When can I feel my baby...?


Alpha Male
My wife can feel the baby doing stunts liao... :wong29:
i only manage to feel it once but was half asleep... :tsad:
My baby is soooo...... active from afternoon thru midnight.. :err:

Looks like no need to rest, sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable :embarrassed:

These few days sometimes feel breathless, at night got a lot of weird dream..

So tired...... :embarrassed:
the breathless should be because your baby growing bigger.. try to relax before you sleep.. i noticed sometimes when i think/worry so much before i sleep i will end up getting bad dreams and feel tired when i wake up. nowadays i read pregnancy book and listen to slow song to put me to sleep and realised the bad dreams come less frequent.

don't worry if the baby being active makes you uncomfortable, at least you know your baby is well and healthy inside..


My baby used to be active during evenings and nights...But nowadays,he seems to be active at random timings..Dats fine for me coz now i can feel him moving more often..!! Right now as im typing,i can feel him bouncing all over inside..!!! But too bad hubby not around tonight as he's on his night shift..!!! :wecry:


Active Member
the breathless should be because your baby growing bigger.. try to relax before you sleep.. i noticed sometimes when i think/worry so much before i sleep i will end up getting bad dreams and feel tired when i wake up. nowadays i read pregnancy book and listen to slow song to put me to sleep and realised the bad dreams come less frequent.

dont't worry if the baby being active makes you uncomfortable, at least you know your baby is well and healthy inside..
Actually I know enter to 3rd trimester some mummy will feel breathless but is it too early for me to feel that. I am just 28 weeks.... Still have about 10-12 weeks to bear.... :embarrassed:

I didn't know think/worry too much before sleep will end up getting bad dreams... Maybe I need to more relax before go to sleep... :err:

Baby not so active today, not sure is it yesterday before sleep I 'scold' him.. :001_302:
yah i read somewhere that if you have alot of worries and stress inside your heart and mind your brain will work harder, so when you sleep your brain might still work thus makes all those worries into bad dreams.
and try talking to baby for awhile tell him mummy want to rest, be a good baby and let mummy rest. cos when you unhappy with baby he/she can feel it therefore they also won't relax.


yah i read somewhere that if you have alot of worries and stress inside your heart and mind your brain will work harder, so when you sleep your brain might still work thus makes all those worries into bad dreams.
Yeah, this is quite true. Recently 2 things got me a little worried, 1 is moving house, another is i experienced brown discharge last week, these led to bad nightmare.

I dreamed my baby is already 1 year old, and I'm expecting another one. Then my husband got affairs, then we quarrel outside the corrider, he ask me to give him my baby, and I threaten to jump down with baby and suicide. I woke up and noticed my eyes were wet then I began to cry out loud. Hehehe so silly... :wetwitcy:

I do have weird dreams as and when but nothing was as BAD as this one :/