April 09 MTBs!


hai...today i also bring my girl to the clinic for the 6 in 1 jab...
Yvonne, I know your bb is born only 2 days before mine... how come you all go for the jab so soon ah? Polyclinic gave me the date is in July leh. But last month we went for the Hep B jab le. And the nurse told us to go back and decide whether to go for the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab in July. So weird.....


New Member
Hi Cream, ya lor, better late than never.My CL from JB.

my 5yo dd's jab was done at polyclinic and handled by my dear then. just realised that she did not take a lot of "optional" jabs like chickenpox. had a hard time getting her to get the jab this year cos she can now protest. so, just worried that polyclinic may not offer all kind of jabs and looking at the replies I am seeing, it seems like the polyclinics not very consistent leh.

btw, what's the diff between 6in1 and 5in1? not sure what the polyclinic will offer though

I also damn scared bb would be sick, especially with a sister who is attending pre-school.


To what I was told, 6 in 1 includes the Hep B 3rd dose. Thats all I understand.

And I just looked thru my gal's appt booklet. The 6 in 1 should be in 3rd month. So I am quite worried now that most of the mummies here already brought their baby for the 6 in 1 and I have yet to do so. Aiyooo... why so much discrepancy? What should I do now? Just wait for my appt date in July or should I call up the polyclinic to ask?
To what I was told, 6 in 1 includes the Hep B 3rd dose. Thats all I understand.

And I just looked thru my gal's appt booklet. The 6 in 1 should be in 3rd month. So I am quite worried now that most of the mummies here already brought their baby for the 6 in 1 and I have yet to do so. Aiyooo... why so much discrepancy? What should I do now? Just wait for my appt date in July or should I call up the polyclinic to ask?
Hi Cream,
I brought my baby to private clinic not polyclinic.The Dr cost me $90 included the consultant fees. Than when baby 3 months go for 5 in 1 $80 than the last 6 in 1 jab is in 5 months $90..So my next appointment is next month 13/7 for 5 in 1 jab..


Weird... then how come my last appointment they only did the Hep B 2nd dose for my baby... How come they did not do the 6 in 1 jab? Sigh... so confused.


Weird... then how come my last appointment they only did the Hep B 2nd dose for my baby... How come they did not do the 6 in 1 jab? Sigh... so confused.
Cream, the 6-in-1 jab basically consists of the Hep B 3rd dose which is given together with the rest of the vacines so that baby has 1 less needle jab. At the beginining you have to decide if u want a 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 which has 1 less needle jab. If u did not make your preference for a 6-in-1 known, then of course they will give u the 5-in-1 which is very much more common than the 4-in-1 which consists of 1 oral. But ultimately, whichever package u choose, baby will still get all the necessary vaccines plus Hep B (if u require or have requested for it). So not to worry/ get confused... if u have taken up the 5-in-1, it just means 1 more trip to the clinic for the Hep B 3rd dose.


shaynamommy, to ans to your qns:
1) she did not take a lot of "optional" jabs like chickenpox. polyclinic may not offer all kind of jabs.

=> You will have to indicate if you want the optional jabs cos polyclinic will just offer the basic package (DTPa+IPV+Hib and Hep B, if necessary) according to govt law.
Optional includes:
  • rotavirus
  • pneumococcal
  • chicken pox
  • Hep A
  • Hep B (if baby does not require it at birth)
2) btw, what's the diff between 6in1 and 5in1? not sure what the polyclinic will offer though

=> see my reply to Cream. The Hep B 3rd dose is given at 6th month.

3) I also damn scared baby would be sick, especially with a sister who is attending pre-school

=> Your worry is very valid. The virus your ger gets from sch could also be transmitted to anyone (even adults, let alone say baby)! So have to take extra precaution if your ger is sick. My elder boy caught flu/cough from sch and as a result of that, my hubby and I also fell sick. My hubby was hit worse with high fever cos he looked after the elder boy while I looked after the younger one. But as I'm also breastfeeding and me being sick as well, the younger one also caught the bug but doc say there's no med as he's too young (6weeks). And just when we thought the elder boy was recovering, he came down with high fever as well for 3 days! We do not have a helper at home so you can imagine the extreme tireness and inconviences we had as we didn't put him in school since he's not feeling well! Also the heartache to see both my baby boys suffering, esp the young one. My hubby "burnt" 4 days of his annual leave just to look after the elder boy.



Cream, the 6-in-1 jab basically consists of the Hep B 3rd dose which is given together with the rest of the vacines so that baby has 1 less needle jab. At the beginining you have to decide if you want a 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 which has 1 less needle jab. If you did not make your preference for a 6-in-1 known, then of course they will give you the 5-in-1 which is very much more common than the 4-in-1 which consists of 1 oral. But ultimately, whichever package you choose, baby will still get all the necessary vaccines plus Hep B (if you require or have requested for it). So not to worry/ get confused... if you have taken up the 5-in-1, it just means 1 more trip to the clinic for the Hep B 3rd dose.
Thanks CJmom, I will definitely go for the 6 in 1. Can't bear to see my bb cry when the needle poke her. That day went for the Hep B 2nd dose, the nurse ask me to hold bb, then she inject, poor Kaydes let out two cries only I already tearing liao...



Will stretch marks ever go away? My massage lady told me just now that stretch marks are a present to us mummies, and it will NEVER go away... it may fade a little, but it will be part of us for life liao... Is it true???


@_@ actually the 6 in 1 first jab is to be taken on the 1.5 or 2mths mine is aleady late by few days =D
for 5 in 1 jab is taken on the 1mth
keep measuring her temperature.....than aboove 37.5 degrees faster feed her medicine
than her whole body like jelly fish keep sleeping poor ger...
than no appetite to eat gif her bmilk also no wan cry cry cry....
never eat much too
but within 2 daes ok le =D
now she can play and smile and also slowly coming back her appetitte. also gt drink bmilk =D
but doc sae that fever is common after the jab nt to worry =D
(but eventually u will still worry de...haha)
mi starting work next next mon =(
will miss my ger lots...got the urge to take cab home everydae after work jus to see her hee hee =D

Hi hstan15 and pinkytham,

Glad to hear from you mummies...

I can't imagine when I return to work how I will be emotionally. Tho my mum will be helping me to take care of the baby, and I should be able to be more "fang xin", I know I will still be thinking and wondering what baby is doing. It is really tough on us mothers. Somehow, men are better at handling this kinda situation I suppose.

Hstan15, how is it like when baby have flu and cough? Blocked nose? Does that mean you have to monitor baby 24 hours to make sure that the nose is not causing any breathing difficulties?

I am worried about my girl taking the 6-in-1 jab also... but it won't be until July. Pinkytham, how come your baby take the jab so soon? I think I will not be able to handle if my baby falls ill. I will practically commit suicide if she falls ill... lol... So how do you handle your baby's fever?

Shucks... I am so afraid that my baby will be ill... But I know it is inevitable... Really panicky now...


arg.... i have them on my backside which mu hubby sae look like tiger claws.....and also on the theighs and tummy
wun go away? but got lighten quite a lot since day 1. urs?
mine all red color so so ugly.....


Will stretch marks ever go away? My massage lady told me just now that stretch marks are a present to us mummies, and it will NEVER go away... it may fade a little, but it will be part of us for life ... Is it true???


!!! like that my doc there super ex....
i went there only for the 6 in 1 jab first jab plus consultation $172!!
somemore waited for 3 hrs before our turn and it was a private baby clinic not polyclinic.....

Hi Cream,
I brought my baby to private clinic not polyclinic.The Dr cost me $90 included the consultant fees. Than when baby 3 months go for 5 in 1 $80 than the last 6 in 1 jab is in 5 months $90..So my next appointment is next month 13/7 for 5 in 1 jab..



Who will be taking care of your baby when you return to work?
My stretch marks is in the inner thighs and hips... Tho not say alot... but it is still visible leh... I thought they will go away eventually... now how? My fren told me that if wanna rid of it must go laser leh.


Active Member
Ya, stretchmarks have to be lasered off!!! I have so many on my bum...had a lot before I got pregnant, now even more! And so much cellulite...:(

Anyone tried those anti-cellulite creams??? Do they work? Or at least reduce the appearance of stretchmarks...?


Thanks CJmom, I will definitely go for the 6 in 1. Can't bear to see my baby cry when the needle poke her. That day went for the Hep B 2nd dose, the nurse ask me to hold baby, then she inject, poor Kaydes let out two cries only I already tearing ...
Most welcome, Cream. However before u opt for the 6-in-1, do note that it is more advisable to choose a 5-in-1 if the mommy is a hep B carrier. This is to ensure that the Hep B 3rd dose is in it's "pure" state and fully administered to the baby. As the 6-in-1 is a new thing, it is still questionable if the Hep B vaccine really works on the baby (can only know when baby goes for a Hep B profiling test prior to whether the Hep B booster jab is required). So better play safe and go for the tried n tested 5-in-1. This was concurred by both a nurse (polyclinic) and doc (private clinic).


Sob...me too have lots of awful stretch marks. REally envy those (some of my gfs) who do not have a single mark! dont't think they will go away like disappear but probably lighten only. My sis-in-law still have hers to show after 20 years! So what do you think are the chances of them disappearing???

, i tried those anti-cellulite cream for my first preggie and maybe I was not as "hardworking" to apply it, my cellulite still clings onto me more tightly than my baby, ha ha ha..
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Hey, I heard that works! Let me know if it does!
Will let you knoe.:)

, here's what I think about the effectiveness of putting our used shirt near our baby.

1. It does work most of the times to calm and trick the baby into thinking that mommy is still beside him. This is provided baby is well-fed and comfortable AND tired but still doesn't want to sleep. Even after baby falls asleep and I successfully put him down on the bed/rocker, I still put the shirt beside his cheeks and so far he managed to sleep for almost 2 hours. :) yay..

2. However, if baby is crying for hunger, discomfort, wet diaper, it does not work at all. They get angrier trying to trick them.


Most welcome, Cream. However before you opt for the 6-in-1, do note that it is more advisable to choose a 5-in-1 if the mommy is a hep B carrier. This is to ensure that the Hep B 3rd dose is in it's "pure" state and fully administered to the baby. As the 6-in-1 is a new thing, it is still questionable if the Hep B vaccine really works on the baby (can only know when baby goes for a Hep B profiling test prior to whether the Hep B booster jab is required). So better play safe and go for the tried and tested 5-in-1. This was concurred by both a nurse (polyclinic) and doc (private clinic).
Wow... thanks... you are very knowledgable on all these...

By the way, I realise that I can see a very obvious vein on Kaydes' head. I dunno to call it vein or blood vessel or what. Is this normal? I do see other veins too... But they are not as protuding as this one.

Advise please...

Sorry I am full of problems and full of S**T... lol

As for stretch mark, I am going to slimfit to try out their stretch mark removal program. I called them today, but have yet to fix an appt. Anyone interested in going together?