EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Btw any of u bb refuse to latch.... Recently my girl slept thru e night.... Usually ard dawn she will latch... Initially twice per night then became near dawn... Ard 5am.. Now she prefer pacifier... Like suckle 10 mins then sleep... Will wake up ard 7 for her feed...

But just now she had her last feed at 7am... I wanna latch her at 11.. She refused choked.. Rather sleep...

Happy that she slept thru e night.. But sadz she refusing to latch.... Got milk leh.. Supply increased a bit le.... last fri i go shopping still latch in public... Sadz if really she dun wanna latch kinda miss it


Meltie excessive crying is common if bb is colicky.. Worse thing is that theyre already have wind and yet crying still add more wind to their tum tum... There are mummies that are really blessed and not experiencing the crying situation as badly as with mums that has colicky bb.. But still the happiness and the joy that our bb gives to us is not lesser nor greater with other mummies right? Lol just think positively.. To be honest i dont have much problem regarding bb's routine and crying but i dont have or cant breastfeed so it is slightly making me frustrated.. You on the other hand have the ability to breastfeed cos you re producing milk so it isnt really that bad.. There are mummies who doesnt have probs bout bb's routine etc.. But has problems on a diff thing.. Lol to make it short mummies cant have it all!!! And it wont be forever i tell you.. But for now patience and more patience! :)


Btw any of u bb refuse to latch.... Recently my girl slept thru e night.... Usually ard dawn she will latch... Initially twice per night then became near dawn... Ard 5am.. Now she prefer pacifier... Like suckle 10 mins then sleep... Will wake up ard 7 for her feed...

But just now she had her last feed at 7am... I wanna latch her at 11.. She refused choked.. Rather sleep...

Happy that she slept thru e night.. But sadz she refusing to latch.... Got milk leh.. Supply increased a bit le.... last fri i go shopping still latch in public... Sadz if really she dun wanna latch kinda miss it
are you giving ebm? Maybe the bb prefers bottle as they dont really have to work/suck hard for the milk unlike latching.. That's what happened to me :-( bb refused to latch cos got used to feeding bottle, my supply went really low end up disheartened and quit bf'ing.. Dont wanna latch its ok as long as still drinking bm, dont get frustrated and affect your supply, keep pumping or give the bb teats that are more similar like to human nipple..
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Meltie, it's really tough on u to handle colicky baby.. Jiayou!!!

Ya, like what lizzy said, every mother has different set of problems. I'm trying to keep up with breastfeeding, as my girl don't latch anymore, it's hard to increase supply. Unable to pump regularly as need to handle her fussiness also result in low supply. Now only can give her whatever I can pump out. Seeing her finishing the bottle of breastmilk will make me have mixed feeling, happy that i can provide her the best yet my supply is not keeping up with her demand. The journey of pumping, sterilizing and washing of bottles and breast pump is really not as easy as I thought.


lizzy2101:733630 said:
Justamom if your bb cannot handle neck by him/herself better wait or use insert.. Unless you will always support with one hand (which a bit troublesome). Cos eventhough bb below or above 12lbs if neck isnt strong it is advisable to use insert.. Bb's head have to be above of the edge (the nape must be the one leaning the edge not the head) not totaly inside or else bb will slouch and not good for their back. Dont force the legs to be split to hang on both ends, what i do is i put bb on a half split position one leg a bit bend and the other one spread wide. It makes a good and advisable position for the bb but not much stress in both legs.. Have to change/reverse the position of the leg time to time for blood circulation and for it not leave mark on bb's leg too.
lizzy.. I'm picturing yr bb in yr carrier nw.. Ya My boy's head is below the nape nw.. Which means he is being covered by the cover and I tried to spread his legs wide..seemed quite uncomfy.. one leg abit bend means knee cmg up? Like qiao the leg or what? Do u have a pic to share that will b much helpful..thanks in adv!


lizzy.. I'm picturing yr bb in yr carrier nw.. Ya My boy's head is below the nape nw.. Which means he is being covered by the cover and I tried to spread his legs wide..seemed quite uncomfy.. one leg abit bend means knee cmg up? Like qiao the leg or what? Do u have a pic to share that will b much helpful..thanks in adv!
justamom imagine the bruce lee trademark position lol one leg hanging as it is then the other leg stretchout :) i have no pic usung carrier but will take tomorrow!



Hi lizzy.... So funny bruce lee.... Lol!!!

I hv been feeding since discharge! She has been direct latching n btl feeding with no confusion.. But i stop latching her that much ever since im sick.. Only once everynight to minimise everychance of passing germs to her... But grad she slept thru e night...

I kinda miss it... Though i know 1 day bb will stop latching.. Mil told me both her kids just simply stop latching wo any reason... Then ended she fed them formula.. Since last time no such thing as freezing etc

I pump round e clock to keep up e supply still need 1 feed of fm at least but still can give ebm... Im glad.. Used to b very envy of y mummies but every1is diff... I did all i could for bb can le


hey Angpq, i tried cleaning my bb's ears.. only outer ear w a small damp cotton ball just remove some dirt around the ear, not touching the ear canal...

Argh.. after last night's 2am waking.. my bb just woke up at 3am for milk.. what happened to her slping thru the night? i'm sooo tired.. she already cried whole night, not tired meh... thought she'll slp till at least 4 or 5am... :(
Mummies w ergo carriers w infant insert..My boy is abt 5+kg n length abt 60cm..can he still fit into the insert?was thinking whether to buy the insert or nt.. but wo it also cannot carry cos his neck is nt firm yet right? I have a baby bjorn tot of selling that away n use my ergo but I dont have the insert..can My boy fit into it?cos I read at ergo carrier website they say can fit till 5+kg only..
Dear, my girl is 7kg and still sitting inside he insert.. Haha..


argh i'm going abit insane liao.. my bb drank drank frm 3am to 4am just now, kicked up a big fuss while changing diaoer, cried like mad.. den wanna put ger to slp, she wanted to drink.. drank till 4.30, she pooped, i ckeaned her and tried to carry her to slp.. she was so awake till 5.15am still cannot slp.. my arms n back all tired.. so i put her in cot let her slp by herself.. sigh she kept talking n yawning.. now just cried for milk again.. i whole night dun need to slp liao.. dunno wads up w her.. i am already super tired fir past few nights of early waking n crazy wailing.. :/ sighhh i need a break.. but i can't coz need to feed..


Hi meltie u are too far away.. If not i dun mind dropping by relieve u for an hr or 2...

I truly uds e help u mummies need esp taking care of bb alone. Can ur mil help out an hr?? When u gg back to work??? Coz im prep myself for work sianx


lizzy2101:733821 said:
lizzy.. I'm picturing yr bb in yr carrier nw.. Ya My boy's head is below the nape nw.. Which means he is being covered by the cover and I tried to spread his legs wide..seemed quite uncomfy.. one leg abit bend means knee cmg up? Like qiao the leg or what? Do u have a pic to share that will b much helpful..thanks in adv!
justamom imagine the bruce lee trademark position lol one leg hanging as it is then the other leg stretchout :) i have no pic usung carrier but will take tomorrow!
Lizzy what a cute pic u found! OK I gt it..but Bend one leg n put the leg inside wo sticking out? the other can hang out?
Ya pls send Me pic thks in adv!!


meltie:733916 said:
argh i'm going abit insane liao.. my bb drank drank frm 3am to 4am just now, kicked up a big fuss while changing diaoer, cried like mad.. den wanna put ger to slp, she wanted to drink.. drank till 4.30, she pooped, i ckeaned her and tried to carry her to slp.. she was so awake till 5.15am still cannot slp.. my arms n back all tired.. so i put her in cot let her slp by herself.. sigh she kept talking n yawning.. now just cried for milk again.. i whole night dun need to slp liao.. dunno wads up w her.. i am already super tired fir past few nights of early waking n crazy wailing.. :/ sighhh i need a break.. but i can't coz need to feed..
Meltie is she colicky again? Did u try to give her pacifier? is she on comfort sucking? try to unlatch n force her to take pacifier? sometimes they need few times to take it..My car's bk already but car seat haven't switch over..tmr Cleaner is cmg c if wed Afternoon u wanna me to go over to relieve u..let me beat her backside for u fr bullying u..Brace up..!


Hi meltie u are too far away.. If not i dun mind dropping by relieve u for an hr or 2...

I truly uds e help u mummies need esp taking care of bb alone. Can ur mil help out an hr?? When u gg back to work??? Coz im prep myself for work sianx
yea meltie ill be gladly help you for an hour or two as welll, but today i have impt appointment to attend around 2:30 maybe after can drop by and help you out. My hubby only back 6+ so the whole day im only alone with bb. And my bb btw sleeps/nap from 11-3pm 4-6pm :) everyday!


Whao lizzy... Ur bb timing so nice... My girl is 3mths aka 13 weeks today... She dun hv a fixed nap timing... But she sleeps thru e night... She goes wo milk for 12hrs! But her thunderous wailing due to hunger is horrible....

ill b at commonwealth coz gg back office to pass prezzies b get santarina dress for my girl for next weeks party if not for carrying so many stuff.. Meltie i could drop by hmmm


My bb's last feed 11pm then next 6am lol or sometimes 5.. I only wake up in between to change his diaper if im so tired then diaper change would be before he drinks milk :-D