April 09 MTBs!


New Member
hi .. plannin tu sell off my '1st few yrs' manual pump ad 25bucks with postage ..
bought ad 49.90 but used onli once due to low milk supply ..
interested korr miie ad 92313283 ..
jus given birth on 1st april


Trying so hard to feed bb breast milk... but seems like I'm not producing enough so I have to mix with formula milk....


hi cream

me too.. even after a mth, still not enough to feed my girl though the milk did increase now.

Even if your milk is not enough is ok cos i heard what we produce colostrum. It provides nutrients to the baby and helps prevent some infections and allergies. mine change to white colour after a week or so.

try not to give too much FM as they say if a child grows fat from drinking FM, then it would be difficult for them to slim down in future. Now i started to worry cos my girl seems to be drinking a lot of milk for her age. hahah.

BTW, do try to feed your baby more milk and let her pass urine as much as possible to prevent jaundice.

and do not eat too much ginger during your confinement even though they say it helps to get rid of the wind cos if your baby is drinking BM , then the amount of ginger you intake will affect her jaundice level. my baby is still having a bit of jaundice due to me eating too much ginger . sigh..


Active Member
Baby is 3 weeks' old now and although my milk ss has increased, I suspect it isn't enough for her...Am contemplating supplementing with formula milk but my husband and mother are against it... :( Sigh.

BTW, do any of you have a problem with comfort sucking??? Baby tends to fall asleep at my breast and when I try tickling her cheek to wake her up, she gives those light sucks. It's really frustrating especially when she cries once I put her down in her cot...the worse thing is she alternates vigorous sucking with light sucking so I never know whether she is truly hungry or not!!!

Any of you facing this problem????


Active Member
Oh, and how do you "entertain" baby when he/she is awake??? Mine seems to like those red, black and white flashcards but after 15mins of looking at them, she starts wailing again. And I can't carry her because she would immediately search for my nipple...


hi cream

me too.. even after a mth, still not enough to feed my girl though the milk did increase now.

Even if your milk is not enough is ok cos i heard what we produce colostrum. It provides nutrients to the baby and helps prevent some infections and allergies. mine change to white colour after a week or so.

try not to give too much FM as they say if a child grows fat from drinking FM, then it would be difficult for them to slim down in future. Now i started to worry cos my girl seems to be drinking a lot of milk for her age. hahah.

BTW, do try to feed your baby more milk and let her pass urine as much as possible to prevent jaundice.

and do not eat too much ginger during your confinement even though they say it helps to get rid of the wind cos if your baby is drinking BM , then the amount of ginger you intake will affect her jaundice level. my baby is still having a bit of jaundice due to me eating too much ginger . sigh..

Hi hstan15,

Yes, I did mix BM and FM for my girl... But I read that if baby having juandice, we should avoid feeding BM (and my CL said so too)... So what we did is to feed her FM followed by abit of water to help her pass out as much urine as possible. My girl is now drinking 60ml per feed. Sometimes my CL will ask me to let baby suckle a little of BM if she doesn't seem satisfied after finishing the FM. My girl's juandice level has gone down from the last check two days ago. Now, hubby and my parents brought baby for follow up check, so will only know the status when they return. I hope the level has gone down.

As for ginger, my CL will cook stuff with some ginger, but i don't eat alot of ginger. So I think that should be pretty alright...

I am now pumping out the BM to keep cos when baby latch on, I am unable to guage how much she has drunk. The first day we came home from KKH, baby suckle for one and a half hour, and still not satisfied, so I suppose it's cos there isn't enough milk. I now express out the BM so that I can see how much I am actually feeding her.

Haizzzz....... babies are just soooooo cute! Esp when she latch on and suckle... so 可爱!


Oh, and how do you "entertain" baby when he/she is awake??? Mine seems to like those red, black and white flashcards but after 15mins of looking at them, she starts wailing again. And I can't carry her because she would immediately search for my nipple...
Wow... so fast you are using flash cards for her already? I realise that my girl don't really look at me when she is idling... no matter how I sing to her or talk to her... she looks at me lovingly only when she latches on... haha...

Is it because baby is still too young to respond to me? When I call her name, she doesn't look at me... and I am concerned.


Alpha Male
Wow... so fast you are using flash cards for her already? I realise that my girl don't really look at me when she is idling... no matter how I sing to her or talk to her... she looks at me lovingly only when she latches on... haha...

Is it because baby is still too young to respond to me? When I call her name, she doesn't look at me... and I am concerned.
Hi cream....

for newborns - visual is not properly formed yet. She will not be able to see defined shapes/objects.... just basic colours (black/white/red).

However they can HEAR sound stimulation.... it can be anything... a voice, tinkling object etc.... observe her carefully.... when you speak or sing to her... there should be a noticeable response from her - it can be simple things like opening her eyes...or her eyeballs roll towards the direction of the sound... or she will smile or laugh or a change in face expression...


Hi cream....

for newborns - visual is not properly formed yet. She will not be able to see defined shapes/objects.... just basic colours (black/white/red).

However they can HEAR sound stimulation.... it can be anything... a voice, tinkling object etc.... observe her carefully.... when you speak or sing to her... there should be a noticeable response from her - it can be simple things like opening her eyes...or her eyeballs roll towards the direction of the sound... or she will smile or laugh or a change in face expression...
Hi Nucleus,

Thanks for your advise... So where can I get the flash cards to help stimulate her learning experience?

When I carry her and sing to her, she will look at me... but I heard that we must put our face closer to them as they cannot see from too far yet... But when she is lying down in her cot, and I talk to her, she would be looking around and not look towards my direction. But when she is sleeping and I sing to her, she will smile.. haha... I am just worried about the lack of response... but the hospital had done hearing test, and it was ok, so maybe I should relax a little....

Maybe being first time mother, I am putting alot of stress on myself... I would stay awake at night to keep watch on her... I worry that she may need me anytime, so I dare not sleep... sigh... at the slightest sound or stir from her, I would quickly jump up and check on her. So if I sleep, I wouldn't know when she stir... Is that being overly paranoid?


Alpha Male
haha, about the checking on her at the slighest sound"... YES , u are being paranoid... BUT... i think it's normal... I remember going through that phase as well... especially during my son's first 2 weeks....

I believe at this young... when they make sounds for no apparent reason... it is involuntary... as in I think they can't control it, and it's probably nothing.

The main thing to check from time-to-time is to make sure she has a clear brathing air-way... (ie. not blocked by pillow/blanket or lying face down...) leaving a very dim light over the cot is useful for this.

You don't really need flash cards at this age... just buy one or two soft-toy with red/black/white colours is good enough. You can easily find these ar robinsons or similar baby departments. Soft-toy because you can just place it in the cot with baby it will not accidentally hurt her if she knocks into it.
some simple toy with flashing / blinking lights and music will be great... like those that you can hang over the cot (cot mobile). They will be useful for baby to distract them when changing nappy or diaper... and will be effect until baby is about 6 months... Don't have to buy new.... just hunt in the "For sale" section of any baby forum... sure to find somebody selling.. and usually in pretty good condition... u can easily save 30-50$ off the brand new price..:Dancing_wub:


hi cream

funny as nurses at tmc say its best to feed bM as its very gd for baby.

anyway for juandice, i have heard so many remedies such as
1) feeding 1 or 2 tsp of green gapes juice
2) bathing baby in a tub of water mixed with 1/2 can of stout
3) buy from medical hall 黄姜粒, add a few to tub of water for bathing
4)sun bathing of cos but not after 9 am


Active Member
So where can I get the flash cards to help stimulate her learning experience?
Hi Cream,

Mine was given out free at a Fathering Matters talk in KK. Or you can always make your own (e.g. black, white and red squares - you can colour them in or print it out) and paste them around the cot. Or like what Nucleus suggested, you can get a stuff toy with red, black, white as the primary colours.


Thanks to everyone for the very valuable advise... My girl's juandice level has gone down (phew!)...

Today I tried to show her an ang bao (red color)... haha... she stared at it for some time.

My hubby says I am too uptight about baby... he reminded me that she is only 9 days old... I know that my character is one who worries alot about everything... and I always feel negatively and very prone to being depressed... But not depression la. haha... Maybe I must learn to be more relax. But cos it's my first baby, I find it so difficult to relax. Haizzz....


Active Member
My hubby says I am too uptight about baby... he reminded me that she is only 9 days old... I know that my character is one who worries alot about everything... and I always feel negatively and very prone to being depressed... But not depression la. haha... Maybe I must learn to be more relax. But cos it's my first baby, I find it so difficult to relax. Haizzz....
I'm just like you Cream. I'm a big-time worrier and and tend to be rather negative as well so I know how you feel.

I had better learn to be more relaxed and positive too.


I'm just like you Cream. I'm a big-time worrier and and tend to be rather negative as well so I know how you feel.

I had better learn to be more relaxed and positive too.
We can hold hands liao.. haha...
I think we better encourage each other to be more positive bah... Otherwise, the rest of the April MTBs will be sick of my constant whining... hehe...


Active Member
We can hold hands liao.. haha...
I think we better encourage each other to be more positive bah... Otherwise, the rest of the April MTBs will be sick of my constant whining... hehe...
Yeah, we really should be more positive. Motherhood would definitely be a happier experience! Regarding breastfeeding, I keep telling myself that it isn't easy and should things turn out not as well as I hoped it would, feeding formula wouldn't make me a bad mother.