April 09 MTBs!


Active Member
Wow... thanks... you are very knowledgable on all these...

By the way, I realise that I can see a very obvious vein on Kaydes' head. I dont know to call it vein or blood vessel or what. Is this normal? I do see other veins too... But they are not as protuding as this one.

Advise please...

Sorry I am full of problems and full of S**T... lol

As for stretch mark, I am going to slimfit to try out their stretch mark removal program. I called them today, but have yet to fix an appt. Anyone interested in going together?
I checked Jules' head and no vein protruding leh...but I don't think it is anything to worry about. Has it been there since birth? Or did it just "pop out" recently?

I want to get rid of my stretch marks too but no one to babysit leh. Let me know if the program is effective!

BTW, I was supposed to go for my followup OBS appt tomorrow. Supposed to be in May but I postponed it because my period came so I changed it to tmr. And guess what?? My period is here again! In just 3 weeks! Is it normal for the cycle to be like that after birth??? And is it ok to keep postponing this appt??? It is just for a regular pap smear test right?


Active Member

, i tried those anti-cellulite cream for my first preggie and maybe I was not as "hardworking" to apply it, my cellulite still clings onto me more tightly than my baby, ha ha ha..
Hehe! Am going to try the Clarins one. Let's hope it works at least a bit!


HI cream

ys.. block nose and a lot of phlegm. been that since sat and now still.. this wk dont even dare to bring her down to infant care which i suspect she was infected there.

so worried abt her nt able to breath also.. but din really monitor that closely. heard that as long as baby can drink, pass motion , shld be ok.

will be looking for a nanny now.. so poir thing to see infant taking medicine (though i think she loves it as its sweet. hahah).

btw, so the 6 in 1 is to be taken on which mth? i was told by doctor that actually if we took 6 in 1, we can skip one jap of the Hep B. so confuse.


hi. any baby with tremble legs occassionally? i saw that vivien (my baby) tremble legs a few days a day, is it normal??
!!! like that my doc there super ex....
i went there only for the 6 in 1 jab first jab plus consultation $172!!
somemore waited for 3 hours before our turn and it was a private baby clinic not polyclinic.....
Wah!! Pinkytham your dr cost u very expensive leh...somemore need to waited around for 3 hours.. my 1 wait less than 30 mints..Coz b4 our Q the clinic nurse will call my hp so i no need go to clinic wait so long.. the clinic is near by my house..


New Member
aiyah, didn't go in the end. Could not find anything decent to wear :( and realised that I have to do my own styling. Hubby say that baby would be sleeping also and it would be so boring, so would probably wait for another 2 months when he is more alert. Will keep u updated.


New Member
Sugar Cookie, at least you are not alone. My period came after a month from giving birth and then in 2 weeks time, I got the period again! rushed to the gynae immediate and asked him whether I would bleed to death,, he said no lah, just monitor my situation. He explained that would be like dat one cos hormonal messed up mah. Anyway, he didn't give me hormonal pills cos I still bf sometimes. Would be trying to take the EYS pak foong pills this week and probably supplement with evening primrose oil.


New Member
Hi all, finally brought Javier to PD today for the jabs. still dun trust the polyclinic cos today I also realised that my 5 yo didn't take the pneumoccal vaccine as well. PD didn't believe me and even asked to see my ger's healh booklet. anyway, I dun remember that the polyclinic advised us then that there were optional shots (as advised by CJMom) and hence I was shocked to realise that my dd was "shortchanged" after all these years. some of the risks could have been avoided in the first place.

BTw, I thought it would be a good initiative for April mummies to share with each other what we learnt from the docs/PDs re baby care. here's my take from what I learnt today from the PD visit:
1. Kids going to infant care need to take the pneumoccal shots at 2 mths cos high risk environment
2. As I am bringing my baby to malaysia for hols next week, PD then gave rota vaccine today. also, advise us to bring the steam steriliser. cannot just use sterilising tablets or hot water cos too young.
3. green poo not a big problem as long as poo is soft (my boy poo once in 2 days and poo's green
4. do give panadol straight away after vaccination. i'm stil giving every 6 hours today to alleviate the pain tho fever not high
5. put baby on tummy for 2 mins every day to let him exercise his neck muscles

would add on other items when i remember...


I checked Jules' head and no vein protruding ...but I dont't think it is anything to worry about. Has it been there since birth? Or did it just "pop out" recently?

I want to get rid of my stretch marks too but no one to babysit . Let me know if the program is effective!

BTW, I was supposed to go for my followup OBS appt tomorrow. Supposed to be in May but I postponed it because my period came so I changed it to tomorrow. And guess what?? My period is here again! In just 3 weeks! Is it normal for the cycle to be like that after birth??? And is it ok to keep postponing this appt??? It is just for a regular pap smear test right?

Wanna change your appointment to next Tuesday?? I am going then..


By the way, I went to Slimfit for the consultation today . And I also sign up . Will let you all know if it is effective or not. But according to the consultant, stretch mark is a skin problem from the inner layers of our skin, not surface, so creams might not be able to help that much. Also, some(most) creams contains steriods so it is not recommended if breastfeeding. Anyway, I am a lazy person ... my creams all sitting in my toilet watch me pee, poo and shower... and I never even bother to apply... lol

If this Slimfit one is effective, I will let you all know. But it will take a while cos the sessions are done once every two or three weeks. That is to allow the inner skin to heal before the next session, so no point doing it too frequent the consultant said
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Active Member
Sugar Cookie, at least you are not alone. My period came after a month from giving birth and then in 2 weeks time, I got the period again! rushed to the gynae immediate and asked him whether I would bleed to death,, he said no , just monitor my situation. He explained that would be like dat one cos hormonal messed up mah. Anyway, he didn't give me hormonal pills cos I still bf sometimes. Would be trying to take the EYS pak foong pills this week and probably supplement with evening primrose oil.
How long did it take before your cycle was regular??


hmm my dearest mummy is taking care of my princess when i get back to work =D
huh..laser ex nvm la i intend to gif birth somemore haha if laser than later pregnant again got again than waste money


Who will be taking care of your baby when you return to work?
My stretch marks is in the inner thighs and hips... Tho not say alot... but it is still visible ... I thought they will go away eventually... now how? My friend told me that if wanna rid of it must go laser .


ya....was at kidslink at cck the singapore post building there =(
but though its long u will feel relieved when u see the doc cause he is very concerned about the baby maybe thats y he take his own sweet time to ask questions regarding baby to understand the situation better =D

Wah!! Pinkytham your dr cost you very expensive ...somemore need to waited around for 3 hours.. my 1 wait less than 30 mints..Coz before our Q the clinic nurse will call my hp so i no need go to clinic wait so long.. the clinic is near by my house..


hmm my dearest mummy is taking care of my princess when i get back to work =D
huh..laser ex nvm i intend to give birth somemore haha if laser than later pregnant again got again than waste money
What I was told is that the longer you leave it, the harder it is to remove. So I started immediately yesterday. haha...


I dont remember that the polyclinic advised us then that there were optional shots (as advised by CJMom) and hence I was shocked to realise that my dear daughter was "shortchanged" after all these years. ..
shaynamommy, that's right. Polyclinic do not offer these optional shots until recent months. Hence during your ger's time, they would not have mentioned these optional shots to you. Only private clinics will ask if you cos they also want to make $ mah. Even today, although polyclinic now offer these optional shots, they still do not ask you unless you ask about it.


Wow... thanks...
By the way, I realise that I can see a very obvious vein on Kaydes' head.
No prob, Cream, we share what we know lor. My 1st boy also had a protruding vein. What the doc said then was that his skull is still forming so it is natural to have some "distortion" so asked me to leave it alone which true enuff, it then "faded" off till I forgotten about it. So not to worry. If still not fang xing, always check with your doc to get expert review.


btw, so the 6 in 1 is to be taken on which month? i was told by doctor that actually if we took 6 in 1, we can skip one jap of the Hep B. so confuse.
Hi hstan15, the 6-in-1 follows the same schedule as the 5-in-1. But instead of having a separate Hep B 3rd jab in the 6th month on top of the rest of the vaccines, it will be given together with the rest of the vaccines in 1 single shot. So practically it is less 1 shot.
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