena scolded by hub that I go read those scary stats...)
But I m tryin my darn-ness to stay happy relax n positive as encouraged by all u sweet ladies here. ..
Itz very comforting to read all these encouragement... I very gan dong, gals...


Active Member
Greentea welcome. So the saline jabs will help normalise lining? How many jabs do you need? Interesting and I've never heard of this before. Yes do a hsg to check blocked tubes. And also get hubby to do sperm test.

Maq I think your hubby deserves to give you a lil scolding. Hee. You'll be fine. When you get ms, you would wish you've never wished for one!

Haa thanks for spreading me the baby dust. Aiyo me cramping mad. Waiting for af to show.
Hello greentea, welcome.
Is the uterus lining caused by scarring after op or naturally uneven?
dragontail, do u know how long is ur luteal phase? My AF shld b due tmr...now the fear of seeing that thing when I go toilet increases...really hate this feeling every month :(
Maqisa, tks for working out the edd...u r like more excited than us, lol. Nov is good, my hub's bday month too. Hopefully....


Active Member
HFA my af should show on Wed. But i usually get 2-3 days of little spotting before flow starts. So technically I don't have to wait till Wed to know for sure :)

Haha. ..Ya end year pop is good. Cooler for confinement. I was on confinement in Aug for my mc. Omg hot like don't know what. It was horrible.
I will test on Monday cos then it's one day after I missed my period, haha.
My hubby dun wan me to test early as I used to test 12dpo and wasted so many sticks lol!


New Member
Dragontail & hopingforangel,

Dr also dunno why the uneven uterine lining so she ordered the Hysterosonogram test for me, it's smth like hsg test just that it's using saline, then use ultrasound to inspect the uterine cavity.. the test itself is not scary, but hor 2 hrs b4 the procedure need to insert cyotec to vaginal to dilate the cervix, and 2 pain killer is to be inserted to the anus :S just wondering is it the same for u to do the hsg test? I searched online and ppl said can just take pain killer orally, and din say need cyotec to dilate the cervix leh..
Green tea, when I did HSG, I din hv to do anything beforehand. I jus lie there n doc insert some liquid in n did the scan. It actually was quite uncomfy. Apparently from there, it was enuf for them to c if uterus lining is smooth and correct shape or not, plus if tubes r blocked.