young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Hello everybody....
I'm new to this website so masih tgh kekok nk navigate hehe...I baru gave birth to my 2bd bb last dec...very stressful seh pasal my 1st one boy umur 18 mths dia punya active wow!!! adik dia selalu kena buli. Bila i tgh kasi adik dia susu dia tolak adik dia..any mummies out there yg ade kids age gap ard 17mths apart tk? leh kasi tips cam mane u al handle?? thnks in advance :)


Hello everybody....
I'm new to this website so masih tgh kekok nk navigate hehe...I baru gave birth to my 2bd bb last dec...very stressful seh pasal my 1st one boy umur 18 mths dia punya active wow!!! adik dia selalu kena buli. Bila i tgh kasi adik dia susu dia tolak adik dia..any mummies out there yg ade kids age gap ard 17mths apart tk? leh kasi tips cam mane u al handle?? thnks in advance :)
u r not alone.. im havin it now.. but diff is mine both girls.. heheh.. tapi tu pon susah.. cos akak dier will feel we attend to e adek lebih... n she will do watever to attract our attn.

thou my mum tlg i jage lil rascals i, u cant act find tak senang duduk skejap.. yg i ade maser sendiri is when both r asleep... n tt is mostly biler mlm.. n mlm u nak dok bebual ngan hb pon kadang2 bdk2 ni tersadar.. u da kelam kabut..

my advise la eh.. da 2 bulan jadi mak pada 2 small kiddos ni is.. u nak kene extra sabar..(thou most times i jadi tarzan) n nothin beats bein calm.. cos both will cry at same timin n mane nak buat susu for both.. haha..

try to get help if u can.. hb ke.. mak ke.. n dont forget.. pls... pls.. hav a lil bit of rest n time off.. if not, u leh stress n jadi giler~ heheh..

anythin u wanna share, im here samer2 berjuangkan ni dua anak.. haha


u r not alone.. im havin it now.. but diff is mine both girls.. heheh.. tapi tu pon susah.. cos akak dier will feel we attend to e adek lebih... n she will do watever to attract our attn.

thou my mum tlg i jage lil rascals i, u cant act find tak senang duduk skejap.. yg i ade maser sendiri is when both r asleep... n tt is mostly biler mlm.. n mlm u nak dok bebual ngan hb pon kadang2 bdk2 ni tersadar.. u da kelam kabut..

my advise la eh.. da 2 bulan jadi mak pada 2 small kiddos ni is.. u nak kene extra sabar..(thou most times i jadi tarzan) n nothin beats bein calm.. cos both will cry at same timin n mane nak buat susu for both.. haha..

try to get help if u can.. hb ke.. mak ke.. n dont forget.. pls... pls.. hav a lil bit of rest n time off.. if not, u leh stress n jadi giler~ heheh..

anythin u wanna share, im here samer2 berjuangkan ni dua anak.. haha
Thnks mmy liz for d advise. Currently my mum help me to jaga both d kiddos as my hubby tk selalu ade. Kadang2 kesian jgk tgk my mum jaga diaorg. At tyms mmg ade jgk I kluar, mit up my ol frens but tetap mcm tk tenteram gitu pikirkan bdk2 kt rumah...haiz..maybe it wil tke sometyms for me to adapt to d situation


Well-Known Member
u intro lebih cket psl diri u la..u tgl ane..? umor brape..? keje ke SAHM..??


Thnks mmy liz for d advise. Currently my mum help me to jaga both d kiddos as my hubby tk selalu ade. Kadang2 kesian jgk tgk my mum jaga diaorg. At tyms mmg ade jgk I kluar, mit up my ol frens but tetap mcm tk tenteram gitu pikirkan bdk2 kt rumah...haiz..maybe it wil tke sometyms for me to adapt to d situation
i guess all mum e same.. i juz had an overnite chalet.. me n hubby wit his frens.. adoi~ nak njoy pon otak pikir kat ruma.. biler jage anak, makan hati.. biler kluar, termimpi2.. hehe.. i got tt when i got back to work when i had my 1st girl.. but it will go away la.. no worries.. u will be less worried as it goes along..
n one more.. kluar la ngan mak2.. jadi can bring e kids out also.. for me im juz so so waiting for my kecik tu besar sikit.. then can bring both out.. cheh~ mcm bole terhandle gitu..

hallo....mummies...i m a young momma to a hyperactive 7 months old baby...hope to find some mummies buddies here...
how young r u? can beat our record holder tak? heheh
our LIS here is 19.. mommy buddies? no prob.. sini sume members.. ;P


Well-Known Member orang baru...Panggil sy nurul :)
hallo....mummies...i m a young momma to a hyperactive 7 months old baby...hope to find some mummies buddies here...
slmt dtg ye..intro diri tu lebih cket..tgl ane..? umor brape..? etc...

eh Lizz..tahun nie aku da msk 20 la..ko nie..uat aku nmpk kenet sgt la..hahaha...:tlaugh:niwae,i ade satu ank boi..16 mths old..!!

helpme..!!! anak i diserang dengue..!!!! argh..!! stress nye aku..:eek:


Well-Known Member
slmt dtg ye..intro diri tu lebih cket..tgl ane..? umor brape..? etc...

eh Lizz..tahun nie aku da msk 20 la..ko nie..uat aku nmpk kenet sgt la..hahaha...:tlaugh:niwae,i ade satu ank boi..16 mths old..!!

helpme..!!! anak i diserang dengue..!!!! argh..!! stress nye aku..:eek:
Thats bad...
mcm aner bleh jadi....
Extra careful....


Well-Known Member
i guess all mum e same.. i juz had an overnite chalet.. me n hubby wit his frens.. adoi~ nak njoy pon otak pikir kat ruma.. biler jage anak, makan hati.. biler kluar, termimpi2.. hehe.. i got tt when i got back to work when i had my 1st girl.. but it will go away la.. no worries.. u will be less worried as it goes along..
n one more.. kluar la ngan mak2.. jadi can bring e kids out also.. for me im juz so so waiting for my kecik tu besar sikit.. then can bring both out.. cheh~ mcm bole terhandle gitu..

True lah lizz,i pun klau tgl kan si kecik kat umah mcm tak tenteram gitu...
I think all mumies mcm gitu..naluri ibu....
Nak tgl kan jek tak sampai ati...


lamak!baru ingat nak join u all,but it seems all of u r younger mums than me.he 37 this year.still can join ke tak nie? i got 7 kids.5 girls and 2 boys.amacam,ada yg nak challenge tak?


Well-Known Member
Gong Xi Fa Cai....Hong Bao, mei yo lai

Hi superwoman.....woah, super sih :001_302: Kalau dah superwoman tak nak challenge ah, takut kalah plak. alhamdulilah ramai putera puteri, murah rezeki, i think buat masa sekarang superwoman Champion kat thread ni.

Anyway, welcome to this thread.

So siapa mommies yang paling junior and yg paling senior kat thread ni ? I am in between i suppose.

Year 2009
EnFlor = Age 34 ( 3 young kiddos 7, 5, 3)

Sila sambung


Well-Known Member
Mmy_Lizz = 25yo (2 lil divas 20mth, 2mth)

i sambong...

i lah paling muda kat cni..hahahaha..!! :tlaugh:

20 tiz yr w 16 mth old boi..! (proud of it)

alamak superwoman..u btol nye superwoman la..takot nk challenge..confirm2 kalah nye..
niwae,welcum to the club..kite tak kesah klau u yg paling tue..hehe..:001_302:

yg penting young at heart..


anak i tkde dengue..cume kene virus infection..selamat..! alhamdulillah..


Well-Known Member
Sambong lg...

22yrs wif asuper active lil bb boY (5 mnth+)


Anyway welcome superwomen....WOW!!!!Very superrrrr


alahai tengkiu la adik2 sume.super tu super gak,tuhan aje yg tau camne susahnye dan tawakalnye nak jaga 7 org monyet.:elvis: thk god sume dah besau2 belaka.My eldest girl is 19 this yr,followed by my 17yo boy,16yo girl,13yo boy,9yo girl,5yo girl and lastly si kecik 3yo girl.haiz,hard work,babes.tapi happy seh.and i nvr regretted having these kids.:Dancing_tongue:


luper lak.yg kat avatar i tu,is me and my 17yo adik badik tak?he he prasan lak akak nie.gmbr diambil time i lum mandi so terok ar muka.lau ada gmbr baru nnt i post,pi camne ek? i nie ada dumb2 ckit psl benda2 IT nie.:shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
hmm..yela..muke u ngan anak lelaki u tu akan2 la..tpi die cerah lagi..ikot bapak die ke..? hehe..

niwae,ape name u..? tkkn la kite nk panggil u 'superwoman' jek kan..hehe..:001_302: u nie housewife ke..?'s the holidays? Feeling kind of stressed up over here :< my darling doter is super duper hyperactive. it is not that i can't handle or complainning tapi she like to "bully" me...alamak...dengan nenek, tok & daddy she is afraid but with to handle infant from 6 months onwards who is super duper active...? mommies please share...although my doter is young,i believe there are some kinds of discipline...:wong13:


Well-Known Member
luper lak.yg kat avatar i tu,is me and my 17yo adik badik tak?he he prasan lak akak nie.gmbr diambil time i lum mandi so terok ar muka.lau ada gmbr baru nnt i post,pi camne ek? i nie ada dumb2 ckit psl benda2 IT nie.:shyxxx:
Wow,ur anak2 semua dah besar....
U're tak tua lah...ur 1st child 19yrs condsider u ne very young jugak pe....
proud of u..
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