Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: I agree with u to b Xiao nu ren for the time being... Lol :p I have been doing that thru out pregnancy... Hahaha this way, we can see their "paternal" instinct... Lol :p

Oh yah! Keep forgetting to ask u... Why do we have to cut our hair? Saw ur post in another thread asking if mummies cut their long hair in delivery prep... :)

There's no myth behind it actually..

My aunties insist me to cut cuz they mentioned it'd be easier to take care of baby..
After delivery, we will lose alot of water & perspire alot so they said it'd be easier with the Short hair..
And we'll feel much less Hot, feel less dirty not washing our hair too...
(thats if we plan to follow the tradition & not wash hair la)

Im not cutting my hair...
Leaving it the way it is... Now reach BellyButton.
Lucky my hubby support me on this. He also dont want me to cut!! :D

Yep.. Xiao Nu Ren better..
They will sayang Us more!! :)

The other day we brought Kitty to the Vet & a small part of Kitty's paw was shaved to put a drip.
Both Hubby & I so heartpain..

Then he said that,
See Our Cat like that he already so Heartpain,
he dunno how he'll react if he has to see me go through so much pain in Labour with needles & drips stuck in me..

Thats why the fella insist I take epidural!

Initially in 1st Tri, want me to go Csec, Thinking it wont be pain for me..

eee, i dont want...
Don't want to be sliceddddd. :(

Mreow Mreow

MamaDT: I love 50% to 70% cooked cockles too! lols.. medium well cooked beef can eat? wooo i always asked for the beef fully cooked. Good idea of bringing small towel to wipe body and wet wipes! regarding the sterilised tablets.. r they a replacement for Steriliser? the water is hot or cold or wad? hehe.. okie thks for hte coconut info!! baby deco is good, i havent post in facebook lols.. but already have the picture in my phone already heheh =) just a simple deco.. but already took 1 - 2 days already cos have to go around buying the things =p i have been frequenting Babies R Us at City Square mall.. A couple of cute things over there.. but then the things r quite expensive...

Mreow Mreow: soft serve ice cream cnanot ah? So macdonald ice cream cone oso cant? and pasar malam's coconuts r all young coconut ma?? if yes hor my house nearby is going to have a pasar malam soon! hehe... thank u for the locations to buy coconut!! hehe i need to start drinking!!! i stay in punggol leh.. =( ulu place haha.. i like cold shower. LOL i feel cleaner after cold shower as compared to warm shower hehe

We are cold-water Fanss!! :D

MacD's ice cream is also Soft serve..
Its ok to eat from such a reputable place as Im very very sure they have strict food preparations guidelines.
Their ice cream doesnt melt that easily in room temperatures so bacteria growth's reduced.
Ive ate twice already from MacD!! :)

Normal Softserve ice cream can also easily cause diarrhea in normal people who aren't preggies.
So Dont buy from stalls that arent well-known...
Esp those that melt easily!

Yup, Pasar Malam ones can buy!! :)
Mreow Mreow, roughly about 5ml, you can use syringe then give abit of water .. Some mothers even mix it with the baby's milk, it's really up to you, but try not to give too much in one day ! It really does work, and I heard there's some kinda oil you can use for baby's bloated tummy too, some Chinese oil .. dont't reall remember .. Ru yu oil ? Haha .

Epidural can cause side effects, not sure if long term or not .. Like constant backaches and such .. To me better to bear pain awhile and feel the contractions, then feel nothing and drag the delivery ! Haha but that's IMO .

Wah, you mummies are talking about coconut juice .. Makes my throat so parched ! I feel like I have to buy it right now ..
And I'm not one who can drink powdered milk, it makes me nauseous !

I still eat ice cream tho, bad bad . Almost 5 days a week .
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I feel like having root beer float now.... Hahaha

I eat ice cream too!!! Sweet tooth is back this trim! Lol
I take mcflurry, Ben n Jerry pint, Hagen daz pints... Heehee I think can eat as long as u don't go lick the melted part left.... Lol

Sterilised tablet is like steriliser but u bring tablet out to sterilise instead of bringing the whole steriliser out... Heehee read from instruction, shd be able to use with room temp water :)

Quick post in fb haha then can see see haha

Mreow Mreow: think ur hub thinks same way as mine for birth plan! Lol he also said c sect during first trim coz he scared I cannot tahan pushing... Then when my gynae said natural, he said must use EPI... Haha

Mreow Mreow, can add u in fb?

Oh the cutting hair... I think long hair easier to manage during confinement leh... U can bun up ur hair... Not so hot.... Lol I am leaving mine long too :)
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New Member
Hello mummies! I m finally back at work again. Sorry for the MIA, was busy decorating baby's room the whole weekend =)

pink2purple: I have started washing baby's clothes already I dono issit considered too early for me or not hehe.. the mattress pad i bought it from Kiddy palace at Compass Point.. less than $10 if i m not wrong =) i tink there are 5 pads inside.

lizasaifi: now I am left with 5 weeks! very scary! hahaa.. and your baby is super cute!! and yes I am enjoying ebery weekend.. and i am eating watever I can like nobody business haha.. must start preparing my mood for baby's arrival =) Dear where is "Prettty International" located in AMK central? near which shop? and glad your baby do not need to use NG tube already !=p and my gynae never measure my bump too! he only use both of his hands to hold my tummy as if he knows how big is my baby by doing that

MamaDT: Oo i drank a cup of coffee myself once only.. the rest of the time just a few sips.. or half a cup.. but its less than 10 times so far.. usually i drink tea.. but i try not to make it an everyday thingy.. I never go parenthood fair.. i heard its very crowded! haha

Mreow Mreow: hohooh.. I tried to video my baby.. I managed to video some movements from him!! i think i can try again tonight because these 2 days he have been moving very profusely very frequently =p refer to this link for the baby weight ;) i washed all baby clothes except for the clothes that is for 12 mths and above. i use kodomo detergent =p i bought some johnson baby products. for bathing, shampoo and the baby lotion. i find the scent is nice too! my EDD is changed to 17th Dec .. haha weird.. happy 35th week!!! heheheh.. and how.. have you washed your baby clothes? have you packed your hospital bag? haha.. and the food you wrote that you ate.. Its okie ... i can eat prawn noodle and carrot cake alone just for 1 meal .. macdonald fries and want ton mee is my top craved food!!! and recently i dont really like to drink milk.. my milk is expiring already =(
Average fetal length and weight chart | BabyCenter

prettygem: girl dont worry about the weight of the baby okie? my gynae says its different for every babies one.. and doctor only based on some measurements and then estimate the baby's weight. So your baby might actually weigh more than it's shown.. anyways.. as long as your baby is healthy.. shld be okie .. and most imptly.. your doctor told you baby is getting enough nutrients =) dont worri okie!

Sze Sze: wow wow! your baby is 2.7kg already!!! she is growing very fast :) thats good! ^^

lovepixie: i tink you shld rest more at home.. I also have the pain you r experiencing.,. but its only during the night when i wake up to pee... and when i m flipping on bed.. Or after i sat down too long..

Cherry blossom: hey mummy!! my hubby also bought cabinet from ikea.. and a small table lol.. and i still have yet finished packing my hospital bag!! but i have bought most of the stuffs.. i tink i m left with pyjamas :(

Beenies: I have been indulging in chocolates toO!! and want ton mee.. LOL! i feel full easier already but then i already stuff myself with more kinds of food per meal cos suddenly i have been craving all sorts of food!

Mummies.. there is some discount going on in spring maternity online site. you all can go take a look. if i m not wrong.. promo ends today.. =p

I had laksa upteen times during my pregnancy.. The only thing is that i told them not to put cockles. T.T

what is gripe water for?

I drink hot teh a few days once =p

i wanna have Kopi O siew Dai for drinks and salmon sashimi, medium rare beef, and yakun soft boiled egg after delivery =D

I wanted to buy a tin of formula in case *touch wood* I do not have enough milk supply.. Any rave for any brands? I heard Nan Pro tastes similar to bf milk??

Do we need to bring milk storage bags to hospital?? i decided to bring breast pump incase baby doesnt want to latch on me ...

My baby boy is very very active nowadays. stomach is moving so obvious that ppl can see my tummy moving =p but baby is moving the whole night too.. so i din get a good sleep yesterday night ~
Hi momopeachgirl, gripewater is indeed very good to prevent colic in infants. I used it for my both my girls and they never have colic problems before. They are still taking it. In fact they also never have diarrhoe. But if i'm not mistaken its contraindicated in newborn. I didnt administer to them when they were newborn just to play safe.

And in my previous pregnancy, SGH provided me maternity pads. The diff is it doesnt stick to your panty like other pads do. But its a long pad and you have to loop around the two ends of the pad with the string provided and tie around your waist. The string can be reused if not soaked or dirty


How much weight have u mummies put on till date?? :D
For me, I have put on 12kg.. from earliest 43.5kg to current 55.5kg! Pretty happy with the weight gained as many ppl said I look better ever since Im pregnant with my baby (face is rounder now) hehe.. Anyway, currently in week 37 ^^

Mreow Mreow

For me, I have put on 12kg.. from earliest 43.5kg to current 55.5kg! Pretty happy with the weight gained as many ppl said I look better ever since Im pregnant with my baby (face is rounder now) hehe.. Anyway, currently in week 37 ^^

Im sure u will be happy with ur weight...

Heehee, boobs bigger also ya!! :D

Ur baby is full term dear!!

Did ur Doc suggest when Baby will pop?


Hi mummies! Juz wanna inform u all dat I wun be active in here much from tmrw onwards. Busy preparing home before princess comes home n also I wld like to get more rest as I've been running ard a lot. :) will still come ard n look see but probably wun be writing much. For those who have me in FB list feel free to keep in touch. I'm more active there. Alright mummies! All d best for ur impending deliveries n may u all have a smooth n safe delivery. Take gd care, rest well, eat healthily n get enuff sleep before baby arrives. Hehehe nite nite!
10kg ! I look and feel so fat but I'm happy .. Just a lil bit sensitive due to hormones, haha !

Liza, I pmed you ! All the best and do keep in touch ! May baby grow up strong ..


Im sure u will be happy with ur weight...

Heehee, boobs bigger also ya!! :D

Ur baby is full term dear!!

Did ur Doc suggest when Baby will pop?
Ya! Baby is full term now. Very excited! Cant wait to see my daughter.. at the same time kinda worried of the emergency situation as in what if my waterbag bursts in the public! Gonna be so embarassing.. Anyway, gynae didnt say when the baby will pops out.. I will see him again on next Fri which is week 38. He only told me that the next time I'll get to see him is either in the TPS clinic or in the labour ward. Haha..


New Member
I stay at Punggol too. Sheng shiong sells young thai coconut.. got mine there.

momopeachgal:719972 said:
MamaDT: I love 50% to 70% cooked cockles too! lols.. medium well cooked beef can eat? wooo i always asked for the beef fully cooked. Good idea of bringing small towel to wipe body and wet wipes! regarding the sterilised tablets.. r they a replacement for Steriliser? the water is hot or cold or wad? hehe.. okie thks for hte coconut info!! baby deco is good, i havent post in facebook lols.. but already have the picture in my phone already heheh =) just a simple deco.. but already took 1 - 2 days already cos have to go around buying the things =p i have been frequenting Babies R Us at City Square mall.. A couple of cute things over there.. but then the things r quite expensive...

Mreow Mreow: soft serve ice cream cnanot ah? So macdonald ice cream cone oso cant? and pasar malam's coconuts r all young coconut ma?? if yes hor my house nearby is going to have a pasar malam soon! hehe... thank u for the locations to buy coconut!! hehe i need to start drinking!!! i stay in punggol leh.. =( ulu place haha.. i like cold shower. LOL i feel cleaner after cold shower as compared to warm shower hehe

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies! Juz wanna inform u all dat I wun be active in here much from tmrw onwards. Busy preparing home before princess comes home n also I wld like to get more rest as I've been running ard a lot. :) will still come ard n look see but probably wun be writing much. For those who have me in FB list feel free to keep in touch. I'm more active there. Alright mummies! All d best for ur impending deliveries n may u all have a smooth n safe delivery. Take gd care, rest well, eat healthily n get enuff sleep before baby arrives. Hehehe nite nite!

Thanks for letting us know, instead of just disappearing....
I will be realllly missing u from here!!! :(
do come back often when u are more settled with Baby Nurin ya!! :D
Take care...

Mreow Mreow

Ive been getting BH quite often nowadays man...

If i take notice, Every Half Hr will have 1 man.

Sit down-standup have,
standup-Sitdown have,
squat have,
Bend body have...


U all too?


Hi mummies! Juz wanna inform u all dat I wun be active in here much from tmrw onwards. Busy preparing home before princess comes home n also I wld like to get more rest as I've been running ard a lot. :) will still come ard n look see but probably wun be writing much. For those who have me in FB list feel free to keep in touch. I'm more active there. Alright mummies! All d best for ur impending deliveries n may u all have a smooth n safe delivery. Take gd care, rest well, eat healthily n get enuff sleep before baby arrives. Hehehe nite nite!

Thanks for letting us know, instead of just disappearing....
I will be realllly missing u from here!!! :(
do come back often when u are more settled with Baby Nurin ya!! :D
Take care...
Mreow Mreow
dun worry...I'll still pop in whenever I can n have d time hehehe u can add me up in Facebook if u have babe. Same name but only separated. ;) u take gd care too...


New Member
Hi momopeachgirl... donno whether its a good thing that I've gained 6kg only. Cos my baby only 1.5kg. Doc even ask me if i'm dieting. But i think its the nature of my job i only get to eat twice a day.. have to go for a another full scan when i'm 35 weeks. Hope baby is ok.
There's another scan at 35 weeks ? Aww, I didn't know . So boring go checkups alone .I'm having BH too, but doesn't seem as bad as yours Mreow Mreow !Momopeachgal, I would be happier if I could gain more .. I dunno what to eat, I hardly eat much ! And when I do eat, it's junk food . My poor poor baby !Hubby doesn't cut my toenails, he's too scared . Haha . Usually I use a chair and put my feet up . Difficult ! But slowly la . I just used nail polish on my toes a few days ago ..