young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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home dekat ngan mum place.. sbelah vista jer.. but then handover only end of march.. but then will still rent out e place so can collect rental, save for reno.. hehe..

eh lis.. if u nak buat tu jer u go ala carte.. meanin go straight tu contrator.. murah.. less than 5k le dpt..[/quote]

yalah..buat tu jek..tpi masalah nye ngah crk yg paling best deal la..mane la ade duit sgt..i tk rent out my plc..sbb da tknk tgl ngan any of our parents side..leceh la..
so dpt umah jek..i cepat2 nk move in..hehe..! :001_302:


ya la.. of cos.. sape nak gi blow budget..

pening ni nak kluar duit sane sini.. but like i said.. u gi contractor/supplier direct more cheaper..

da tau ysn blk brape?


Well-Known Member
of course la tau..coz i yg pilih umah tu..
skrg cume tgl tunggu result AHG - Additional Housing Grant..klau da confirm dapat..da bnyk klua duit..hehe..


Well-Known Member
of course la tau..coz i yg pilih umah tu..
skrg cume tgl tunggu result AHG - Additional Housing Grant..klau da confirm dapat..da bnyk klua duit..hehe..
happy for u..
tak lama lg senang lah i nk jumpe u...hehehehhe
anyway,u juz go direct any ask qoutation for cabinet n grill tingkap..survey2 me....uat muka selambe jek...


Well-Known Member
haha..ya..tot of doing tat too..tpi tkpe la..nanti jek..tuggu da confirm AHG tu bru i gi tanye2..

niwae,u buat umah u brape..??


a'ah.. n tau jgk buat ape then u paid 10k.. so we all can gauge..

then payment u paid half cash half installment or u took up loan.. nak tau jgk..


Well-Known Member
I uat table top cabinet,changed wiring for whole hse,cat,cornis hall & bilik...
Attached wardrobe for both rooms,study table...feature wall kat hall...dining nyer light...spotlight

I byr cash,deposit first den abis semua aru byr the bal..


hmm... thanks..

so now leh gauge.. wah~ must save money liao..

orang recession, ade jgk orang2 yg nak buat ruma.. buang duit.. haha.. antara nye ialah saya.. tsk tsk tsk..

tapi best kan nak deco2 rumah.. cam exciting..

eh lis.. nnt ruma da siap jgn luper buat open house.. nnt mak2 sini sume serbu.. oppss.. im incl. hehe..
dont worry.. hari raya jempt ke ruma saya~.. hehe


Well-Known Member
Mrs Phua Chu Kang semua chat pasal reno rumah. Wah excited lah you all ya. My house baru masuk 7 tahun tapi dah macam tongkang pecah some of them or rather more like playgroup school.

Bila ah boleh main reno-reno lagi :001_302:

lizz, sebut PAR-KUET (parquet)....sebut betul-betul :tlaugh:What's wrong with me today,must be the ubat batuk that cause drowsiness to my brain cells.

Maaf kengkawan!


mommy enflor lame tak dgr.. sebok ngan anak2 eh?? heheh

i mmg nak buat platform par-quet kat living room.. heheh.. cakap pasal presch.. u shud see my mum house.. i da buat cam presch play area.. haha.. siap slide sume.. ngan padded alphabet yg tampal2 tu.. haha..

hey mommies.. one day we all must meet up for gath.. hehe.. gi lepak2.. mommyday out..


Well-Known Member
mommy enflor lame tak dgr.. sebok ngan anak2 eh?? heheh

i mmg nak buat platform par-quet kat living room.. heheh.. cakap pasal presch.. u shud see my mum house.. i da buat cam presch play area.. haha.. siap slide sume.. ngan padded alphabet yg tampal2 tu.. haha..

hey mommies.. one day we all must meet up for gath.. hehe.. gi lepak2.. mommyday out..
My umah blum lg lah...soon will be presch...heheheheh
Yup,we shld meet up...uat mcm potluck ke


Well-Known Member
my home all parquet (minus kitchen and toilets lah). When we first decided on it, we were thinking of children's safety (walaupun masa tu belum ada kids). Yalah kalau jatuh on wooden flooring kan not so bad. Also we have parquet platform for TV corner.

Hmm, don't ask me how much exactly. That was so many donkey years. But as far as i remember, when hub and I first started, we paid all in cash, purchased only essential items. We didn't want to be tied down with unnecessary debts. Tahun pertama sofa and dining set pun takda. Sebab barang tak banyak, everytime masuk rumah macam gua, ada echo.

Bila nak potluck eh.....kita tunggu lizz buat gate and pintu rumah terbuka. (Rumah baru pe) Aisey, puan rumah belum invite, i yang invite sendiri.:tlaugh:Amacam!!!!
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aiseh mann.. terharu seh..

but sorry la mommies.. total handover i ingat nak amik late quarter tis year..sbb i nak kumpul duit buat reno.. so nak kene wait la ehh..??..
but confirm buat potluck rumah i biler da siap nnt..

sambil tu i ingat si lis buat her house dulu so kiter serbu ruma dier dulu.. heheh..

sambil tu.. ape kater sape nak volunteer buat kat ruma2 mommy yg da sedia ade.. i on.. anytime.. nur_irfan.. ke... enflor ke..


Well-Known Member
aiseh mann.. terharu seh..

but sorry la mommies.. total handover i ingat nak amik late quarter tis year..sbb i nak kumpul duit buat reno.. so nak kene wait la ehh..??..
but confirm buat potluck rumah i biler da siap nnt..

sambil tu i ingat si lis buat her house dulu so kiter serbu ruma dier dulu.. heheh..

sambil tu.. ape kater sape nak volunteer buat kat ruma2 mommy yg da sedia ade.. i on.. anytime.. nur_irfan.. ke... enflor ke..
hehe..insya'allah..mintak2 mulot u masen la lizZ..mudah-mudahan i dpt umah cpat2..hehe..

i pon ngah tak sabar nie..tpi i tk reno umah i la..tkde fulus..stakat pasang grill tingkap ngan buat simple kitchen cabinet jek..the rest juz DIY jek..hmm..

klau i da dpt umah..insy'allah i akan jempot2 mummies kat cni..


Hi, I’m a new to this thread.
I’m going to be a first time mummy next month. My edd is 14 Feb and it’s a bb gal.
Wow! This thread moves so fast… J

Well, I’m not a young mummy but I still feel young at 34yrs old…hehe

I used to work but not anymore and find it’s more boring staying at home than working. But now happy to wait for the arrival of my bb gal J

Hopes to know lots of mummy at this forum and gets some tips and ideas.



hi ross..

welcome.. n congrats on yr journey towards e end of yr preg. ;)

well, 34 is not old la.. still young.. life begins at 40 u know.. hehe..

any queries, feel free.. our panel of counseller are ready to help.. (mcm paham~)

njoy yr stay here~


Well-Known Member
Hi Ross, welcome to this thread. Edd 14Feb....ooh la lah, love will always be around, insya-allah. :001_302: 'Boring staying at home than working' - i totally agree with you.

Age wise, both of us are seangkatan. Mommies yg lain in this thread many are young but with vast experience in Motherhood and lifeskills. Betul tak semua ? Most times, i even learn from many of them here in this forum.

Speaking about potluck, in previous post,......
Potluck my house ??? oh my, i mintak ampun ok, Nanti instead of having potluck makan-makan, you all semua kena tolong I pick up all my kids nya 'khazanah' yang bersepah satu rumah.

Eh, WeeFee mana hilang ? Have not seen her post for quite sometime.


Well-Known Member
welcum Ross..

ghairah la i tgk org nk ade ank..i mcm tk sabar nk cepat dpt umh..den bile da settle down betol2..

den nk plan no 2 plak..hehe..! :001_302:

niwae,if u need any help,u can juz drop ur quiries here..kite smuer leh tlg..
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