EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Glad that someone felt the same way too :) most importantl is to have a healthy and happy baby

I was a little dishearten too, same reason, hubby is eldest n wish to have a son and I wish to stop at one due to age... But personally I always prefer girl, seeing those little clothes so adorable. Now can't wait to meet her.


I m 29 weeks this were. Belly yet to pop. Going for my gynae checkup tmr. Brought forward my check a week earlier as my company wants me to travel to South Africa end Mar. By then I would be ard 32 weeks. Anyone hv frens who still travel n fly at this stage? Personally not very keen cos 11 hrs flight n I m rather worried
anyway to get out of the trip? maybe a letter from your doc? i travelled at 16 weeks, felt super uncomfortable in the plane! didnt want to do that again...

if you cant get out of the trip, better to get a letter from your doc certifying your are fit for travel. some airlines might want that and for insurance purposes.


I m 29 weeks this were. Belly yet to pop. Going for my gynae checkup tmr. Brought forward my check a week earlier as my company wants me to travel to South Africa end Mar. By then I would be ard 32 weeks. Anyone hv frens who still travel n fly at this stage? Personally not very keen cos 11 hrs flight n I m rather worried

I think is better to check with the airline, some will not allow or need Doc's letter. Maybe get ur gynae to write a letter saying u r not suitable to travel unless, u wish to go on this trip.


I think is better to check with the airline, some will not allow or need Doc's letter. Maybe get ur gynae to write a letter saying u r not suitable to travel unless, u wish to go on this trip.
Airline will need the gynae to certify fit to travel n letter muz be dated 10 days before the start n end date of travel. Guess will see wat my gynae say tmr. Hopefully can get out of this trip. Juz the flight hours n how my back will ache puts me off.


Totally understand what you're going through! Standing away from the tap makes me stretch my arms out more, which results in horrible lower back pain.

Ask hubby to do the dishes haha
haha good idea, but i already pass everything else to him, including laundry. think i have to than the dishes.


I was a little dishearten too, same reason, hubby is eldest n wish to have a son and I wish to stop at one due to age... But personally I always prefer girl, seeing those little clothes so adorable. Now can't wait to meet her.
I was opposite. disheartened to hear its a boy. only mum-in-law happy. hubby n me, and sis-in-laws all prefer girl. so many pretty clothes, and cute ways to do her hair. almost all baby clothes shop have 90% girls clothes. but i told myself, at least i settle my in laws expectations. next time i have another one will be for myself.


Yap, at least u settled ur in law expectation, no stress having next one... Now my hubby alrdy start telling me abt having no.2... Faint...


Yap, at least you settled your in law expectation, no stress having next one... Now my hubby alrdy start telling me about having no.2... Faint...
B4 this pregnancy, hubby n me talked abt having 2 kids. However, seeing how I suffer during this pregnancy, my hubby was saying tt maybe we settle for 1. Rather happy tt he cares for me. We having a bb gal. My hubby wants a gal so he is happy. For me, I m fine so long bb healthy. Luckily we dun hv stress from our both sides of parents. they are fine wif bb gal too. I hv yet to decide if to hv number 2. Maybe bcos I m 35 yrs this year. Dunno if hv enuf energy to tk care of both work n family.


It's so nice of ur hubby to care for u. Maybe I did not suffer much during this pregnancy, my hubby think it's easy... I am alrdy 36 ... No more energy to go all over again... Hope he will change his mind after seeing the labour part himself :mtongue:


does anyone feel more thirsty than before? I only feel this in this trimester.. and with the hot weather, its realy hard to control not to drink chilled beverages..
Me me me!!!! Ive a 750 ml water bottle in the room n always can drink 1+ bottle a day. Tts beside the water intake during meals. Well, drinking is always good. In fact I'm quite happy to b able to intake more water now. Cuz first trimester I always vomit whenever I drink water.


New Member
I also was hoping to get a baby boy first cos the eldest in both my hubby's and my family are males. I thought it was good to have an oldest boy to "take care" of the family next time. So was a LITTLE disappointed when the radiographer said it's a girl during the scan. Of course at the start of the pregnancy I told myself gender should not matter but couldn't help feeling that way when I was told.

Accepted it already and finally getting to see my cute little baby girl, it doesn't matter anymore :)


It's so nice of ur hubby to care for u. Maybe I did not suffer much during this pregnancy, my hubby think it's easy... I am alrdy 36 ... No more energy to go all over again... Hope he will change his mind after seeing the labour part himself :mtongue:
Guess guys can be thick-brained at times so we woman muz learn how to better manage them using the soft approach ;) My Gf told me no matter how strong a character we hv, we muz also show our man our weak moments. This will make the man treasure us woman more. I find this very true. I m the eldest in the family so very used to be taking care of others but after marriage, I learnt to let go of some ctrl n get my hb to tk charge so I m the receiver. Feels good to be taken care of.

I m sure once ur hb see thru ur labor pain n the effort it cost u in this pregnancy, he will not think tt it's easy for woman to go thru pregnancy again n again ;) Muz also understand as parents, our role will not stop at delivering a bb, we need to nurture n educate bb too. Tough road ahead. Let's all jia you k


Hi milkshake,

I'm not sure if what I experienced is related to your case. I suffered from preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure developed during pregnancy. You may want to refer to the following websites for more info:

Preeclampsia - PubMed Health
Signs & Symptoms

Basically, during my last ultrasound scan. my placenta wasn't supplying blood to my baby. I was admitted and put under observation that very day in the delivery suite. I was fine and transferred to normal ward after 3 days. But suddenly on the 2nd night at normal ward, I experienced severe gastric pain and headache (symptoms of high blood pressure) and was transferred back to the delivery suite. There my condition went downhill and doctors advised me to deliver the baby to bring my bp down.

I'm not sure what can be done to prevent it cos mine happened so suddenly. Apparently no causes can still be identified and the doctors also don't know what caused mine.

Hope that yours won't develop into preeclampsia cos it was a very traumatic experience for me :( Maybe a lot of rest well help so rest as much as you can!
Hi sunkissed, thx for sharing. I dot have pre-eclampsia as of now as I monitor my Bp daily. So far it's been normal. But I can understand yr situation and I'm sure it can be traumatic. At what week did u deliver yr baby? Hope you r both recovering well!


I also was hoping to get a baby boy first cos the eldest in both my hubby's and my family are males. I thought it was good to have an oldest boy to "take care" of the family next time. So was a LITTLE disappointed when the radiographer said it's a girl during the scan. Of course at the start of the pregnancy I told myself gender should not matter but couldn't help feeling that way when I was told.

Accepted it already and finally getting to see my cute little baby girl, it doesn't matter anymore :)
Dear Sunkissed, how's ur princess doing? Today she shd be 1 mth n 2 days old? From ur previous posts, this was not easy for u. Happy tt both mummy n bb now getting stronger n stronger. Rem to jia you k. Bb will def be able to feel the love u guys hv for her.


Hello dearies...Hope u all are in the pink of health and enjoying the last trimesters of your pregnancies..Im in my 31st week now..Next gynae check-up at 32 weeks will be this coming 12th...!!! Sooooo looking forward to it...!!!:001_302:

Oh and i have soooo much stuff to do before i deliver..I'm shifting back to my own place (coz eversince i was pregnant with my 2nd son,i stayed over at my in-law's)..Get a maid..Enrol my eldest son in pre-nursery..All these to be done before i POP...!!! I just hope dat my girl wont come out so early but i doubt so..I delivered my eldest son at 39weeks..My 2nd son at 38weeks..So she might come out earlier..Leaving me abt 7-8weeks only to get so much stuff done..!! *GULP* :err:
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Me me me!!!! Ive a 750 ml water bottle in the room n always can drink 1+ bottle a day. Tts beside the water intake during meals. Well, drinking is always good. In fact I'm quite happy to b able to intake more water now. Cuz first trimester I always vomit whenever I drink water.
I count myself lucky so far till now no MS.. *touchwood* and can eat anything.. in office I'll take warm water cos its cold, at home, I'll drink water at room temperature or slightly chilled wif 1-2 ice cubes, fruit juices from Marigold/ Peel Fresh or HL milk or Vitasoy..


hey ladies. hope all of u are doing great.. =)
had my dr's appt yest n my baby was at slightly more than 1.5kg. dr said it's an average bb weight n i still can stuff my face w whatever i want. hehehe.
i prefer a gal n hubs prefer a boy but when we knew that it's a gal, i pretty much chged my mind on that instant n wanted a boy instead! hormones!! hahahaha. did try to see the gender again eventho 3 ultrasound says its a girl only cz ppl have been saying that i look like i am carrying a boy. i know i should ignore what they say but cant help it to just confirm them again.. but bb shy n close her legs. hehehe.
my belly button has popped out like mths ago n i'm pretty much petite. w the navel piercing scar, it looks dbl the horrible!! hahaha.

last stretch mummies.. JIA YOU!!!


I'm also at my 31st week!! :) my checkup is this afternoon...can't wait to see my little girl......

Wow you're gonna be a mum of 3! Congrats! Good luck to your preparation and remember don't stress yourself out. :)

Hello dearies...Hope u all are in the pink of health and enjoying the last trimesters of your pregnancies..Im in my 31st week now..Next gynae check-up at 32 weeks will be this coming 12th...!!! Sooooo looking forward to it...!!!:001_302:

Oh and i have soooo much stuff to do before i deliver..I'm shifting back to my own place (coz eversince i was pregnant with my 2nd son,i stayed over at my in-law's)..Get a maid..Enrol my eldest son in pre-nursery..All these to be done before i POP...!!! I just hope dat my girl wont come out so early but i doubt so..I delivered my eldest son at 39weeks..My 2nd son at 38weeks..So she might come out earlier..Leaving me abt 7-8weeks only to get so much stuff done..!! *GULP* :err:


I'm also at my 31st week!! :) my checkup is this afternoon...can't wait to see my little girl......

Wow you're gonna be a mum of 3! Congrats! Good luck to your preparation and remember don't stress yourself out. :)
Hi sis..Thanks for the well-wishes dearies..!!! Honestly speaking,i'm pretty laid-back about my transition of becoming from a mother-of-two to a mother-of-three..!!! I still remembered how stressful and anxious i was wen i was preparing for the arrival of my second son..I guess my life is already busy and hectic with 2 active noisy boys that i think i'm gonna be ok with one more girl..I HOPE..!!!

Anyways u take good care of yourself too sis..And i'm excited fr your appoinment too..!!! :001_302:


i am having trouble deciding on a stroller. any recommendations?
well im looking for one that is
- lightweight
- can be close w 1 hand in case i'm alone w baby
- sturdy
- budget $500 (dont wanna spend so much on strollers cz scared by the time baby learn to walk then dont want to sit in it)

TIA :win: