young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Well-Known Member
hi Ross...

Age are only numbers....


Potluck ekh,i anytime babes...Selagi blum keje ne...


Well-Known Member
welcum Ross..

ghairah la i tgk org nk ade ank..i mcm tk sabar nk cepat dpt umh..den bile da settle down betol2..

den nk plan no 2 plak..hehe..! :001_302:

niwae,if u need any help,u can juz drop ur quiries here..kite smuer leh tlg..
Cewah,dah tak sabar ekh.....


Well-Known Member
hehe..tpi most importantly biar ank i da paham most of the tings..
so die leh tlg i jage adeq die bile perlu..hehe..
tkla i terkial-kial sorang2 nk jage the lil one..


Well-Known Member
hehe..tpi most importantly biar ank i da paham most of the tings..
so die leh tlg i jage adeq die bile perlu..hehe..
tkla i terkial-kial sorang2 nk jage the lil one.. syasya bila i dtg my mum hse,dia yg tlg amek kn pampers n etc....senang sikit kn


act ok tau..

my si kakak tu da bole suruh2 sikit2.. n she knows how to syg her adek.. tapi satu yg i pening.. dier tak tau diam..

BISING!! adek dier nak sleep pon tak senang..

but true la.. terkejar2 jgk.. *shake head*

takpe la lis.. abiskan ruma dulu.. wait like me.. too many things nak pikir.. laki kemane.. anak kemane.. sendiri ke laut~ haha


Thanks mummies for the welcome :)
I feel bored at home pasal my hb was posted oversea to work just after christmas. I used to work and quit because i got a better offer but my medical check up reveal that i'm pregnant so all my hope is gone :(
Nak balik old co. paiseh plak pasal i die die nak quit so i hv to bear with it. I've been travelling on and off with hb for his work but then gynae told me to stop coz now is not good for travelling. I pun degil still want to travel and hb told me not to do so...takut i will deliver inside the plane plak. :)

Sedih my hb not with me just now but think i hv to get used to it lah.

I'm still worried pasal my baby still not engaged, her head is still up and doc told me to walk a lot. Any mummy experience this before?

I envy you young mummies still can cope with more than 2 kids and work still can do housework and look after hb :) We women are really super woman!!

Actually my sisters whom been married earlier than me die die want to have a baby, urut sana urut sini but yg sangkut her sister plak. I was sad to know that i cannot get the job bcs of my pregnancy but looking back at my sister trying v hard, i should be grateful. Now looking forward ea day rasa macam nak give birth tomorrow gitu. hehe.

Btw, salam perkenalan to mummies at this forum...


hey.. sounds like me.. dont worry too much abt e baby.. pandai2 la nnt biler nak kluar.. i know it's %#$@!& to wait n hope tt it will faster2 come out.. but all u hav to do is wait.. really! takde ape yg kiter bole buat.. jgn jadi mcm i.. risau mcm nak giler.. resah.. stress maser bb i yg baru ni tak nak kluar.. smp mintak makcik urut i buat air.. haha.
yes.. bby came out but overdue 4days..

yr hubby fly here n ther mesti gaji besar kan? so u tinggal cari members abiskan duit~~ hehehe.. shoppin spree byk2.. ape lagi nak buat? i know its bored.. u can get distressed at home n doin nothin while waitin for e bb to pop.. ive juz done wit tt.. now also bored have to take care 2 kiddos.. n no time for myself!

eh.. yr akak tryin for bb is it? i can recommend my makcik urut.. insyallah.. she has helped many ladies.. no.. she's not dulu2 nyer orang.. she act looks into more things than juz urut..

n so.. lizz mommy nak tido skrang.. tryin to catch up wit hubby.. sigh.. biler la nak lovin2 lagi.. time sume abis kat bdk2~ hehe..

if u nak members shoppin, cari i.. i suker~~~~ shopping.. but when i hav e cashflow.. heheh..

tc darlz.. ;)


Well-Known Member
same situation lah babes,bila time pregnant dulu i took early ML....Everyday kat umah without anyone at hm during Morning....

Mmg stressed that time,aner ade perasaan takot yelah kite srg kt umah aner tau tiba2 kan....

Rite knw alhamdulilah,atleast ade bb irfan with me....He's my everythings....
klau boring,i will normally go out..pegi dekat2 jek...


ne bebual kosong jek,

Btol ke klau our dotter/son hisap jari kaki nak adek??
For me,ntah ekh tak masok otak seh....
Mommies out there beri pendapat


Well-Known Member
Hey Ross, banyak2 bersabar ok now that you are going thru' your preg weeks on your own. I went thru' that phase before for two of my pregs. Kesian, pergi most check-ups pun sorang2. Jealous bila tengok other ladies with hub by their sides. But i gained support from close frens and family members. I hope you have that too.

Nur Irfan, my mak pun dulu said if the tod hisap jari kaki, sure dia dapat adik nya. But of course lah ni semua old wives' tales. Tapi kalau mushkil, ada sesiapa nak suruh si kecik hisap jari kaki banyak2 ? :001_302: Oh, gue sudah pencen buat anak. Skarang my kecik suka hisap itu lolli :err:

Kalau TER-dapat adik.....oh sungguh tak disangka:swoon:


Well-Known Member
nur irfan

entah ehk..i pon tk pasti sgt..tu kate org2 tue la..kasi alasan jek nk buat ank..hahaha..!! :tlaugh:

sbb org2 dlu mane ade bende nk drg create alasan bru la..

klau kate2 tu btol..den knape ank i lom ade adek lagi..? da lame da die hisap jari kaki die...~~~


Well-Known Member
nur irfan

entah ehk..i pon tk pasti sgt..tu kate org2 tue la..kasi alasan jek nk buat ank..hahaha..!! :tlaugh:

sbb org2 dlu mane ade bende nk drg create alasan bru la..

klau kate2 tu btol..den knape ank i lom ade adek lagi..? da lame da die hisap jari kaki die...~~~
True enuff lah,org dulu ne suka uat alasan yg kelakar seram...hehehehhe
bt ade petua pun yg bleh di pakai...


Well-Known Member
ello mummy smuer..!! senyap ajek..?! bz ke smuer..?? smp da tak msk cni pon..??

bukak la topic....


New Member
Hi Moms,

Im new in this forum...

I need advise from all the experience moms..

Me and hubby have been trying for BB for 1 year. And I have miss my period for 3 days as of today (Wed 21.01.09) but when i test on pregnancy kit last monday it was negative.. My question to all moms is.. I have been having lower abs and tummy cramps since 5 days ago and now my whole body is aching. And I notice there is milky/yellowish discharge. Is it an early symptom of pregnancy? Is it normal for discharge?

Please help.. I tengah stress ni.


Well-Known Member
Hi Zee, welcome to this thread. Usually, those things that you described wouldn't be felt in such a short span of time. But those might be some of the conditions that expecting mums (not all though) experience from at least 3rd/4th wk onwards......i think.

Then again, body orang lain-lain kan. Susah nak kata. Y don't you self-test again in the next few days using a different brand of kit.

And one important thing is, kalau nak TRY for baby, tak mahu lah stress sangat. Terlalu stress nanti, rezeki lambat datang. I've been there and gone thru' that phase.

Ok, ciao babes, gonna fetch my kids from school and back to the daily routine. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Hi Moms,

Im new in this forum...

I need advise from all the experience moms..

Me and hubby have been trying for BB for 1 year. And I have miss my period for 3 days as of today (Wed 21.01.09) but when i test on pregnancy kit last monday it was negative.. My question to all moms is.. I have been having lower abs and tummy cramps since 5 days ago and now my whole body is aching. And I notice there is milky/yellowish discharge. Is it an early symptom of pregnancy? Is it normal for discharge?

Please help.. I tengah stress ni.
Hi Zee,

I experienced that b4...My menses lagi tak teratur...kdg 2 mnth pun tak dtg bt den bile test is negative....Alhamdulilah aft g urut my menses dtg teratur n i get pregnant aft that...

It take me nearly 2 yrs to get pregnant....
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