Need recommendation


New Member
Hi everyone,

if i hire a CL, will they also help me to look after my elder son or i need to look after myself. cause my mun will coming to my house in the afternoon and went back at night. This is a 1st time i that i hire a CL. do your know how much they charge.


Yes, they will help to look after your other kid and some simple housechores. the charge is between $1900 to $2000. you are welcome to pm me for more info.


New Member
hi kym

My due date will be 3rd may 2010. But i aready had 1 cl of hand. she told me that she had another comfinement on March to april. she will call me back. But until now i have not't rec'd her call yet. difficult to contact her also, call her Hp not in use, try to call to her house her relative said she is in singapore will be back end of nov 09. Made me headache also.

Want to find another CL scare she will call and told me she can make it.
any advise on this. thks,


Hi Ling123,

Have you pay any deposit to her? It is fine to find another CL if both of you didn't confirm anything. By the way, if she is such difficult to contact, you might be very frustrated when you are around your due date.


hi kym

My due date will be 3rd may 2010. But i aready had 1 cl of hand. she told me that she had another comfinement on March to april. she will call me back. But until now i have not't rec'd her call yet. difficult to contact her also, call her Hp not in use, try to call to her house her relative said she is in singapore will be back end of nov 09. Made me headache also.

Want to find another CL scare she will call and told me she can make it.
any advise on this. thks,


Hi mummies,

Before you confirm your CL, please talk to them or if possible arrange to meet them as you gonna to live with her for 1 month, so find one that you really satisfy.



New Member
Hi there!
I'd really like to recommend my confinement lady. I just finished my first month. And I'm very satisfied with this lady. She's very professional with taking care of the baby and me. And she is a good cook. She also cleans the apartment and does everything we asked her to do.

If you want to talk to me, please call 82121752 :)

Her name is Meiling.
Singapore cell: 83004910
Malaysia cell: 016 9857034

Not surprised to see someone recommend my current CL here. She is a nice lady and can handle baby very well. I really have a good rest during the nights, especially after my operations. She is so much better from my 1st CL whom I'll not recommend at all.

With her years of experience as CL, she can suggest the ways to handle baby and how to breast feed. So anyone looking for a good CL, you can contact Auntie Meiling at above.

You may email to if you have any queries.

Anyone has confinement nanny contact that can work immediately?
My CL came in but was given only 3days social visit pass to stay in Singapore. Urgent help.
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

Anyone has confinement nanny contact that can work immediately?
My CL came in but was given only 3days social visit pass to stay in Singapore. Urgent help needed.
Confinement lady

Anyone has confinement nanny contact number to recommend who can work immediately?
My CL came in but was given only 3days social visit pass to stay in Singapore. Urgent help needed. Desperate Now!
I do not know how to care for my newborn.
I am crying now! What should I do?????


Well-Known Member

Not surprised to see someone recommend my current CL here. She is a nice lady and can handle baby very well. I really have a good rest during the nights, especially after my operations. She is so much better from my 1st CL whom I'll not recommend at all.

With her years of experience as CL, she can suggest the ways to handle baby and how to breast feed. So anyone looking for a good CL, you can contact Auntie Meiling at above.

You may email to if you have any queries.

Hi J2gb,

Is Aunty Meiling patient with babies? She cooks confinement food for the mother right and normal food for the hubby and herself hor? Is she hygienic and is she those calculative type? Most importantly is she honest? hear many horrible stories abt CL stealing things from the employer and even stealing confinement tonic.. She came in based on work permit or social pass as read some thread that some mummies have a brush with the law for hiring illegal workers as their CL overstayed...

Hope to hear from u ASAP!
thanks so much :)


Alpha Male
Hi mommies and daddies,

I just joined this forum to share our experience on the whole thing about CL. I'm a father of 2 kids, and having our 3rd one in early jan... after tt, will close down our production line.

Our 1st 2 kids, 2nd one is way back in 2002, we didn't go for CL... instead, my mom's help out. Given our 3rd one is our last one, my wife was advised to go for CL, eat good confinement food to recover her body and health. Well, she got some recommendation of CL from this forum and we met a few. From the attitudes, or at least, the few that we met, I'm got the following observations which kind of turn me off for CL.

1) All CL expect us to pay for the cab fee... I'm not sure what's the big deal on this... but for goodness sake... they already got SGD $2K, which base on current exchange rate, easily convert to MYR $4.9K. On top of that, they already got the ang bao for 1st day, and last day of their work... why insist on cab fee? I drive, so it is not an issue for me to pick them up or pay for cab fee... but this trigger an alarm bell in me... feel like they are out to squeeze us DRY.

2) One CL my wife spoke to, have a baby crying in the background. This highly recommended CL can still continue to talk to my wife, given she already book till july 2010. But she kept on selling her 'sister' to my wife... my wife must end the call as she can't stand the baby CRYING in the background... *Hey hey... wake up* We can understand CL telling us, hey we need to stop here as baby crying... but this highly recommended CL just go ON AND ON... selling service.

3) Later, did we find out... with referral, the CL will get $300, and her sister, will get $1700 instead, out of $2K. No wonder they are so keen in recommending their sister, and one even recommend her IN-LAWS to us... OMG. To me, this becomes an un-healthy industry, whereby the good one, being recommended, will spend her time now to also do referral, as once done, can easily get $300... while the one taking over, poor dear, now given only $1.7K... will it effect her commitment to service??? knowing well she can get $2K if she gets the call directly?

4) In the few meet up, I told my wife, you are the one paying, so make sure you know what service you are getting... we always start out as "err... this is our 1st time.. not sure what to expect... can u tell us what you cover?"... we always get this type of response back... "standard one lor... cover everything... but you got kids??? how old are they? you got maid??? you need me to cook for your kids and hubby TOO??? No right??? I can help to clean your house a bit... but not everything... "

"How about confinement food? what you cook?" - response - "oh EVERYTHING... TELL ME WHAT U LIKE?" We like huh??? we don't even know what confinement food to order!

Bottomline... a YES and NO response... depends on situation... i got this sinking feeling that if resources are available, she will not work on extra like cooking for hubby and other kids, nor do house work. Rceiving phone call and giving recommendation ($300) during the 28 days, are more important, then to take care of the mom and kid in the next room.

Sorry for being so negative here... but seriously, I felt we are fueling an industry that is so un-regulated, with no standard, paying the aunties that are out to squeeze us dry... Yes yes... i admit there are those out there doing a great job... just that we didn't come in contact with anyone of them yet.

In the end, we just decided last night we will go for confinement food catering, and my wife and 3rd kid, will stay with my mom, whom no doubt is too old for hard work, but still got some love for taking care of baby while my wife sleep.


Well-Known Member
Hi mommies and daddies,

I just joined this forum to share our experience on the whole thing about CL. I'm a father of 2 kids, and having our 3rd one in early jan... after that, will close down our production line.

Our 1st 2 kids, 2nd one is way back in 2002, we didn't go for CL... instead, my mom's help out. Given our 3rd one is our last one, my wife was advised to go for CL, eat good confinement food to recover her body and health. Well, she got some recommendation of CL from this forum and we met a few. From the attitudes, or at least, the few that we met, I'm got the following observations which kind of turn me off for CL.

1) All CL expect us to pay for the cab fee... I'm not sure what's the big deal on this... but for goodness sake... they already got SGD $2K, which base on current exchange rate, easily convert to MYR $4.9K. On top of that, they already got the ang bao for 1st day, and last day of their work... why insist on cab fee? I drive, so it is not an issue for me to pick them up or pay for cab fee... but this trigger an alarm bell in me... feel like they are out to squeeze us DRY.

2) One CL my wife spoke to, have a baby crying in the background. This highly recommended CL can still continue to talk to my wife, given she already book till july 2010. But she kept on selling her 'sister' to my wife... my wife must end the call as she can't stand the baby CRYING in the background... *Hey hey... wake up* We can understand CL telling us, hey we need to stop here as baby crying... but this highly recommended CL just go ON AND ON... selling service.

3) Later, did we find out... with referral, the CL will get $300, and her sister, will get $1700 instead, out of $2K. No wonder they are so keen in recommending their sister, and one even recommend her IN-LAWS to us... OMG. To me, this becomes an un-healthy industry, whereby the good one, being recommended, will spend her time now to also do referral, as once done, can easily get $300... while the one taking over, poor dear, now given only $1.7K... will it effect her commitment to service??? knowing well she can get $2K if she gets the call directly?

4) In the few meet up, I told my wife, you are the one paying, so make sure you know what service you are getting... we always start out as "err... this is our 1st time.. not sure what to expect... can you tell us what you cover?"... we always get this type of response back... "standard one ... cover everything... but you got kids??? how old are they? you got maid??? you need me to cook for your kids and hubby TOO??? No right??? I can help to clean your house a bit... but not everything... "

"How about confinement food? what you cook?" - response - "oh EVERYTHING... TELL ME WHAT you LIKE?" We like huh??? we dont't even know what confinement food to order!

Bottomline... a YES and NO response... depends on situation... i got this sinking feeling that if resources are available, she will not work on extra like cooking for hubby and other kids, nor do house work. Rceiving phone call and giving recommendation ($300) during the 28 days, are more important, then to take care of the mom and kid in the next room.

Sorry for being so negative here... but seriously, I felt we are fueling an industry that is so un-regulated, with no standard, paying the aunties that are out to squeeze us dry... Yes yes... i admit there are those out there doing a great job... just that we didn't come in contact with anyone of them yet.

In the end, we just decided last night we will go for confinement food catering, and my wife and 3rd kid, will stay with my mom, whom no doubt is too old for hard work, but still got some love for taking care of baby while my wife sleep.
Hi caden daddy,

I tend to agree with u. I feel that they are out to squeeze us dry. Not all, but those who are highly recommended by employers who had used their service but cant make it then refer their contacts or sis to us. I agree with u on the red packet issue. My hubby drives and also offered to fetch her to my place so I think the 1st red packet b4 she start work can no need to give. got personal chauffuer send to door step still give red packet? It is alot of money alr. The 2nd red packet i think i will give if she washes my lingerie including underwear, on top of all the other household chores and taking care of me and my bb which we agreed upon. This red packet is to symbolise good luck to her as the chinese believes that washing of the lingerie esp underwear is a very 'dirty' thing to do,so i think giving her a "ji li" is is only rightful.

My 2cts worth of opinion only :)


New Member
Hi all,

I would like to recommend my CL whom is doing confinement for me now. I find her services to be to my satisfaction. She helps me take good care of my baby, cooks well and do the household chores. Due to her many years of experience, she is quite knowledgeable in baby care and cooking confinement food and tonics for the mother. At least when my mother tests her, she knows everything and able to do what we ask her to do.

Her name is Xiu Zhen auntie.
Msia no.: 0125708827
Sg no.: 91246938


Hi all,

I would like to recommend my CL whom is doing confinement for me now. I find her services to be to my satisfaction. She helps me take good care of my baby, cooks well and do the household chores. Due to her many years of experience, she is quite knowledgeable in baby care and cooking confinement food and tonics for the mother. At least when my mother tests her, she knows everything and able to do what we ask her to do.

Her name is Xiu Zhen auntie.
Msia no.: 0125708827
Sg no.: 91246938

Hi Omeletto,
My EDD is 6th May 2010.But as i'm having C-sec,the date might be end of April. Is your CL available at end of April? Thanks.


Didnt know now have to include cab fare!! My confinement auntie took MRT from Causeway to my place in Simei herself!!

Ivy Miao

Hi there, Im a young new mum to be. EDD is on the 7th Feb. Till now, I still cant find the right confinement nanny. Most of them requires to stay over for a month. But I do not have extra room or place for her. Does anyone knows any confinement nanny that doesnt stays over? Just be there in the morning by night, she can return home? Most Singapore confinement nanny are full. Especially when mine hits near Chinese New Year. Good recommendation, pls....:wesmile:


New Member
Hi mummies,

My EDD is 22 April 2010 and this is my 2nd child. The first one i didnt engage any CL but this time round, i'm looking to get a daytime CL to come in from 9am-6pm. As this is my first time dealing with a CL, can anyone advise me typically what i must ask the CL before confirming her?

Eg, do i have to ask if she can she cook well, do housework and laundry for me, prepare tonic soup, soup to increase lactation, cook for family etc. or are these the basic expectations of all CLs???

I know typically a daytime CL will charge abt $1600 - $1800 (almost not much diff from a fulltime CL) but are there any incidental charges that she will expect, eg transport fees for her daily commutation from her place to mine? And must I pay her additional for groceries?

Thanks for sharing in advance.


New Member
Hi mummies,
Does anyone know of a good Singaporean confinement nanny? Am looking for one who's willing to travel overseas. Really appreciate any good recommendations :)