April 09 MTBs!


CJMom, your CL is really one-of-a-kind too. What a handful! And your descriptions of her are really funny!
She's simply out of this world and I have been too soft-hearted as I guess many would have fired her after 1 week. She is kind but this job is prob not suitable for her. She herself said dunno why she gets sleepy easily and oh ya keep telling me she loves watching TCS shows at 7pm and 9pm, which she did watch on the 1st day. Subsequently I just "Huh" and ignored her everytime she said that. Sleepy still want to watch TV?? Sleep first lor.. no wait bb cry how to take care in the middle of the night?


Poor you... Must have been a nightmarish month... I wonder if I were you, would there have been a murder case at my neighbourhood... haha...

Kaydes has been fussing a bit more yesterday... Didnt wanna sleep. I think she is starting to get distracted from all the activities that go on in the house. She is also not feeding well... 90ml also cannot finish... I suspect it may be due to discomfort in her tummy... cos she kept kicking her legs and bringing her knees to her tummy.

CJmom, when was your bb's date of birth? You staying at northeast, must be pretty near to me... lol


Mine drinking 90ml per 2hrs; sometimes have to top up by latching on. Hope your supply increases soon. ... I get about 210ml to 270ml in total for 3-4hrs. ...For now crossing my fingers supply can meet - have managed to freeze 3 bags of excess milk for emergency :001_302:.
....What pump are u using now? Perhaps if possible, see if u can try a manual pump.
Hi CJmom!

I'm using Medela Pump in Style. Haven't pumped for a few days as gf told me to go commando style, i.e. latch on whenever baby's hungry. Thot she would be crying for blood, like first 2 wks. Once, she sucked until nuk teat "collapsed" or shape crooked. once, her upper lip got sucked in like those toothless old granny. Imagine my pain:embarrassed:

On the first day, she was stuck to my breasts for 3 hrs straight. yesterday, she only fed on FM twice from 6 pm to 6 am.

Today my will is buckling... only latched for max 30 min. I'm very tired cos she's basically hungry almost all the time, haven't slept well & can't get anything done... feed, burp, nappy change, take my meals.
no time even for toilet & bath at times. much less check email, nap. I'm basically breastfeeding & reading this. I'm losing track of feeding times cos it's like all the time.

Will try pumping later to see if supply has increased.

ps. my CL is quite good!


Hi April mummies... hows everyone coping without the CL now?

I think I am coping ok so far... except that I haven't been sleeping for more than 3 hours straight anymore... so tired! *yawn*


hi cream

i am coping alone with baby in the day time every mon to thur and bring over to my mum pl in the late afternoon. so far so good is baby dont cry.. haha
next monday baby going infant care.. u? who look after your baby when u get back to wk?


hi cream

i am coping alone with baby in the day time every mon to thur and bring over to my mum pl in the late afternoon. so far so good is baby dont cry.. haha
next monday baby going infant care.. u? who look after your baby when u get back to wk?
When I go back to work, my mum will be looking after Kaydes for me. But in the meantime, I am taking care of her solely. I dunno why, but I dun even want the maid to touch Kaydes too much. Maybe I am afraid that Kaydes will be overly attached to her.

I have applied for two months ML, thinking of extending now. Initially I thought I would go crazy to have to stay home too long with a baby. Now that Kaydes is here. I think I am crazy to have thought that way. Now, I would want to spend every single min with her. Just that I cannot quit my job. So I am gonna speak to my boss to see if the remaining ML can be taken one day each week for the next 40 weeks. Of cos with the possibility that I may take more days when there are check ups or jabs to go for. But I think that if I work 4 days a week, I would be able to accompany Kaydes for 3 days rather than the miserable weekend of 2 days. All these yet to be worked out with my boss. But I will do it soon. :)


CJmom, when was your bb's date of birth? You staying at northeast, must be pretty near to me... lol
Mine drinks like a sponge, always hungry though tummy so big liao. He was born on 18 April. Urs? Yes, I'm at Sengkang. Very near u. :)


Hi CJmom!

I'm using Medela Pump in Style. Haven't pumped for a few days as gf told me to go commando style, i.e. latch on whenever baby's hungry. Thot she would be crying for blood, like first 2 wks. Once, she sucked until nuk teat "collapsed" or shape crooked. once, her upper lip got sucked in like those toothless old granny. Imagine my pain:embarrassed:

On the first day, she was stuck to my breasts for 3 hrs straight. yesterday, she only fed on FM twice from 6 pm to 6 am.

Today my will is buckling... only latched for max 30 min. I'm very tired cos she's basically hungry almost all the time, haven't slept well & can't get anything done... feed, burp, nappy change, take my meals.
no time even for toilet & bath at times. much less check email, nap. I'm basically breastfeeding & reading this. I'm losing track of feeding times cos it's like all the time.

Will try pumping later to see if supply has increased.

ps. my CL is quite good!
I'm using Medela PiS as well but stopped using it and switched to manual pump as it "gives" me more milk supply.

3hrs straight?? That's madness! Ur back must have felt so sore and stiff while ur nips sore then numb? Poor thing. By setting 30mins is a good way. I usually let him latch on for 5-10mins where I can see and hear him sucking the lion's share. Thereafter I will monitor him if he's really still drinking or just sucking for comfort. Sometimes they are already full after 15mins but carry on sucking so in the end they end up with a very full tummy which is no good.

I know it is hard breastfeeding but perserve ok. If you are losing track of feeding times, write it down. I did that. It may sound silly but when u're dead-tired, ur memory will start to fail u and why bother with the extra effort of remembering when u could simply take 3 secs to write it down. Furthermore, it also help as ur hubby can also refer to it and help with the bottle feeding. Plus after a while, u could even notice a feeding pattern ur bb has.


When I go back to work, my mum will be looking after Kaydes for me. But in the meantime, I am taking care of her solely. I dunno why, but I dun even want the maid to touch Kaydes too much. Maybe I am afraid that Kaydes will be overly attached to her.

I have applied for two months ML, thinking of extending now. Initially I thought I would go crazy to have to stay home too long with a baby. Now that Kaydes is here. I think I am crazy to have thought that way. Now, I would want to spend every single min with her. Just that I cannot quit my job. So I am gonna speak to my boss to see if the remaining ML can be taken one day each week for the next 40 weeks. Of cos with the possibility that I may take more days when there are check ups or jabs to go for. But I think that if I work 4 days a week, I would be able to accompany Kaydes for 3 days rather than the miserable weekend of 2 days. All these yet to be worked out with my boss. But I will do it soon. :)
I'm coping alone as well. Yes, getting 3 hrs sleep is a luxury. When u have 2 kids, all the time is halved. Previously 5 mins to bathe, now just 2.5mins. lol :tlaugh:

Glad Kaydes changed ur mind with the ML. I took all 4months straight and top it up with another month of my leave. Want to be with my boy and watch him grow. Would love to stay home and look after throughout but who's going to pay the bills, right?


Before I met Kaydes in person, I am one with alot of programs and activities... I never picture myself to be someone who will be tied down at home with a baby. In fact, I even told my boss I do not want to take 4 months straight because I think I will go crazy at home. But now, not only am I not going crazy... I am totally crazy about Kaydes and spending each and every second with her. Even when she sleeps, I enjoy just standing at her cot watching her... how cute... lol... I guess thats why the saying goes "people do change"... My god, am I "auntie-fied" already?

If I can, I would resign immediately. But like you said... who's gonna pay the bills right? Of cos there is DH to pay the bills (hehe), but I prefer financial freedom. I buy what I want, and I splurge where I want too. Now, I will splurge on Kaydes. So I need to work.
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Totally agree with u; work then have $ to spend on our precious.

You are not auntyfied but just being an infinity n beyond mommy :red:


hi cream

came back to wk on monday.. cant get use to it.. miss my baby so much.. everyday rushing home to see her.. hahha

and so so busy at wk.. so many things to do at wk and pumping milk also..


btw yesterdae brought my ger to the clinic for the 6 in 1 jab.... my precious darling running a fever now see le so so heart pain =(

Hey... Where are all the "April MTBs turned Mummy-already"? Lets keep this thread alive...


New Member
Hi all, I am new to this forum. Baby close to 2 months old already and I must say that I really laughed and laughed when I read about all the stories about the CLs in this thread. Mine went home 5 days ago (after 6.5weeks) and she has been calling/sms me to check on me and the baby. When I told her that I have been suffering after she left, she volunteered to come back to help free of charge! I so pai seh.

i still have another 8 weeks to go before I resume work. very shiok indeed cos my boss prefer that I take my 4 mths ml at one go. next week going for family foto shoot b4 sending baby for jabs. have not decided to do jab with paediatrician or polyclinic. any sugg?


Hi hstan15 and pinkytham,

Glad to hear from you mummies...

I can't imagine when I return to work how I will be emotionally. Tho my mum will be helping me to take care of the baby, and I should be able to be more "fang xin", I know I will still be thinking and wondering what baby is doing. It is really tough on us mothers. Somehow, men are better at handling this kinda situation I suppose.

Hstan15, how is it like when bb have flu and cough? Blocked nose? Does that mean you have to monitor bb 24 hours to make sure that the nose is not causing any breathing difficulties?

I am worried about my girl taking the 6-in-1 jab also... but it won't be until July. Pinkytham, how come your baby take the jab so soon? I think I will not be able to handle if my baby falls ill. I will practically commit suicide if she falls ill... lol... So how do you handle your bb's fever?

Shucks... I am so afraid that my bb will be ill... But I know it is inevitable... Really panicky now...


Hi all, I am new to this forum. Baby close to 2 months old already and I must say that I really laughed and laughed when I read about all the stories about the CLs in this thread. Mine went home 5 days ago (after 6.5weeks) and she has been calling/sms me to check on me and the baby. When I told her that I have been suffering after she left, she volunteered to come back to help free of charge! I so pai seh.

i still have another 8 weeks to go before I resume work. very shiok indeed cos my boss prefer that I take my 4 mths ml at one go. next week going for family foto shoot before sending baby for jabs. have not decided to do jab with paediatrician or polyclinic. any sugg?
Hi Shaynamommy, welcome!!!
How come you join this thread so late??? Missed out all the fun and we missed out on your inputs as well... Your CL is indeed unbelievably kind. Is she local? Wow... if I have another baby, maybe I should try out yours. But my CL is also very good la... so it is a hard decision to make... anyway, not like I am pregnant again now... so let's leave this headache till then...

I will be returning to work in July (4 more weeks)... I intend to keep the remaining 4 weeks for future use. Just in case my annual leave is not sufficient.

I do not know whether going to PD or polyclinic is better... But I will be bringing my gal to polyclinic since we have been going there for jaundice checks and Hep B jab.