EDD in December 2009

So gynae said you should be able to feel their movement when you are around 16 weeks? I am now close to 16 weeks but still cannot feel anything, but I guess twins will probably have more impact (becos 2 babies), so you should be able to feel their movements earlier......:tlaugh:Congrats on your down syndrome test results, last month i was quite worried when i did the test....but in the end results is low risk.
i read that we should feel baby movement between 16-20weeks, so just be patient cos sometimes you might not noticed your baby kicks when you're working or busy.

btw, do you ladies do both scanning and blood test for down syndrome? cos i choose only scanning thru ultrasound and result is low risk, wonder if blood test is necessary? thanks


i read that we should feel baby movement between 16-20weeks, so just be patient cos sometimes you might not noticed your baby kicks when you're working or busy.

btw, do you ladies do both scanning and blood test for down syndrome? cos i choose only scanning thru ultrasound and result is low risk, wonder if blood test is necessary? thanks
Yup guess i need to be patient & are really looking forward to the first "kick"...:Dancing_wub:. I did both the blood test & scanning at week 9 & 11. I did ask the nurse who explained the down syndrome test, she said if only do the scanning the result is only 80% confirmed. With the blood test together, the result will be 90% confirmed.

Well it's all down to probablity & chances, as long as your ultrasound scanning showed low risk, i think your baby is fine. I presume you are below 35 or even 30 years old, so don't worry....:tlaugh:


I'm new in the forum, this is my first post. Currently 13 weeks, coming to 14th weeks. Yep, EDD 20 Dec, if baby and I can hold till 24 Dec would be great, tsk tsk ^_^

The next scan will be during my 16th weeks. Very excited, wonder if I can tell the gynae not to reveal the gender (well if she can see) since it's my first so doesn't really matter. We thought to keep the baby's sex a surprise but guess it's gonna be hard to resist not to know, hehe :001_302:
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Yup guess i need to be patient & are really looking forward to the first "kick"...:Dancing_wub:. I did both the blood test & scanning at week 9 & 11. I did ask the nurse who explained the down syndrome test, she said if only do the scanning the result is only 80% confirmed. With the blood test together, the result will be 90% confirmed.

Well it's all down to probablity & chances, as long as your ultrasound scanning showed low risk, i think your baby is fine. I presume you are below 35 or even 30 years old, so dont't worry....:tlaugh:
thanks, i bumped into my gynae on the day i did the scanning, at first he asked 'how come never do blood test?' then he saw the result slip then he said 'ok, not to worry you still young'. was just wondering commonly do people around my age (23) would do blood test.
I'm new in the forum, this is my first post. Currently 13 weeks, coming to 14th weeks. Yep, EDD 20 Dec, if baby and I can hold till 24 Dec would be great, tsk tsk ^_^

The next scan will be during my 16th weeks. Very excited, wonder if I can tell the gynae not to reveal the gender (well if she can see) since it's my first so doesn't really matter. We thought to keep the baby's sex a surprise but guess it's gonna be hard to resist not to know, hehe :001_302:
hi and welcome to this forum. wah, you can wait til the day you deliver to know the gender?? for me i can't wait, haha, the sooner i find out the better though it's my first baby too..


btw, do you ladies do both scanning and blood test for down syndrome? cos i choose only scanning thru ultrasound and result is low risk, wonder if blood test is necessary? thanks

I didn't do the bloodtest either, cos i thought that the 10% difference in accuracy rates wasn't that important.. and i'm quite some years older than you. =)
thanks babybull, i think so too, for that 10% difference have to pay $120 plus so decided not to do, told myself on that day i will do blood test only if the ultrasound shows some risk.

anyway i went to see gynae today and found out that i'm carrying a baby Boy :wong19: and glad to find out he's growing fine cos i was really worried since i've lost 3kg in a month.. now looking forward to do detain scan in a month time.


anyway i went to see gynae today and found out that i'm carrying a baby Boy :wong19: and glad to find out he's growing fine cos i was really worried since i've lost 3kg in a month.. now looking forward to do detain scan in a month time.
HoneyLicious, give my heart congratulations!!! You are the first among us who have found the sex of your baby :)
Last time I've lost 1 kg and began to worry the same as you. My gynae is out of the city and I'll see her only in a couple of weeks. According to your example, perhaps it's ok to loose some "unnecessary" kgs...
thanks cony, i guess it's normal to lose weight, my gynae even told me that some other ladies lost 5-7kg so mine is not bad at all. and that there's nutrients stored in our body so even if keep puking the baby would still grow. so yea don't worry alright..


Wow congrats!!! :Dancing_tongue:So fast you find out the gender already!! I will have to wait for another month only will know, the wait feel like so long :tlaugh:....dont't worry many mummies lost weight during the first trimester but their baby still growing well...:shyxxx:Hmm i didn't lose weight only gaining :embarrassed:...


Hmm i didn't lose weight only gaining :embarrassed:...
sufeit0115, you're lucky, that you're only gaining the weight! It means that there is no reason to worry at all! You may just enjoy your pregnancy :)
I'll find our the sex on the baby only next month as you. So much time to wait...


I'm new in the forum, this is my first post. Currently 13 weeks, coming to 14th weeks. Yep, EDD 20 Dec, if baby and I can hold till 24 Dec would be great, tsk tsk ^_^

The next scan will be during my 16th weeks. Very excited, wonder if I can tell the gynae not to reveal the gender (well if she can see) since it's my first so doesn't really matter. We thought to keep the baby's sex a surprise but guess it's gonna be hard to resist not to know, hehe :001_302:
Hi shiseru,

Im also new to this forum.:p and my EDD is the same as u, it will falls on 20 Dec.Im also hopping for a xmas baby, then it will be a double celebrate and a memorable date to remember.

Well, my hubby & I are anxious to know the sex of the baby, coz we cant wait to buy those cute little baby clothes for my first born child. Hopefully my next scan on the 16wks will able to reveal the gender of the baby.keke *)
Wow congrats!!! :Dancing_tongue:So fast you find out the gender already!! I will have to wait for another month only will know, the wait feel like so long :tlaugh:....dont't worry many mummies lost weight during the first trimester but their baby still growing well...:shyxxx:Hmm i didn't lose weight only gaining :embarrassed:...
thanks, don't worry 1 month will be very fast one just don't count the days and soon it'll be time for your next appointment. and it's better to gain weight, means you're in a good health, unlike me kept losing weight due to bad gastric, doctor even told me to stop taking my supplements for a week and take medication so i'm worried it'll affect the baby..
hi mummypooh, welcome to the dec mummy club.. i can't wait to start shopping too since i know the gender but i'm not well these days so never go out. but will wait til detail scan to re-confirm the gender again, hehe, and hopefully i will feel better then.


Hi shiseru,

Im also new to this forum.:p and my EDD is the same as you, it will falls on 20 Dec.Im also hopping for a xmas baby, then it will be a double celebrate and a memorable date to remember.

Well, my hubby & I are anxious to know the sex of the baby, coz we cant wait to buy those cute little baby clothes for my first born child. Hopefully my next scan on the 16wks will able to reveal the gender of the baby.keke *)
Hey there, congrats! Wow, same EDD huh? Xmas baby a bit lugi, receiving 1 present for Xmas and birthday instead of 2. LOL! XD

Do you and your husband likes BB gals or boys? I guess a lot of fathers prefers BB gal.

Which gynae are you visiting? I am with KKH, Dr KT Tan, she is a chop chop curry-pok type, so consultation is usually done in 10 mins.

During my FTS, the sonographer said let's try to see the gender, but I stopped her (hehe, a bit regret) :001_302:


Alpha Male
Hi all beautiful mommies!

I am a Daddy and am new to this forum. Many interesting articles and sharing from the kind pple here. It is so fun to read the threads, entries and replies. Now I got another forum to participate in (I am active in watch forums as I am a watch-collector by hobby).

I am very excited as this will be our first baby.
EDD (by doc's calender) is 25-Nov-2009 and EDD (by scan) is 05-Dec-2009.

Mommy has done her Triple test and awaiting results. She has done 4 scans and mid-July will do a full detail scan at Mt.Eliz. We are being seen by Dr ST Chan (at Far East Plaza). A patient, nice, fatherly gynae.

Boy or Girl? not sure yet cos the last scan baby close legs so cannot see properly...hope by the detail scan, it will be clearer, haha.

Mommy likes girl cos she can dress her up. Daddy likes boy cos can share with him watch hobby. anyway, boy or girl, we both will love of cos!

Myself is an Oct baby, Mommy is a Dec baby.

Beautiful thoughts to all to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy!


Hi all beautiful mommies!

I am a Daddy and am new to this forum. Many interesting articles and sharing from the kind pple here. It is so fun to read the threads, entries and replies. Now I got another forum to participate in (I am active in watch forums as I am a watch-collector by hobby).

I am very excited as this will be our first baby.
EDD (by doc's calender) is 25-Nov-2009 and EDD (by scan) is 05-Dec-2009.

Mommy has done her Triple test and awaiting results. She has done 4 scans and mid-July will do a full detail scan at Mt.Eliz. We are being seen by Dr ST Chan (at Far East Plaza). A patient, nice, fatherly gynae.

Boy or Girl? not sure yet cos the last scan baby close legs so cannot see properly...hope by the detail scan, it will be clearer, haha.

Mommy likes girl cos she can dress her up. Daddy likes boy cos can share with him watch hobby. anyway, boy or girl, we both will love of cos!

Myself is an Oct baby, Mommy is a Dec baby.

Beautiful thoughts to all to have a smooth and healthy pregnancy!
Wow you are such a caring & lovely daddy-to-be....Congrats!! My EDD by scan is 4 Dec, very close to your wife and I will be doing my detailed scan in mid-July. I also prefer girl but hubby prefer boy, but i am sure if is daughter, hubby will love her more than me!!:tlaugh:Keep us posted your wife's progress ya!! You can ask her to join the forum too so that she can share with us her progress!! All the best!


Alpha Male
Wow you are such a caring & lovely daddy-to-be....Congrats!! My EDD by scan is 4 Dec, very close to your wife and I will be doing my detailed scan in mid-July. I also prefer girl but hubby prefer boy, but i am sure if is daughter, hubby will love her more than me!!:tlaugh:Keep us posted your wife's progress ya!! You can ask her to join the forum too so that she can share with us her progress!! All the best!
Thanks for the kind words!

Pregnancy is so fascinating and beautiful, and so amazing! :tlaugh:


Hi shiseru,

Im also new to this forum.:p and my EDD is the same as you, it will falls on 20 Dec.Im also hopping for a xmas baby, then it will be a double celebrate and a memorable date to remember.

Well, my hubby & I are anxious to know the sex of the baby, coz we cant wait to buy those cute little baby clothes for my first born child. Hopefully my next scan on the 16wks will able to reveal the gender of the baby.keke *)
Cool, same EDD! Xmas baby a bit lugi coz sometimes 1 present double celebration.

So do you and your hubby likes baby boy or gal? Men seem to prefer baby gals. For me, I can't make up my mind what gender I wish to have haha :001_302:

Which gynae are you visiting? I am with KT Tan from Kandang Kerbau Hospital, she is a chop chop curry-pok type, so consultation usually 10 mins but I like her.

During my FTS, the sonographer said "let's try to see the gender" but I stopped her (LOL! regretted). Honeylicious is right, too much temptation trying not to know the gender! XD :001_302:
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