EDD in December 2009


Cool, same EDD! Xmas baby a bit lugi coz sometimes 1 present double celebration.

So do you and your hubby likes baby boy or gal? Men seem to prefer baby gals. For me, I can't make up my mind what gender I wish to have haha :001_302:

Which gynae are you visiting? I am with KT Tan from Kandang Kerbau Hospital, she is a chop chop curry-pok type, so consulation usually 10 mins but I like her.

During my FTS, the sonographer said "let's try to see the gender" but I stopped her (LOL! regretted ). Honeylicious is right, too much temptation trying not to know the gender! XD :001_302:
Halo Shiseru,

Well, my hubby dun mind the gender of my bebe but i hope its a baby gal coz i can dress her up like a princess and there are so many cute pinky clothes for gals.Unlike boy, its either shirt or pants. Nevertheless, i would still love regardless d gender of d bebe.keke:Dancing_wub:

My gynae is from Thomson Women Clinic and d doc is also like yours, "fast worker"..maybe too many patients waiting.keke

Today when i went shopping, i cant resist d temptation & bought a set of white bebe bodysuit for my baby.haha. When i was at the shop, I kept reminding myself to exercise self-control on shopping for bebe stuffs coz the gender is stil unknown.hiaz...



hi mummypooh, welcome to the dec mummy club.. i can't wait to start shopping too since i know the gender but i'm not well these days so never go out. but will wait til detail scan to re-confirm the gender again, hehe, and hopefully i will feel better then.
Thank you Honeylicious. :p

What's d gender of yr bebe? Boy or gal? The detailed scan is it normally on the 16th or 20th wk?

The most impt thing is to take care of yr health first, bebe shopping can be done anytime, still have plenty of time for shopping.keke. There's endless bebe stuffs waiting for us.wahaha.

Hope you have a speedy recovery. *)

hi mummypooh, thanks for the well wishes. my baby is a boy, though deep in my heart i do wish for baby gal and been wanting baby gal since i was young, but it's ok i still love my baby boy. hehe..

detail scan will be done at 20weeks.

so how many weeks are you now? when will find out the gender? :001_302:
Cool, same EDD! Xmas baby a bit lugi coz sometimes 1 present double celebration.

So do you and your hubby likes baby boy or gal? Men seem to prefer baby gals. For me, I can't make up my mind what gender I wish to have haha :001_302:

Which gynae are you visiting? I am with KT Tan from Kandang Kerbau Hospital, she is a chop chop curry-pok type, so consulation usually 10 mins but I like her.

During my FTS, the sonographer said "let's try to see the gender" but I stopped her (LOL! regretted ). Honeylicious is right, too much temptation trying not to know the gender! XD :001_302:
quite true, your baby will have less present if born on x'mas day..

thought usually guys like baby boy more?? does your hubby prefer boy or girl? and does your instinct tell you it's boy or girl? cos my instinct from start tell me it's a boy, though i wish for a girl, and it was right.


Wow HoneyLicious, your instinct so accurate !

Does instinct really works? I do hear about mother's instinct about baby's gender. My hubby said he feels baby's a gal, my instinct says baby boy but well haha.. :001_302:

Do you ladies have morning sickness, I don't have any MS so far.

Since mummypooh & I same EDD, she should be in her 14th weeks. Guess we should be able to tell the gender during the next scan, provided baby co-operates hehe :001_302:
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Wow HoneyLicious, your instinct so accurate !

Does instinct really works? I do hear about mother's instinct about baby's gender. My hubby said he feels baby's a gal, my instinct says baby boy but well haha.. :001_302:

Do you ladies have morning sickness, I dont't have any MS so far.

Since mummypooh & I same EDD, she should be in her 14th weeks. Guess we should be able to tell the gender during the next scan, provided baby co-operates hehe :001_302:
actually i do have some friends whose instinct inaccurate, haha, so i think i'm considered lucky as i prepared myself to love my baby boy since my instinct so strong, cos i was hoping for baby girl initially.

i do have morning sickness, which i'm quite stressed about as it makes my pregnancy not anjoyable at all.

do let us know your baby gender once you've find out..


Alpha Male
Mommy has done her Triple test and awaiting results. She has done 4 scans and mid-July will do a full detail scan at Mt.Eliz. We are being seen by Dr ST Chan (at Far East Plaza). A patient, nice, fatherly gynae.
Just flew down to the gynae during lunchtime...
Triple test and blood test results all OK! :Dancing_tongue:

now looking forward to the detailed scan on 10-Jul.


New Member
So gynae said you should be able to feel their movement when you are around 16 weeks? I am now close to 16 weeks but still cannot feel anything, but I guess twins will probably have more impact (becos 2 babies), so you should be able to feel their movements earlier......:tlaugh:Congrats on your down syndrome test results, last month i was quite worried when i did the test....but in the end results is low risk.

Hi sufeit, that's what the gynae said. And I guess you are right on the fact that I am having twins who occupy more space, thus feeling their movements earlier. Haha... I see my friends' tummy are pretty big with a singleton. I can't imagine how big will my tummy be in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. I'm concerned about stretchmarks.


New Member
yes he's really patient and fatherly, i feel secure in his hands. he bumped into me a few times when i went to KK not to see him but to visit the 24hr clinic and he said hi and ask few questions, was really surprised he was that caring.

Hey HoneyLicious, I saw how Dr Benjamin Tham looks like when my neighbour showed me a picture of him carrying their baby girl recently. I totally agree on the fatherly part! He does look like the nice and patient sort. Good for you mummies who are seeing Dr Tham.


New Member
Just flew down to the gynae during lunchtime...
Triple test and blood test results all OK! :Dancing_tongue:

now looking forward to the detailed scan on 10-Jul.

Hi kohym, congrats on your positive results! By the way, care to enlighten me on what a triple test is? I've never heard of this term.


actually i do have some friends whose instinct inaccurate, haha, so i think i'm considered lucky as i prepared myself to love my baby boy since my instinct so strong, cos i was hoping for baby girl initially.

i do have morning sickness, which i'm quite stressed about as it makes my pregnancy not anjoyable at all.

do let us know your baby gender once you've find out..
The reason asked is I heard people saying no MS usually lead to baby boy, got MS usually baby gal hehe... guess not huh :001_302:

Hang in there, I am sure your discomfort will go away very soon!


hi mummypooh, thanks for the well wishes. my baby is a boy, though deep in my heart i do wish for baby gal and been wanting baby gal since i was young, but it's ok i still love my baby boy. hehe..

detail scan will be done at 20weeks.

so how many weeks are you now? when will find out the gender? :001_302:
Halo Honeylicious,

Hey, i have the same sentiments as u...hoping the bebe is a gal but my instinct tell me maybe its a boy....But gota to wait for doc's confirmation 1st..keke

Shiseru is rite, im currently at my 14th weeks....hopefuly can tell d gender of the baby by the 16th wk....20th wk seems a bit long leh.keke.

Btw are u from Indon? Coz i saw yr location is SG to Indon?



Wow HoneyLicious, your instinct so accurate !

Does instinct really works? I do hear about mother's instinct about baby's gender. My hubby said he feels baby's a gal, my instinct says baby boy but well haha.. :001_302:

Do you ladies have morning sickness, I dont't have any MS so far.

Since mummypooh & I same EDD, she should be in her 14th weeks. Guess we should be able to tell the gender during the next scan, provided baby co-operates hehe :001_302:
HI Shiseru,

Yup,i do have morning sickness esp in d morning when my stomach is empty. I can even felt nausea when im brushing my teeth, n i even had to change my morning toothpaste to those children's toothpaste which has a fruity flavor. Besides tat, im always v tired n restless esp in d day.

Now im in my 14th wks, all those misery has aldy past..now i begin to enjoy my pregnancy. Hopefully not too much weight gain due to my gd appetite.kekek

We better cross our fingers during our 16th wks checkup and tell the baby to co-operate with mummy & doc to see their gender.wahaha.:001_302:



The reason asked is I heard people saying no MS usually lead to baby boy, got MS usually baby gal hehe... guess not huh :001_302:

Hang in there, I am sure your discomfort will go away very soon!
Hi Shiseru, i am also same as u, no MS and i was actually quite concerned cos many said the more MS you have, the healthy your pregnancy is!! I asked gynae about my concern, she reassured me saying i am one in three women who are the lucky one :shyxxx: and baby is growing well!!

I heard this MS myth before. A few of my friends who had boys do have less MS, but hmm... my instinct tell me i am expecting a gal :001_302:. I am looking forward to my detailed scan in July to confirm....:Dancing_tongue:


Hi Shiseru, i am also same as you, no MS and i was actually quite concerned cos many said the more MS you have, the healthy your pregnancy is!! I asked gynae about my concern, she reassured me saying i am one in three women who are the lucky one :shyxxx: and baby is growing well!!

I heard this MS myth before. A few of my friends who had boys do have less MS, but hmm... my instinct tell me i am expecting a gal :001_302:. I am looking forward to my detailed scan in July to confirm....:Dancing_tongue:
Another one i heard is if experienced spotting is BB boy, if no spotting is BB gal, weird huh? :001_302:

All looking forward to next scan to tell the BB gender, now I have to struggle whether I wanna know or not. Thought if not knowing helps motivate me during labour, tsk tsk :001_302:


Hi sufeit, that's what the gynae said. And I guess you are right on the fact that I am having twins who occupy more space, thus feeling their movements earlier. Haha... I see my friends' tummy are pretty big with a singleton. I can't imagine how big will my tummy be in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. I'm concerned about stretchmarks.
Hi ladyminx, yesterday evening i started to experience some slight baby movements on the left abdomen, then it stops. Around 2 hrs later while i was eating dinner, i felt the movements again. Before i only felt stomach stretching, this time the feeling is very different....I am only 16 weeks, is it too early to feel the baby movement?

I have started to apply stretchmark cream only recently but some said it's better to apply earlier. You should start applying now. :001_302:


Active Member
HI Shiseru,

Yup,i do have morning sickness esp in d morning when my stomach is empty. I can even felt nausea when im brushing my teeth, and i even had to change my morning toothpaste to those children's toothpaste which has a fruity flavor. Besides that, im always very tired and restless esp in d day.

Hey Mummypooh

I was I was the only mad one who had to change toothpaste to kid's toothpaste cuz i would for sure vomit once i put the toothbrush in my mouth.

Now i can go back to my HB and tell him i'm not crazy :D
The reason asked is I heard people saying no MS usually lead to baby boy, got MS usually baby gal hehe... guess not huh :001_302:

Hang in there, I am sure your discomfort will go away very soon!
that's what most people believed. but my mum told me not to believe cos she got 2 sons and have bad MS carrying them, so does my 2 aunts.
Halo Honeylicious,

Hey, i have the same sentiments as you...hoping the bebe is a gal but my instinct tell me maybe its a boy....But gota to wait for doc's confirmation 1st..keke

Shiseru is rite, im currently at my 14th weeks....hopefuly can tell d gender of the baby by the 16th wk....20th wk seems a bit long .keke.

Btw are you from Indon? Coz i saw your location is SG to Indon?

is your instinct very strong?? cos mine is, even 2 weeks before i found out the gender i did sayang2 my tummy and call 'my little boy boy'.. i also surprised how come i can be so sure. also i had dreams before that i gave birth to baby boy.

yup, me indon but stay here long2 time liao, and my hubby is local.. u indon too?
Hi Shiseru, i am also same as you, no MS and i was actually quite concerned cos many said the more MS you have, the healthy your pregnancy is!! I asked gynae about my concern, she reassured me saying i am one in three women who are the lucky one :shyxxx: and baby is growing well!!

I heard this MS myth before. A few of my friends who had boys do have less MS, but hmm... my instinct tell me i am expecting a gal :001_302:. I am looking forward to my detailed scan in July to confirm....:Dancing_tongue:
don't worry, i have many relatives as lucky as you and even my own sister got no MS but have healthy baby.