When does your stretch mark start appearing?


Hi gals,

When does your stretch mark start to appear? when should I start to apply stretch mark cream? Thanks!
Hi Esther,

Its best to apply start of your pregnancy...but normally i think gynae will start asking you to apply fifth month of pregnancy.


Active Member
Hi Esther,

Its best to apply start of your pregnancy...but normally i think gynae will start asking you to apply fifth month of pregnancy.
Is it true that the gynae will recommend to apply for the 5th mth to prevent stretch mark? Did your gynae really do that?


My gynae didn't ask me to apply anything although when I went for the 5th month detailed scan... I've started to use Palmer's stretch mark cream but don't really like the smell of it. Must quickly finish this tube and look for other alternatives hehe..
my gynae didnt recommend, he said those stretch mark cream is no use one, also said if it works, he will long selling it to his patients. he claimed that whether one has stretch marks depends on individual.


Is it true that the gynae will recommend to apply for the 5th mth to prevent stretch mark? Did your gynae really do that?
oh...bcos my gynae is selling the product but i didn't purchase from him cos i bought it myself beginning of my pregnancy...i started off with bio serum...then now palmer's


Hi gals,

When does your stretch mark start to appear? when should I start to apply stretch mark cream? Thanks!
u shd start even before they appear....babe.

mine appeared around 6 months...suddenly out of no where de~~~scary

tats oso when it gets itchy and itchier~~~:001_302:


Well-Known Member
my gynae didnt intro me any cream at all.. and i dun hav e habit of applying stretchmarks cream either cos too lazy.. hehe:tlaugh:


I have been applying the palmer cream as to avoid terrrible stretch marks. So far i only apply one time every night just before i slp. My dear hubby will help me to apply and massage for me. Hope there won't be any stretch mark. My gynae did not mention anything to me.



dark red and long and so many~~~~lols

but they all disappeared within one year after birth...beri long hor~~~

almost skin tone liao.....


Well-Known Member
Start applying as soon as possible! I started quite early. Got clearance from gynae before i started though. Used Palmers. NO stretchmarks at all wor!! :p


never use any stretch mark since day one of my pregnancy. bought it but too lazy to apply. my friends all use it during their first trimester and when compare we still have stretch mark after delivery. But it's all up to individual, some are just lucky that they're free of stretch mark. Mine start to appear only during the 6th months or so.
Same like jan4january, my gynae also never recommend and he told me it's up to individual. Guess most mummies always take prevention by applying it earlier, it's good but have to do it religiously to see effect.


Active Member
never use any stretch mark since day one of my pregnancy. bought it but too lazy to apply. my friends all use it during their first trimester and when compare we still have stretch mark after delivery. But it's all up to individual, some are just lucky that they're free of stretch mark. Mine start to appear only during the 6th months or so.
Same like jan4january, my gynae also never recommend and he told me it's up to individual. Guess most mummies always take prevention by applying it earlier, it's good but have to do it religiously to see effect.
Have your stretch mark healed? Is it still obvious?


not sure if all of you share the same concern as me...but to me stretch marks there or not it doesnt make any difference.....coz actually the hardest thing to tackle is cellulites....till now my cellulites are still parking there FOC....seems forever there liaoz....:shyxxx:


All mummys and mummys-to-be, Happy Mother's Day hehe!!

Is there any symptoms before stretch marks really start to appear? Recently i got some red spots appearing on the right side of my tummy at night, but go away the next day... wonder if this is the early symptoms of stretch marks? scared scared leh...

CanCanMum, your cellulites appear around tummy also?


All mummys and mummys-to-be, Happy Mother's Day hehe!!

Is there any symptoms before stretch marks really start to appear? Recently i got some red spots appearing on the right side of my tummy at night, but go away the next day... wonder if this is the early symptoms of stretch marks? scared scared leh...

CanCanMum, your cellulites appear around tummy also?
Happy Mother's Day to you too~~~

No symptoms before stretchmarks appear de~~ coz tat day i juz got shocked when i see them...and pretty itchy lor~~lols

yeah my cellulites has been my 'friend' ever since, altho i wanted beri much for them to be my 'fiend' instead lols....


Stretch marks appeared around 7th mth.

I thought I was lucky that my baby bump was barely noticeable till 7th mth. Then it grew & grew (the size doubled or tripled by 9th mth).

Skin was so tight!!! Awful purple lines appeared ard the belly button area. No amt of cream can help me if the skin is stretched so much within such 2-3 mth.

haiz, it would hv been better if growth of baby bump was more gradual. Then maybe the cream can help a little bit.

I hear from friends the purplish lines will fade to whitish lines in time. My legs are still a little swollen almost 3 weeks after delivery. Hope they are not cellulite...

Yuki Miaka

i started applying stretch mark cream in my second trimester ( close to 4th month), so far almost 38 weeks liao, no stretch mark .