April 09 MTBs!


Yeah, we really should be more positive. Motherhood would definitely be a happier experience! Regarding breastfeeding, I keep telling myself that it isn't easy and should things turn out not as well as I hoped it would, feeding formula wouldn't make me a bad mother.
I am mixing BM and FM because I am not producing alot of BM yet... but it is improving... And yes, that doesn't make us a bad mother... My CL is making all kinds of soup for me to help increase the BM.

The only problem is that I don't rest alot. Since I was discharged last Fri till now, I hardly wanna sleep or lie down to rest... most of the time I will be standing at the baby cot looking at bb. Other than that, I will be on my laptop... haha... Maybe must rest & relax then can really help BM production.
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Active Member
The only problem is that I don't rest alot. Since I was discharged last Fri till now, I hardly wanna sleep or lie down to rest... most of the time I will be standing at the baby cot looking at bb. Other than that, I will be on my laptop... haha... Maybe must rest & relax then can really help BM production.
I was exactly the same during the first two weeks! I hardly slept and kept focusing on bb! But somewhere during the second week, I started falling asleep while breastfeeding bb and almost dropped her a few times. Then I finally realised I really needed sleep or I would be a danger to my bb!

I think you should try to rest as much as you can, especially when bb is sleeping. As for being relaxed, I heard that it really does help increase BM! Don't be too stressed (although I know it is easier said than done...). Be more confident in your mothering abilities (I'm trying too...) and keep telling yourself you aren't superwoman.


I was exactly the same during the first two weeks! I hardly slept and kept focusing on bb! But somewhere during the second week, I started falling asleep while breastfeeding bb and almost dropped her a few times. Then I finally realised I really needed sleep or I would be a danger to my bb!

I think you should try to rest as much as you can, especially when bb is sleeping. As for being relaxed, I heard that it really does help increase BM! Don't be too stressed (although I know it is easier said than done...). Be more confident in your mothering abilities (I'm trying too...) and keep telling yourself you aren't superwoman.
I am starting to sleep more these past two days... Every night I will fall asleep at about 12am while watching TV, and wake up at 6am. Then I will take a one hour nap in the afternoon.

Next week hubby will be returning to work liao... I sure very sian!


hi cream
you still have yoru confinement lady with u right? chat with her.

I am alone with baby now after 1 mth and i can say, time passes very fast. one hr for feeding and pumping milk, next 1/2 to 1 hr coaxing baby to sleep, that leave sme 1 hr to do housewk. and somemore in bet baby will cry or scream if she has nightmare and i got to sayang her.

btw, u still have pain? got antiseptic lotion to apply? try not to take too many pain killers if BF


Hi hstan15,

Got antiseptic lotion to apply one meh? Hmm... they never give me leh. But luckily I didnt feel any pain, so I have stopped my pain killer for a few days already.

It's just that the weather these few days is crazy... 35 - 36 degrees... I am melting at home. What a period to do confinement... I keep using a damn cloth to dap on my incision so as to keep it clean. If not I will feel that my wound (altho stitches removed and looks like it has healed) seems to feel a little uncomfortable.

By the way, I always chat with my CL. She must think I am very talkative... haha


have.. tmc did give.. to relieve the pain and kill baterials

why dont u sleep in aircon room? jus don on the fan can liao. i have been switching on teh aircon for the past one month liao.. cos my girl easily sweats so need to be in air condition room

not bad for c section that recovers so fast. i went thru vaginal del and the wound took me 2 wks to recovered. cant even walk or sit for the first 1.5 wks

hmm.. feels like we can be good friends thru this forum.. hahha


I am amazed too about the recovery speed of my C-sec. I have heard of pain lasting for months, even up to a year. Thats why I was so scared. But to be honest (touchwood), I did not feel a single bit of pain from the minute doc sliced me until now. hehe...

I did turn on the aircon once in a while. But day time I try to tahan la... If not electrical bill sure sky high. In the past, we seldom cook and seldom use so much electricity. This month, I see the CL cook (as if imperial kitchen), the maid cook (imperial sub kitchen, for my mother in law), the amount of water used, washing baby clothes, my clothes, etc... I got a feeling the next bill will be a strong bullish trend. haha... So if I can tahan then try to save money lor... can buy more things for BB mah...

I must say that I sense alot of friendship and care & concern through this forum. And it is indeed a blessing to us (mothers-to-be, new mothers, experienced mothers) that we can meet here... Everyone has been very kind and generous in sharing their experience and knowledge. We should have a April MTBs gathering sometime... haha... then we can all meet and put a face to a name.


act u can ask ua cl not to cook all confinement food.. maybe jus one or two dishes.. rest cook those everyone can eat..

luckily for me, my mother in law did the confinement for me and i often ask her not to cook lunch for me cos i can eat anything.. so she jus cook dinner for me, her and my hubby.


well, she just cook one or two dishes for me... One soup and one fish/meat. Cos I can't eat much anyway. And then my maid will fry one veg and another dish so that everyone else can eat. Reason being I told my CL she need not cook for the whole family and need not do any household chores, just concentrate on baby and one or two confinement dish for me can liao. My CL is very nice, she still will cook for my mother in law and even my parents if they visit, and you can special order somemore... haha... You know la, maid's recipe book only so limited.


aiyo.. cl suppose to do housewk and look after u n baby u know? cos looking after baby is such a simple job to them.. jus bath, feed n make them sleep.. hahah.. thats what i see from my mother in law.. nothing much to do in the afternoon and at night cos i did the housewk myself and look after baby at night


lucky u
my wound still painful...
dunno why gonna 1 mth le
sometimes walk also pain
but nw when sneeze the pain is bearable....
u really no pain at all ah?
got eat pain killer?

I am amazed too about the recovery speed of my C-sec. I have heard of pain lasting for months, even up to a year. Thats why I was so scared. But to be honest (touchwood), I did not feel a single bit of pain from the minute doc sliced me until now. hehe...

I did turn on the aircon once in a while. But day time I try to tahan la... If not electrical bill sure sky high. In the past, we seldom cook and seldom use so much electricity. This month, I see the CL cook (as if imperial kitchen), the maid cook (imperial sub kitchen, for my mother in law), the amount of water used, washing baby clothes, my clothes, etc... I got a feeling the next bill will be a strong bullish trend. haha... So if I can tahan then try to save money lor... can buy more things for BB mah...

I must say that I sense alot of friendship and care & concern through this forum. And it is indeed a blessing to us (mothers-to-be, new mothers, experienced mothers) that we can meet here... Everyone has been very kind and generous in sharing their experience and knowledge. We should have a April MTBs gathering sometime... haha... then we can all meet and put a face to a name.


hehe... I know... But since got maid then I let the maid do the household chores lor, then I need not repeat how I like to have my things done mah... lazy... haha.

But as long as CL takes care of bb well, thats the most important. Other things I don't mind lor. Even if I don't have maid, I would still ask the auntie to put her priority on my bb. So precious mah... :)

aiyo.. cl suppose to do housewk and look after u n baby u know? cos looking after baby is such a simple job to them.. jus bath, feed n make them sleep.. hahah.. thats what i see from my mother in law.. nothing much to do in the afternoon and at night cos i did the housewk myself and look after baby at night


Were you on GA or epidural? I was on epidural, so the effect lasted till the next morning of my C-sec. After that, the hospital would give painkiller to eat. I did ask my gynae if I can don't eat the painkiller, he told me not to be a hero.. haha... so I eat them faithfully lor. I discharge two days after my op, and after I return home, I took the painkillers for the next 3 days then I never eat le. Anyway it's just paracetamol they gave.

And yes, really no pain. The site is only like a hairline cut. Very amazed and very impressed.

lucky u
my wound still painful...
dunno why gonna 1 mth le
sometimes walk also pain
but nw when sneeze the pain is bearable....
u really no pain at all ah?
got eat pain killer?


wow.. so good.. and i always tot c-section pain will last for a few weeks..

your baby is so cute.. how heavy?
Same here... I thot c-sec will be damn painful for a looooong time. I'm glad that I have chosen my gynae, and chosen c-sec. haha...

I didnt get a chance to weigh my bb yet... Today hubby brought her to polyclinic for juandice follow, reading went down le so doc says no need to go back anymore. But hubby forgot to ask the doctor to weight bb. Where do you all bring bb to weigh ah?

You bb also very cute... aiyo... babies are just so irresistable. Bueh tahan leh... heheh...


oh when my hubby bring bb to tmc for juandice follow up session, they weigh herthee..

jus weigh her again at gp when did the hb injection


mi on epidural leh....
but i ever eat the pain killer
so maybe thats y
good for u =D
maybe i too skinny thats y
or my gynae no skill?
i happened to have 2 fybroids in 2 different areas when he took my bb out.
he did inform me that he sun pian remove it for me so maybe he cut it so painful?

Were you on GA or epidural? I was on epidural, so the effect lasted till the next morning of my C-sec. After that, the hospital would give painkiller to eat. I did ask my gynae if I can don't eat the painkiller, he told me not to be a hero.. haha... so I eat them faithfully lor. I discharge two days after my op, and after I return home, I took the painkillers for the next 3 days then I never eat le. Anyway it's just paracetamol they gave.

And yes, really no pain. The site is only like a hairline cut. Very amazed and very impressed.


Possible... Maybe it's cos yours is more than just delivery of the baby so it hurts more.

No wonder my gynae told me not to be hero and just eat the pain killer. Im sure glad I listened to his advise. hehe...


my gynae never tell me to eat after the surgery than i also blur blur...
than the nurse ask mi wan eat the painkiller? i was thinking the pain still bearable so i say no need =D
than when gynae came to visit ask me got eat i sae no his eys damm big like wan eat me up scared sia...
he sae must than i eat but like the same leh no difference than thought as was breastfeeding dun wan affect baby so i no eat the painkiller in the end =)
but till nw the top portion of the stiches still a bit numb
than the line below the belly button still painful when i touch it =(

Possible... Maybe it's cos yours is more than just delivery of the baby so it hurts more.

No wonder my gynae told me not to be hero and just eat the pain killer. Im sure glad I listened to his advise. hehe...