When can I feel my baby...?


Active Member
Yeah, when i went for my scan, I saw the baby kicking up a storm but I couldn't feel anything, doctor said something about adominal wall thick, but i think maybe I got too much fats, LOL!

Which part of the tummy do you ladies usually feel the baby movement/kick? Mine is always a little to the left (center-left) :blaugh:
not too much fats la, is baby seems to be kicking up a storm but wanting to be nice to u and not feel the pain :D

my baby likes to be on the left side most of the time, so i normally feel my baby's movements on the left side, mostly closer to the bottom of my tummy
Me also left bottom.. but when near delivery time is all over like that.. haha.. now my gal super active.. now i know what she doing in the stomach already..


Me too...!!! Most of the movements are felt at the lower left side of my abdomen but since about 2 days ago,ive felt movements at the lower centre of my abdomen..Perhaps my baby boy has found more room to kick around in..?? Hehehehe...Last night,i placed my hands on my abdomen and felt a strong kick..Can even see my blubbery tummy "vibrating"..I cried a bit coz i felt a very strong emotion after seeing it...But seems like my baby quite naughty..I can feel him moving and kicking but the minute i place my hand on my tummy,he will sit still..!!! :001_302::001_302:


Yeah, to be able to feel the movement is such an amazing feeling. There used to be an old wives tales about the position of where the baby frequently kick could determine the BB gender haha... :blaugh:
i feel more in love ever since my baby kicks alot.. he kicks more before and after meals, maybe before i eat he can hear my stomach growling?? haha.. also in the middle of the night he would wriggle so much that i can't sleep. every night hubby reads bedtime story to his boy and he would respond by kicking too..


i feel more in love ever since my baby kicks alot.. he kicks more before and after meals, maybe before i eat he can hear my stomach growling?? haha.. also in the middle of the night he would wriggle so much that i can't sleep. every night hubby reads bedtime story to his boy and he would respond by kicking too..
Wow, I still don't know how it feels like if BB wriggle, I feel ticklish sometimes, could that be BB wriggle? :blaugh:

For the past few days, I felt the BB movement in the morning around 7am+, and now 4pm+ haha :D
shiseru, maybe you can pay attention when you lie down cos you can feel it more. i noticed that my baby like to kick me towards the inner side not the surface of my tummy. so i feel like my bladder area there very ticklish. anyone else experience this?


shiseru, maybe you can pay attention when you lie down cos you can feel it more. i noticed that my baby like to kick me towards the inner side not the surface of my tummy. so i feel like my bladder area there very ticklish. anyone else experience this?
Yupzzzzz ive had my baby do that to me soooo very frequently...It feels ticklish sumtimes and makes me wanna go pee right away...Lucky i didnt pee in my panties...!!! Still can tahan and go to the toilet...Also he will be active once i sit still or lie down..But the minute i put my hand on my tummy,he will keep still..How to let hubby feel his movements..?? There were so many times when hubby missed his acrobatics..!!! :001_302:


so exciting hor? I started to feel the bubble-feeling about 2wks ago.. around 19th wks. i am still only feeling the bubble feeling - still waiting for his first kick!!! :) hey but ladies, is the 1st kick really hard? cos i can sometimes feel, "thump thump"... "thump thump".. but i dont't know if that's a soft kick? Anyway, do you think baby can feel us touching our tummy from outside? sometimes when i feel his "thump thump", i plc my hubby's hand there, then it stop - but if i didnt, he will continue to "thump thump".. hehe... so noti.. :p


so exciting ? I started to feel the bubble-feeling about 2wks ago.. around 19th wks. i am still only feeling the bubble feeling - still waiting for his first kick!!! :) hey but ladies, is the 1st kick really hard? cos i can sometimes feel, "thump thump"... "thump thump".. but i dont't know if that's a soft kick? Anyway, do you think baby can feel us touching our tummy from outside? sometimes when i feel his "thump thump", i plc my hubby's hand there, then it stop - but if i didnt, he will continue to "thump thump".. hehe... so noti.. :p
congrats.. must be exciting for you!
hmm... my first kick was not hard.. more ticklish rather... i tried playing with bb by pressing on left side of tummy and tell her to kick there.. sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt... hahaha...going on to 27weeks and now the kicks are harder!:001_302:


so exciting ? I started to feel the bubble-feeling about 2wks ago.. around 19th wks. i am still only feeling the bubble feeling - still waiting for his first kick!!! :) hey but ladies, is the 1st kick really hard? cos i can sometimes feel, "thump thump"... "thump thump".. but i dont't know if that's a soft kick? Anyway, do you think baby can feel us touching our tummy from outside? sometimes when i feel his "thump thump", i plc my hubby's hand there, then it stop - but if i didnt, he will continue to "thump thump".. hehe... so noti.. :p
Yup my baby does this too..Its a bit frustrating coz i really want hubby to feel his movements but the minute hubby puts his hand on my tummy,baby will sit still..Still inside the womb but already know how to "play around" with his parents..!! :001_302:


Active Member
Yup my baby does this too..Its a bit frustrating coz i really want hubby to feel his movements but the minute hubby puts his hand on my tummy,baby will sit still..Still inside the womb but already know how to "play around" with his parents..!! :001_302:
I have a same feeling with you. Can always feel my boy happily kicking my tummy but when I put my hubby hand to my tummy, baby don't want to kick.

So naughty.....

But sometimes, when my boy is happy he will let his daddy feel his kick....

So far, my hubby only manage to feel the kicking about 3 times only... :001_302:
today i saw something amazing, so does hubby. we saw baby kicking on the surface of the tummy, can see below belly button area and same spot vibrate a few times. we were starring at my tummy about 15min. lately baby been very active and i can feel him kick when i place my palm on tummy, so today when i noticed he's active i decide to lie down and pull my shirt up, then that amazing sight, feel so happy..:Dancing_wub:


today i saw something amazing, so does hubby. we saw baby kicking on the surface of the tummy, can see below belly button area and same spot vibrate a few times. we were starring at my tummy about 15min. lately baby been very active and i can feel him kick when i place my palm on tummy, so today when i noticed he's active i decide to lie down and pull my shirt up, then that amazing sight, feel so happy..:Dancing_wub:
I can clearly see my tummy "vibrating" most of the time...But too bad when that happens,hubby not around...!!! Arghhhh...!!! :wong7:


so exciting ? I started to feel the bubble-feeling about 2wks ago.. around 19th wks. i am still only feeling the bubble feeling - still waiting for his first kick!!! :) hey but ladies, is the 1st kick really hard? cos i can sometimes feel, "thump thump"... "thump thump".. but i dont't know if that's a soft kick? Anyway, do you think baby can feel us touching our tummy from outside?
Yeah, thump thump is the best description! At almost 18 weeks, I felt a few suspicious kicks, but not too sure if it's the baby though but by now definitely can differentiate gas and baby movement liaoz. The kicks are starting to get pretty vigorous but not painful and everytime the baby kicks, I will say, "Nice kick, well done! Kick again" :D

sometimes when i feel his "thump thump", i plc my hubby's hand there, then it stop - but if i didnt, he will continue to "thump thump".. hehe... so noti.. :p
Yep the baby stops kicking if my hubby or myself will to place our hands there, baby must have felt something suspicious too :blaugh:
since most of the babies here stop kicking when we put our hand on tummy, we should just ask hubby to stare at tummy cos this way can see the vibration. do other mummies notice baby being active during certain time of the day? my boy is very active in the morning and evening to midnight. so in the evening and midnight my hubby often catch him in action :wong19:


HI All,

I have also felt the baby kicking inside me 2 wks ago...intially i was puzzled is the baby kicking or my intestines grumbling... After a few days observation, i can see that its quite consistent and the baby like to kick at that particular spot, right bottom tummy.

A few days back, the baby kicked my tummy quite hard & painful..esp b4 and after meals times...evening & when im abt go to bed. Sometimes i have to tell the baby tat after the bed-time story u need to sleep wor.kekek

Amazing, one evening my hubby can felt the baby's strong kick when he placed a hand on my tummy.keke.
LOL! I heard baby sleeps 20 hours, looks like your baby is in action all day sia :webiggrin:
hehe, not all day la but my baby is active when i'm resting. cos in the morning usually i just woke up/laze around and he's busy kicking, and evening time either i'm on bed watching tv or in front of computer he'll be busy inside. :001_302:


Active Member
hehe, not all day but my baby is active when i'm resting. cos in the morning usually i just woke up/laze around and he's busy kicking, and evening time either i'm on bed watching tv or in front of computer he'll be busy inside. :001_302:
My baby is soooo...... active from afternoon thru midnight.. :err:

Looks like no need to rest, sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable :embarrassed:

These few days sometimes feel breathless, at night got a lot of weird dream..

So tired...... :embarrassed: