EDD in December 2009


New Member
Wow so many mummies 15 weeks plus.....yup could be baby kicking that's why cannot see.....baby even turn its head to look at me face to face :wong19:. Some mums in the forum know the gender as early as 12 weeks, well guess really depend on whether baby cooperates & open leg.....:tlaugh:Wish you good luck & update us ya!!:001_302:

Hi sufeit0115, if the gynae is able to tell the baby's gender as early as 12 weeks, most probably the baby is a boy yea? That's what I hear others say.

Anyway, Dec mummies, I saw my gynae and heard my twins' heartheats for the very first time. Also saw them moving a lot. So intriguing! My gynae said my twins are very active. Can't imagine when they get bigger. I'll be feeling lots of movements.

Like all the mummies, I am very curious to know the gender of my twins. Will only be able to find out during the detailed scan. A boy and a girl will be ideal! Haha... then I can close factory happily. :001_302:


Hi sufeit0115, if the gynae is able to tell the baby's gender as early as 12 weeks, most probably the baby is a boy yea? That's what I hear others say.

Anyway, Dec mummies, I saw my gynae and heard my twins' heartheats for the very first time. Also saw them moving a lot. So intriguing! My gynae said my twins are very active. Can't imagine when they get bigger. I'll be feeling lots of movements.

Like all the mummies, I am very curious to know the gender of my twins. Will only be able to find out during the detailed scan. A boy and a girl will be ideal! Haha... then I can close factory happily. :001_302:
Wow it's so good to have twins, if it's one boy & one girl then will be perfect ya!! Can you feel their movements yet??

Do update us your progress, so when is your EDD? heard that most multiple pregnancy will deliver earlier than EDD ya....


Hi cony, i also cannot feel anything, but sometimes i can feel the stomach is stretching that's all....very excited to know how is feel like first "kick". From the ultrasound baby is kicking, but i cannot feel anything....:shyxxx:

When is your EDD? Mine is 4 Dec..hehe
My EDD is 6 Dec, but my gynae said that baby could appear ealier. It seams we will deliver approximately at the same time :tlaugh: I feel stomach stretching as well, but it not so bad. I even feel exciting this time - it means that baby is rising :)


Oh, HoneyLicious it's sad you still have morning sickness... With you cross over it soon! During the first trimester I had sickness during the whole day, but now only a little bit in the evening :)

Stupidyeye, welcome to the 15 weeks club :Dancing_wub:

Ladyminx, you are really lucky waiting for twins! My hubby wished twins much, but... we're waiting for only one baby. They say that there is no chance to have twins if you don't have twins among parents/grand parents
:( :( :( Ehhh...


My EDD is 6 Dec, but my gynae said that baby could appear ealier. It seams we will deliver approximately at the same time :tlaugh: I feel stomach stretching as well, but it not so bad. I even feel exciting this time - it means that baby is rising :)
Wow cony we could be delivering around the same time!!:Dancing_tongue:Which hospital u choose? Mine is KK.....My gynae said depending on my blood pressure condition, i will be scheduled to deliver earlier, should be end of Nov or even earlier if the BP is going too high :shyxxx:cos the placenta won't be able to function normal to provide nutrients for baby....so my gynae is monitor my condition closely....

Very happy so many of mummies in the same week leh!! :tlaugh:


Hi Sufeit0115,

I will be delivering at Kandang Kerbau Hospital too, and EDD is 7 Dec.. originally given as 6 Dec by the gynae.

who's your docter? i'm seeing Benjamin Tham.

i'm still having morning (or rather whole day) sickiness too, and in fact have lost 2kg by the end of the 1st trimester... now at 15 wks plus i'm still below 44kg...

Btw does anyone have a visible baby bump yet? I went to the motherhood expo recently and was actually asked by the vendors whether i'm buying for friends... =(


New Member
I am exactly week 16 today =) and because it's my second pregnancy, my baby bump is quite obvious but overall, I still look fat rather than pregnant! Sigh.

Bb is always wriggling n wriggling especially at night and early morning when the bladder is full. =)



you can feel your baby moving already?? wow... so exciting! I will be exactly 16 weeks on coming monday, but i don't feel anything yet.

sometimes my tummy would be completely flat in the mornings when i wake and only bloat a little later in the day as i eat something... so the bump is unlikely to be the baby rite..


Hi Sufeit0115,

I will be delivering at Kandang Kerbau Hospital too, and EDD is 7 Dec.. originally given as 6 Dec by the gynae.

who's your docter? i'm seeing Benjamin Tham.
i'm still having morning (or rather whole day) sickiness too, and in fact have lost 2kg by the end of the 1st trimester... now at 15 wks plus i'm still below 44kg...

Btw does anyone have a visible baby bump yet? I went to the motherhood expo recently and was actually asked by the vendors whether i'm buying for friends... =(
Wow our dates are so close.....My gynae is JJ Chee, a female gynae.
I also dont't have a visible bump yet....I looked like gained weight & is looking fat :(
Becos i dont't have much vomit & nausea, i have gained 2.2kg since i found out i am pregnant at end of Apr :embarrassed:

I am exactly week 16 today =) and because it's my second pregnancy, my baby bump is quite obvious but overall, I still look fat rather than pregnant! Sigh.

baby is always wriggling and wriggling especially at night and early morning when the bladder is full. =)
Yup I heard that for those whose is not first pregnancy, baby bump appear earlier....now i am at the stage where i can't fit my original clothes (which are becoming too tight & uncomfortable), but maternity clothes seemed like too big for me....so everyday i dont't know what i should wear to work....:shyxxx:


you can feel your baby moving already?? wow... so exciting! I will be exactly 16 weeks on coming monday, but i dont't feel anything yet.

sometimes my tummy would be completely flat in the mornings when i wake and only bloat a little later in the day as i eat something... so the bump is unlikely to be the baby rite..
I am also exactly 16 weeks tomorrow, today's morning i feel the "bubbles" feeling (very short & only one time) at the left side of my abdomen, not sure whether is baby moving or not:err:
Yup me too, my tummy sometimes very flat in the morning but when come to night time it appeared very big, i also feel is due to bloatedness....hehe
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ladyminx, congrats on your twins, i can imagine your excitement, are they identical or fraternal??

cony, ya i got stressed sometimes because the nausea is so bad i can't do anything, hope to get better soon.

sufeit & babybull, me three will be delivering at KK hospital and seeing dr tham, my due date is on 10th but might deliver 2-3weeks earlier as i choose elective c-sect, you guys delivering naturally??


Hi HoneyLicious, my gynae said whether naturally & c-section will have to depend on my BP conditions & the baby's position at the last trimester, but she said very likely BP will go up, so i will have to deliver earlier, most likely will be c-section....sigh...

Most likely we will be Nov's mummies



looks like we're seeing the same gynae. you've already discussed your birth options with Dr Tham? that's fast... i haven't seen him since wk 9. My next appointment would be next week. Haven't thought abt what kind of birth to choose yet..

is there any reason why you chose elective C-section?

My BP actually dropped a lot even in the first trimester... from normal 120/80 to 98/55.. so i feel faint pretty often. Read that most pregnant mummies' BP will fall during 2nd trimester?


New Member
Wow it's so good to have twins, if it's one boy & one girl then will be perfect ya!! Can you feel their movements yet??

Do update us your progress, so when is your EDD? heard that most multiple pregnancy will deliver earlier than EDD ya....

Hi sufeit0115,
Good to have twins cuz I have 2 children at the price of one??? Hahaha... but the financial requirements after they're born can be overwhelming as well. So there's always pros and cons to every situation.

Right now, I can't feel their movements yet. My gynae said I'll probably be able to feel it one month later. And yes, multiples have a tendency for premature birth. That's our concern too. But gynae said as long as the twins are delivered at least 35 weeks, can breathe and suckle on their own, they'll be fine. So I must keep myself happy and stress-free.

Anyway, Dec mummies, my gynae called me last night to update me on the results of my blood test and test for down syndrome. She said the results are great. Down syndrome is low risk and my blood test is good. No problem at all. So I am very glad to hear that.

Will update once I find out the gender of my twins. Hahaha...


New Member
Oh, HoneyLicious it's sad you still have morning sickness... With you cross over it soon! During the first trimester I had sickness during the whole day, but now only a little bit in the evening :)

Stupidyeye, welcome to the 15 weeks club :Dancing_wub:

Ladyminx, you are really lucky waiting for twins! My hubby wished twins much, but... we're waiting for only one baby. They say that there is no chance to have twins if you dont't have twins among parents/grand parents
:( :( :( Ehhh...

Hi cony,

All my friends and everyone around us say that we're very lucky to have twins. Frankly, my husband and I din feel that way when we first found out we're having twins. In fact, we were more shocked and overwhelmed with stress than anything else. Feeling happy and lucky were the last thoughts. I wasn't happy at all with the news. We were only prepared for one. It took me a couple of weeks to finally come to terms that I am carrying twins.

The book I am reading, 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' covered this point. So our emotions are normal. Haha...

Well, my great grandmother gave birth to twins. It skipped 2 generations and now I carry on the trend in the family history. Haha... It is true that chances of having twins is almost impossible if there isn't any history in your family. However, some older pregnant ladies might be the first to start the trend cuz multiples do happen in pregnancies by older women.


New Member
ladyminx, congrats on your twins, i can imagine your excitement, are they identical or fraternal??

cony, ya i got stressed sometimes because the nausea is so bad i can't do anything, hope to get better soon.

sufeit & babybull, me three will be delivering at KK hospital and seeing dr tham, my due date is on 10th but might deliver 2-3weeks earlier as i choose elective c-sect, you guys delivering naturally??

Hi HoneyLicious,

Thanks! Unfortunately, my gynae couldn't determine whether my twins are identical or fraternal cuz they have their own sacs and placentas (which is the best condition for twins to grow evenly). My gynae said for this situation, it could be fraternal or identical (if the egg splitted early).

Therefore, the gender might give us a clue. If it is a boy and a girl, then they must be fraternal twins. If they are 2 boys or 2 girls, then we can only tell after they're born.


New Member
Seems like a lot of mummies are seeing Dr Benjamin Tham. He is really good yea? My neighbour, who gave birth in April, also saw Dr Tham. Another friend of mine saw Dr Tham when she had her first child too.



looks like we're seeing the same gynae. you've already discussed your birth options with Dr Tham? that's fast... i have not't seen him since wk 9. My next appointment would be next week. have not't thought about what kind of birth to choose yet..

is there any reason why you chose elective C-section?

My BP actually dropped a lot even in the first trimester... from normal 120/80 to 98/55.. so i feel faint pretty often. Read that most pregnant mummies' BP will fall during 2nd trimester?
Oh yes my BP actually dropped to normal from 130/90 (pre-conception) to 110/70 (today's reading), this dropping trend started from 1st trimester until now. My gynae said this is normal in the earlier stage of pregnancy your BP will drop. My pre-existing hypertension has a potential for worsening or being complicated by turning into pre-eclampsia (kind of scary).

If you experienced fainting, you should talk to your gynae about this. There is one kind of medicine that can raise your BP (I am not sure) cos BP too low is also not good.


Hi sufeit0115,
Good to have twins cuz I have 2 children at the price of one??? Hahaha... but the financial requirements after they're born can be overwhelming as well. So there's always pros and cons to every situation.

Right now, I can't feel their movements yet. My gynae said I'll probably be able to feel it one month later. And yes, multiples have a tendency for premature birth. That's our concern too. But gynae said as long as the twins are delivered at least 35 weeks, can breathe and suckle on their own, they'll be fine. So I must keep myself happy and stress-free.

Anyway, Dec mummies, my gynae called me last night to update me on the results of my blood test and test for down syndrome. She said the results are great. Down syndrome is low risk and my blood test is good. No problem at all. So I am very glad to hear that.

Will update once I find out the gender of my twins. Hahaha...
So gynae said you should be able to feel their movement when you are around 16 weeks? I am now close to 16 weeks but still cannot feel anything, but I guess twins will probably have more impact (becos 2 babies), so you should be able to feel their movements earlier......:tlaugh:Congrats on your down syndrome test results, last month i was quite worried when i did the test....but in the end results is low risk.
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Seems like a lot of mummies are seeing Dr Benjamin Tham. He is really good yea? My neighbour, who gave birth in April, also saw Dr Tham. Another friend of mine saw Dr Tham when she had her first child too.

yes he's really patient and fatherly, i feel secure in his hands. he bumped into me a few times when i went to KK not to see him but to visit the 24hr clinic and he said hi and ask few questions, was really surprised he was that caring.