young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
i da add you kt facebook..
yala.. kt holland very ngan club st ade ape ehk..? tk penah plak aku jejak sane... hmm.. *wondering*..

Mama Ina.. i plak jarang nk pegi town area.. as in suntec.. coz rmai sgt org.. unless i drive .. or relli depend on our mood.. both husband and me tk suke pegi tempat yg slalu packed.. benci sey.. tk selesa .. and as for vivo.. da lame i tk gi.. coz i dont find much down der..
Oooh.. Me sebenarnye slalu gi suntec or vivo pasal parking nye pasal convenient lah heeheee.. Cos hubby me kan delivery guy so we go out naik lorry dia tu.. Nak parking ada skit leceh cuma vivo and suntec je senang.. haahaaa... Hey lis, add me to k pat msn ..

Hey kawan2, apa kata one day kita semua, buat family day out.. We go to the zoo lah.. Nak tak?? Zoo seronok tau ada macam WWW.. We pun slalu gi sana kalau dah jelak sgt dgn mall kan.. Itu pun pasal senang parking heeheee.. And gi sana pun pasal bdk2 suka mandi pat swimming sana.. Nyok meh Nyok!! heeheee..


Well-Known Member
mama ina.. i've added u in msn.. go zoo..?? hmm... rase nye mcm tk untung klau nk gi zoo kt s'pore.. hahaha.. coz it's damn expensive..!! sakit hati sey..

ayu, in the method,u suroh add vanilla extract into the whipped butter & icing sugar.. tpi dlm ingredients tkde pon..? n how will it look like at the end of the day..? i relli have no idea sey.. hmm.. n lagi kene pkai piping bag..? argh... :elvis: i had it wen it comes down to piping bag.. hahaha.. :tlaugh:
niwae,can u attach me a pix of the melting moments wen it's done..? n issit cookies or wot..?

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Hello... Ok lah apa kata u all decide lah then can organise.. Kan best kan kalau smua dpt kua ramai2.. Boleh lah kita leh kenal2 each other more mah.. Ramai kan kawan g2 lor..

Cheers to everyone..


Active Member
Hello... Ok apa kata you all decide then can organise.. Kan best kan kalau smua dpt kua ramai2.. Boleh kita kenal2 each other more mah.. Ramai kan kawan g2 ..

Cheers to everyone..
Ok set... count me in.. we plan an outing. Hmmm all women aje ke or with hubbies? Hehehe..


Active Member
best kan buat outing....keep me update bout it ya...
niwae welcome aboard to all new members...buat la cam umah sendiri ye...

juz to share with you DD turns TWO we went out la jalan2 kat Vivocity...we had our meal at The Chicken Rice Shop...
my DD plak super hyper active smlm maybe coz its her birthday......bile kite da place order my DD da tak tau diam n shortly after that she start screaming happily pasal nampak gambar ayam hahahah...:001_302: n u guys tau la kids....
happen that gt 1 cinone couple sitting behind me...the guy was ok but the lady keep looking back kat my table showing unhappy face coz my DD being noisy...n she did that many times! so irritating tau...
n dalam baik my hubby cakap kuat2 kasi the lady dengar "eh! u want quiet go library la!":Dancing_tongue:

hahahha...cant blame them..they dun have kids n i doubt so they want one heh!

btw sape2 ada skype add me ya diana_yousof...


Well-Known Member
ape kata.. kite buat outing pergi ubin.. hehehe.. hmmm setuju tk..?

niwae,diana.. i try to add u kt skype..tpi tkle pon.. ape kata u add i.. ma nick is syafiannur...


Active Member
happen that gt 1 cinone couple sitting behind me...the guy was ok but the lady keep looking back kat my table showing unhappy face coz my dear daughter being noisy...and she did that many times! so irritating tau...
and dalam baik my hubby cakap kuat2 kasi the lady dengar "eh! you want quiet go library !":Dancing_tongue:

hahahha...cant blame them..they dont have kids and i doubt so they want one heh!

btw sape2 ada skype add me ya diana_yousof...
Dorang mmg mcm gitu.. tapi kalau anak dorang buat bising, dorang bebual pun lagi kuat.

Anyways, i dah add u kat skype.


Active Member
mama ina- u ada multiply eh.. add i lerr... i arabjunior... oh ya.. sat i tk tau ofis bukak ke tk but d change is free.. better go change coz 1 sept onward dh tk le pki kad lama..


Active Member
outing sounds goood... hehehe

lis- u juz add 1 1/2 tsp vanilla essence in.. juz for taste n smell. it will form dough den u juz pipe out je.. i tk da pic dia la.. i cuma tau d shape looks lyk biscuit dahlia... kira mcm sandwich atas bwh biscuit n tgh2 nutella... nanti i uat lagi i amik pic.. i piping ni tk pass la.. fed up.. dh la i ni kasar.. bila uat piping kesabaran bleh gone..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
best kan buat outing....keep me update bout it ya...
niwae welcome aboard to all new members...buat cam umah sendiri ye...

just to share with you dear daughter turns TWO we went out jalan2 kat Vivocity...we had our meal at The Chicken Rice Shop...
my dear daughter plak super hyper active smlm maybe coz its her birthday......bile kite da place order my dear daughter da tak tau diam and shortly after that she start screaming happily pasal nampak gambar ayam hahahah...:001_302: and you guys tau kids....
happen that gt 1 cinone couple sitting behind me...the guy was ok but the lady keep looking back kat my table showing unhappy face coz my dear daughter being noisy...and she did that many times! so irritating tau...
and dalam baik my hubby cakap kuat2 kasi the lady dengar "eh! you want quiet go library !":Dancing_tongue:

hahahha...cant blame them..they dont have kids and i doubt so they want one heh!

btw sape2 ada skype add me ya diana_yousof...
Ah betol betol betol!! Kalau i pun i will say it too.. Betol pe, kata public area mah.. Suka kita ar nak bising ke senyap.. U want quiet2 go to the park lah.. Lagi anak u kan masih kecik.. That gal no head i guess the brain in her ass lor.. haahaahaaa..

Ah korg2 gi lah plan mana mau pegi.. Kita plan outing seluruh keluarga meh join meh.. huuhuuuhhuuu...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
mama ina- you ada multiply eh.. add i lerr... i arabjunior... oh ya.. sat i tk tau ofis bukak ke tk but d change is free.. better go change coz 1 sept onward dear husband tk pki kad lama..

I ada tapi u leh add i tak.. heeheee.. sorry lah i bukan tanak add u.. Cuma i ni haiz.. Besar pemalas nak ON comp pat umah tu... Tapi skali sekala je check tru my hp lah.. Ni pat keje kena block ni tu pasal i naik malas.. U cari me ina81 mesti dapat nye.. I will try to go in by this weekend lah.. Banyak lum update ni.. Ah pasal card i think besok i try lah go.. Leceh betol ar card lama nanti tak leh pakai.. Asyik tukar2 je, menyusahkan betol lah..


Well-Known Member
Lis - Ok,Pm me ur new no.....

Anw,being a working mum quite tiring lor,wat to do nak kena korban semua nyer especially quality time with our kid....

For me,alhamdulilah my mum jaga si kecik alternate so tak brape penat lah.....Wen i bring my son balek the next day terpaksa wake up early sikit to sent him back....

For weekend pulak,normally mesti kluar punye..We go swimming ke,zoo,sentosa or shopping center....

Klau nak organize outing doing it weekend....


Active Member
Ladies... my husband suggests kita gi picnic ramai2. At least got space for kids to play n run around. Big space for kita orang berbual n ketawa kuat2. Hehehehe...


mmmmm....dah byk topics skrg eh...receipes too,mcm2...Apa khabar to all the mummies here?????....i miss lots topic already...


Well-Known Member
Ladies... my husband suggests kita gi picnic ramai2. At least got space for kids to play and run around. Big space for kita orang berbual and ketawa kuat2. Hehehehe...
hmm..olrite jugak..tpi nk kt mane nye beach..? s'pore nye beach(s) ade cket slack arh.. klau pat sentosa plak, terlalu bnyk maksiat.. hahaha.. :tlaugh:
maybe kt Kusu Island ke..? hehehe.. su, *mood horny..lain mcm jek..?* hahaha... :shyxxx:

hani..da lame tk msk..? e2 psl u miss lots of topics.. niwae u tgl ane ehk..? da lupe la..


Macam dah lama i tak masuk this forum and then tau2 nak ada outing. It's a good idea to go to the beach, easier to communicate and the kids will have more fun.
Whose the organiser???.... can count me in ...

At this hour i'm still up pasal tengah communicate with my husband about going to Norway. Now he got a project there and want us to come. I tengah fikirkan how to handle si kecik especially when she start to be very active. Nak tak nak terpaksa i kena drag her along. Now her emotional attachment pretty early so i dread she will associate my husband to a stranger.

Nur_Irfan, that's true being a working mum is not an easy task, it's difficult to have the best of both – works and family. Try to relax ya, at least at the zoo dapat jugak entertainment from kawan2.:001_302:.

Lis, kalau nak gi kusu island kena naik ferry kan, macam mana dengan periuk belanga nanti, siapa nak pikul...the food is important tau. hehe

Ok , my kekanda pun dah masuk line, i nak ciao dulu... sweet dreams to all...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
alo alo makcik2 smua, kecoh bercerita. Kesian Enflor, kena backtrack 3 past pages speed reading all the posts. I went M.I.A kejap. pegi Kuantan and KL da with family.

Holiday Updates
1) Telok Cempedak beach very nice, clean beach and waves bagus. Budak2 yg aksen surfing kat East Coast tuh, pegi sana baru boleh real surfing. East Coast waves apa ada!

2) Hyatt Kuantan, thumbs down. Tak brapa suka. Worst Hyatt ever. Poorly maintain.

3) Kalau gi Kuantan go to Tg Lumpur. Many seafood restrnts there facing the beach. I went to the place, duk makan bersila style, ala minah kampung.

4) Kat KL, went the big mall kat Damansara. Mall is like triple the size of Suntec City. Rounding tak abis2. Shops pun lagi up dari SG ones. Ingat hang out kat sana boleh rub shoulders ngan celebrities. Satu bayang dorang pun tak nampak. :001_302:

5) Sekarang penat giler coz kena cuci kain baju dah. No more 'Mak Datin' wannabe. Back to real world. :embarrassed:

So nak hang out ke with all the kecik2 ? I don't have the flair to organise events. So korang sound aje, insya-allah i come down with my kuncu2. Doubt hb will tag along coz he is homely type and also out of town most times.

All new members, welcome to this thread. Story abt carik rumah, teringat my time, choosing a unit, i sorang with my MIL buat pilihan unit kat HDB coz hb overseas. Paiseh jugak ngan dia masa tu.

Sowie, post super long. Rindu lah kat korang smua.....:tlaugh:


Active Member
alo alo makcik2 smua, kecoh bercerita. Kesian Enflor, kena backtrack 3 past pages speed reading all the posts. I went M.I.A kejap. pegi Kuantan and KL da with family.

So nak hang out ke with all the kecik2 ? I dont't have the flair to organise events. So korang sound aje, insya-allah i come down with my kuncu2. Doubt husband will tag along coz he is homely type and also out of town most times.

All new members, welcome to this thread. Story about carik rumah, teringat my time, choosing a unit, i sorang with my mother in law buat pilihan unit kat HDB coz husband overseas. Paiseh jugak ngan dia masa tu.

Sowie, post super long. Rindu kat korang smua.....:tlaugh:
Hey babe!! Wahhhh... bestnyer gi holiday!!! I loikeeee!!!


Well-Known Member
alo alo makcik2 smua, kecoh bercerita. Kesian Enflor, kena backtrack 3 past pages speed reading all the posts. I went M.I.A kejap. pegi Kuantan and KL da with family.

Holiday Updates
1) Telok Cempedak beach very nice, clean beach and waves bagus. Budak2 yg aksen surfing kat East Coast tuh, pegi sana baru boleh real surfing. East Coast waves apa ada!

2) Hyatt Kuantan, thumbs down. Tak brapa suka. Worst Hyatt ever. Poorly maintain.

3) Kalau gi Kuantan go to Tg Lumpur. Many seafood restrnts there facing the beach. I went to the place, duk makan bersila style, ala minah kampung.

4) Kat KL, went the big mall kat Damansara. Mall is like triple the size of Suntec City. Rounding tak abis2. Shops pun lagi up dari SG ones. Ingat hang out kat sana boleh rub shoulders ngan celebrities. Satu bayang dorang pun tak nampak. :001_302:

5) Sekarang penat giler coz kena cuci kain baju dah. No more 'Mak Datin' wannabe. Back to real world. :embarrassed:

So nak hang out ke with all the kecik2 ? I dont't have the flair to organise events. So korang sound aje, insya-allah i come down with my kuncu2. Doubt husband will tag along coz he is homely type and also out of town most times.

All new members, welcome to this thread. Story about carik rumah, teringat my time, choosing a unit, i sorang with my mother in law buat pilihan unit kat HDB coz husband overseas. Paiseh jugak ngan dia masa tu.

Sowie, post super long. Rindu kat korang smua.....:tlaugh:
Best holiday.....
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