EDD May 2012 Mummies!


For my previous 2 deliveries..I stayed for 3 nights so i brought 3 sets..You might wanna bring more pyjamas or more disposable panties though coz it will easily get soiled coz u'll be bleeding after delivery..
hi izanyzam,

pardon me for asking, for those soiled ones, do u throw them away or bring home to wash? if it's natural birth, will we still bleed when we are wheeled to the ward? I intend to get only 1 set for the whole stay (didn't think of the bleeding part).. cos I dun wear pyjamas at home (I wear T-shirt and shorts) tats why I've no intention to buy so many sets..


hi sweetoothz, my hubby decide to get combi urban walker, is light weight, can easily close w/ 1 hand. cost $399.

anyone start to pack the BAG??
i still thinking wat if i am not at home, is outside or office when it happen. it not possible to go home take bag n go rite?? how?:err:
thx for ur input. my fren also just mention the combi strollers range. will defo look into it.. thx again.. =)


ladies, y must bring our own pj one? dont the hosp provide us w one?
sorry uh, im a first time mom so everything also dunno one.. hehehe


Yes I was thinking about bringing it too and glad u brought it up. This might be a silly question though... :p

When preparing my hospital bag, when should I clean the pump? Cos I thought can't clean too early?

Also, after expressing at hospital, how do I clean the pump and bottles? Will the hospital have the cleaning equipment or must I bring?

Thanks so much dear :)

And ladies one very important hing dat mummies overlook to pack is their breastpump..!! If for any reason your newborn doesnt wanna latch on..You will end up with a painfully swollen and engorged breasts..So please remember to bring along your breastpump yah..

I did dat mistake wen i delivered my 1st son thinking i dont need my pump with me since im gonna breastfeed my son..But he refused to latch on and i ended up having to "rent" the hospital's huge noisy breastpump..It was so noisy dat i felt like a cow kena milked..!!! So wen i was about to deliver my 2nd son..My breastpump was the 1st thing i packed in my hospital bag!! :001_302:


i just returned home from my checkup! Baby is 2.1kg. Doc said its a good weight but asked if I eat a lot ?.?

I told him I eat moderately, I don't stuff myself. He said must watch my intake cos if baby get too big then labour will be difficult. Should I be worried?

Other than that, little one is looking cute from the 3d face scan hehe

Hi sis..Thanks for the well-wishes dearies..!!! Honestly speaking,i'm pretty laid-back about my transition of becoming from a mother-of-two to a mother-of-three..!!! I still remembered how stressful and anxious i was wen i was preparing for the arrival of my second son..I guess my life is already busy and hectic with 2 active noisy boys that i think i'm gonna be ok with one more girl..I HOPE..!!!

Anyways u take good care of yourself too sis..And i'm excited fr your appoinment too..!!! :001_302:


ladies, y must bring our own pj one? dont the hosp provide us w one?
sorry uh, im a first time mom so everything also dunno one.. hehehe
I will be delivering at parkway east n some mummy on the other thread say tt they do provide pj there, but incase... I think I'll still bring 1-2 sets.


Hello Meilynn!

My princess is doing really well. Taking in a lot more breastmilk and growing. Now she's much fleshier but still need to gain lots of weight. But sometimes she will "forget" to breathe which is common in premature babies cos the brain cannot coordinate the breathing as well as term ones. She has no more tubes except the oxygen tube and the feeding tube. So happy cos the incubator looks less cluttered.
Good to hear tt bb gal doing well. Hopefully she can gain the required weight n be home soon wif u n family. Wif less clutter ard the incubator def a better sight, at least less heartpain for u when u visit her. Tk Gd care of urself k. This way u can then tk better care of ur princess :)


I haven went, planning to go this weekend.. I've got the big items too at the previous fair at Expo, only big item left is the car seat and the smaller items like baby wipes, more clothes for the baby... we got a set of the Avent breastpump that comes wif 3 feeding bottles inside + 10 storage cups.. not sure if its enough.. we're tinking to get 1-2 more bottles and storage bags instead of cups.. but I cant seem to find storage bags from Avent, anyone know if they have? if not, can I use other brands of storage bags?
saw the maxi cosi car seat on sale at mothercare, maybe can check it out :) can use any type of storage bags but i dont think theres a hurry coz better to let baby latch on and establish supply, can pump and store after your confinenement.


Yes I was thinking about bringing it too and glad u brought it up. This might be a silly question though... :p

When preparing my hospital bag, when should I clean the pump? Cos I thought can't clean too early?

Also, after expressing at hospital, how do I clean the pump and bottles? Will the hospital have the cleaning equipment or must I bring?

Thanks so much dear :)
Think u can get those sterilizing tablets from ntuc meant for nursing equipments.


Sis..If you wanna wear gowns,buy those with buttons down the front..Easy to BF your newborn...Nursing tops also can though i think wearing gowns and pyjamas during yr hospital stay is more comfy..And yes please bring along breastpads too coz your milkflow will continue to come out even wen baby is not feeding..
The hospital did not tell me to bring pyjamas leh. Anyway, where can I get those buttons down the front?*


I will be delivering at TMC and was told to pack our own pj. I got those from pasar malam at $8 per set. I got those long sleeve n long pants type as was told the ward might be cold. I will alter it short after my confinement and wear at home.


i am having trouble deciding on a stroller. any recommendations?
well im looking for one that is
- lightweight
- can be close w 1 hand in case i'm alone w baby
- sturdy
- budget $500 (dont wanna spend so much on strollers cz scared by the time baby learn to walk then dont want to sit in it)

TIA :win:
My hubby n myself decided not to get stroller, we will be using sarong carrier. We find stroller too troublesome to handle... And if really need to, then get later during GSS.


New Member
I stayed at KKH and seems like everything there is prepared for you. Nursing gown, disposable undies, pads (maternity loops and normal), wet wipes. They prepared this package and everything will be labelled with your name. Haha.

Breast pump was also prepared since my baby in NICU. but the pump was super noisy and i was qt paiseh to use it at night. Then after every pumping session, I just passed the set to the nurse to sterilise.


Ladies, had my gynae follow up today. Bb at 28 weeks 6 days weighs 1.2kg. Thou gynae said weight ok but think from wat I read from other mummies from this forum, my gal seems to be smaller. I hv put on almost 9kgs since pregnant but most weight is on me :(

Placenta on the low side but this excuse me from my south Africa travel cos gynae advised not to travel. Im delivering at Mt Alvernia. Think I too lazy to bring the pj so will juz wear the hospital gown. From my antenatal class, Mt A do provides for rental of breast pump so most probably I will not bring along. If pump really to noisy, will then get my hubby to bring to the hospital.

Was told to bring along pad cos we will bleed. I saw from the taja's fair tt there is this maternity pad. Do we need this or normal pad will do?

Also, I def want to shower post delivery but how to shower wif those Chinese herbs in the hospital? Any advice?


Ladies, had my gynae follow up today. Bb at 28 weeks 6 days weighs 1.2kg. Thou gynae said weight ok but think from wat I read from other mummies from this forum, my gal seems to be smaller. I hv put on almost 9kgs since pregnant but most weight is on me :(

Placenta on the low side but this excuse me from my south Africa travel cos gynae advised not to travel. Im delivering at Mt Alvernia. Think I too lazy to bring the pj so will juz wear the hospital gown. From my antenatal class, Mt A do provides for rental of breast pump so most probably I will not bring along. If pump really to noisy, will then get my hubby to bring to the hospital.

Was told to bring along pad cos we will bleed. I saw from the taja's fair tt there is this maternity pad. Do we need this or normal pad will do?

Also, I def want to shower post delivery but how to shower wif those Chinese herbs in the hospital? Any advice?
My friend told me we'll have to use maternity pad due to the stitches. The maternity pad is softer and will not hook on to the stitches. I guess if u c-sect thn will be ok to use normal ones.

I dun think we can use herb to bath in hospital... Will be using normal water...


New Member
Mine was a maternity loop where they tied the pad (like a g-string around your waist) using some strings provided. The nurses helped me to tie. Maybe cos it was C-section and I had a urinary catheter attached to me. And I didn't shower at all in hospital cos I didn't want to risk infecting the wound. I only wiped myself.

Are you all planning to "observe" the 1 month confinement period?


I was intending to switch to Mount A but ended up being hospitalised before I could do so. A blessing in disguise cos I was under subsidised class in KKH. Luckily baby's bill won't be as exhorbitant as in private hospitals but still high :(


Mine was a maternity loop where they tied the pad (like a g-string around your waist) using some strings provided. The nurses helped me to tie. Maybe cos it was C-section and I had a urinary catheter attached to me. And I didn't shower at all in hospital cos I didn't want to risk infecting the wound. I only wiped myself.

Are you all planning to "observe" the 1 month confinement period?


I was intending to switch to Mount A but ended up being hospitalised before I could do so. A blessing in disguise cos I was under subsidised class in KKH. Luckily baby's bill won't be as exhorbitant as in private hospitals but still high :(
Think nowadays Kk fee also not much different from private. Def will be a big amt.

My folks n hubby hv told me tt I need to observe the 1 mth confinement period. This is the only instance whereby my hubby refused to compromise. Maybe bcos my health was not great before pregnancy n alot of ppl said confinement period 2nd chance to beef up a stronger body. Thus I will try my best to cooperate.

Now, if cannot use herbs to shower in hospital, maybe I wil juz wipe myself during my stay. Go hm then tk the proper herb shower. My CL encourage me to shower but muz be wif herbs. think gotta go buy the maternity pad then.