EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


ja Roo, I try to do that too but she'd eventually arch her back and turn her head, such that even if her body is at an angle like that, her head is flat on the back -_- grr!

and yup, like most other babies here, she keeps turning her head back to the right again even after MULTIPLE attempts in turning it left. sigh.

yuen: very glad for you! :) what brand of pacifier do you use for baby? I used to be like, eeee no pacifier! but I asked myself why I have this thing aginst pacifiers, for apparently no reason. did my research and hey, it really isn't bad. and it sometimes acts as a tool to distract baby from whatever pain or gas etc she's feeling, or just to get her to rhythmically concentrate on suckling, so she can fall asleep by herself. I think it's worth it.


Active Member
bubs cannot do but to cry n look for her dearest mummy.. to us, she's one of our many things in life.. but to her, we are her everything n world..
Well said meltie!! :D

Meltie I also lower back pain.. I nv use epidural.. My upper back already chronic pain since I started working... Sigh... Anyway you really been through a lot for your baby!! Like reiann says, IT WILL GET BETTER!! Hang in there!! :)

Reiann my bb sleeps in the cot at night. On my bed in the day. Seems like many of our babies hv something in common... All like to lie on right side of the head!! I'm already warned by my doc (gp) n aunt abt her head being much flatter on one side... But she also persistently wants to slp on the right side n refuse to switch even when I tried to turn her head ><


felicity:733490 said:
Justamom if u hv it at home u try using without insert n see if ur bb is ok? I'm also using without the insert.. I'll still try to hold her neck though not all the time, but so far so good.
I juz tried using wo insert.. nt too bad wo.. ur bb's legs hanging out by the sides Ya? Can ? Then head just reach the sleep cover n can b supported.. u can take a pic n show me ma? If So then don't need buy the infant insert..so the head is at the chest right? thks wo..


As the clock struck 7pm.. the night terror has started.. my bb suddenly wail from her sleep non stop... feed her also no use.. her feed shld be at 7.30pm.... sigh hubby carrying n coaxing but inconsolable.. she's crying for no reason!!! goshhh no wonder ppl say its the 'witching' hour.... bad bad colic?


sigh.. she just lost her voice frm the screaming... still forcefully cry.. just burped afew times after crying so much.. but its continuous cry... shld i just bring her go out? at home she not distracted easily...


Awww meltie.. hmm.. or bring her out for a short car ride? I rem prenatal class mentioning that it works well with colicky babies.. Then again it may go the other extreme way where they wail and wail and wail non-stop in the car.. hmm..


Meltie I succeeded bottle feeding my elder son after 2 months of daily battling! I just kept giving it to him twice a day. Sometimes he took as little as 60 ml coz he simply refused to drink more. I tried nuk teats first then pigeon peristaltic teats, both of which he rejected. Then after two months he suddenly accepted the pigeon teats. So for me, it was just a matter of pressing on and he eventually gave in.

My daughter now also doesnt take to bottle that well. She struggles a bit and will use her hand to push it away. But she will still drink most of the milk in the end, sometimes she will take up to an hour to finish.


Reiann I use nuk pacifiers. Like u I wasn't very keen on using them for fear of my child relying too much on them. But between having to carry and pat her to sleep and giving the pacifier, the latter is certainly the lesser evil!


Active Member
oh dear meltie ur daughter is really difficult... but really cute too! hope she'll get better very soon! these few days my bb gets kinda colicky too... will cry v fierce until arch the back n stiffen the body... wonder is it cos she's starting to try to touch everything n put her hands or everything into her mouth n cause her to hv stomach upset. but i'm also having upset stomach for a few days... like v bloated a lot of wind. maybe i pass to her :(

justamom i pm u a pic later :) r u in our fb group? i'm kinda lost who's there and who's not... haha


reiann:733528 said:
good for you felicity! I'm so glad that your husband at least knows and understands what you're feeling.

all mums: where does your baby sleep at night? in the cot? on a flat mattress? do you lay your baby down flat on its back? do you still swaddle? does your baby have a flat head?

I ask cos my cocoonababy for the baby is great _ she sleeps well in it, BUT she has a flat head to her side! :( I'm trying to get her to sleep on the left, but she always turns her head to right. damn.
Reiann My bb also Zzz more to his right! Turn him to left he turns bk! Faintzz


nowadays its seems my MIL is making me stress...and i m losing my mind to my hubby....and he scream at me which he never did...haix...

i bought expensive cotton buds for my son's nose..pigeon brand..and it is made out of paper..so soft..so my MIL took one packet open and expose all...and put in a box with powder and the oil and gripe water...i dunno what has it touch in the box how to put in his nose to clean...

so told my hubby abt it...then he scream at me say if he tell his mother these she will make noise and he also told me if she is not helping me out who else will...there is no one else to help so just let it be...

but this is hygiene...and another thing his mum said if she looks after him i cant have any say in anything but he is my son for god sake...when he is with her i dun care...but i see how she put him in the yao lan....she put the cloth diaper round his neck...and then the beanbag blocking his face and he cant breath at all....i cant believe it lor....


meltie:733582 said:
sigh.. she just lost her voice frm the screaming... still forcefully cry.. just burped afew times after crying so much.. but its continuous cry... shld i just bring her go out? at home she not distracted easily...
Meltie go dwnstairs take a walk? Or go open letterbox take the lift it helps..let them c different things..


Nessa: I will pm u my Hp no. Have yet to decide whether to bring my quinny buzz, will let u know thru SMS.. Btw how long do u think mrt ride from Bkt gombak to one north will take? 30min?

For 19dec, are we all meeting at one north mrt station first before heading to keatbear's condo?? And what time shall we meet?


felicity:733602 said:
justamom i pm u a pic later :) r u in our fb group? i'm kinda lost who's there and who's not... haha
no am nt in the fb grp.. Ya send me a pic If u can..duno if I wear correct nt also.. what's the name of the grp in fb? can add me or I go search n add? Jessclaud@hotmail.com thks!


oh ya my son is teething now...my MIL found one tooth showing up...and she can feel the gum a bit hard and white...guess my 3 mths plus old son is early in teething means he will start to "bite" ppl liao...


Today tried to put my girl in the pram for the 3rd time to go downstairs walk walk. She is still very tensed up. Not sure why, her face started to stiff up the moment she got out of house. In the pram, she just remained stationery and her eyes don't even dare to blink, just kept staring at either me or hubby.. Walked about 2 rounds at the void deck before she started fussing and eventually cried out.. Slight improvements from yesterday. Think I have to make her get use to going out. Car ride is still a torture.. Wail all the way from starting point to destination. Any mother facing such difficulties in bringing babies out?


Justamom if your bb cannot handle neck by him/herself better wait or use insert.. Unless you will always support with one hand (which a bit troublesome). Cos eventhough bb below or above 12lbs if neck isnt strong it is advisable to use insert.. Bb's head have to be above of the edge (the nape must be the one leaning the edge not the head) not totaly inside or else bb will slouch and not good for their back. Dont force the legs to be split to hang on both ends, what i do is i put bb on a half split position one leg a bit bend and the other one spread wide. It makes a good and advisable position for the bb but not much stress in both legs.. Have to change/reverse the position of the leg time to time for blood circulation and for it not leave mark on bb's leg too.

Ahwang i cant give you anymore better advise than what all the mummies said, guess they already said it all.. It might be easy for me to say this cos im not experiencing the same situation as you but as a mother and a woman giving birth to child is the most priceless and most amazing thing.. Dont let the depression eat your feeling towards your baby and to yourself. Self pity is the most evil of all emotions.. I know cos i used to think the same but as what meltie said our bb depends on us.. We are their world! Seek professional advise it will surely help you to look at the other side of things.. Im saying this as a personal experienced, it might not be the same problem as you are facing but still somewhat similar... Please dont be offended of my suggestion, just my 2 cents.. Any advise given to you is useless if you yourself is your own enemy... You yourself is the one deciding what's best for you and your child at the end of the day..
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Today tried to put my girl in the pram for the 3rd time to go downstairs walk walk. She is still very tensed up. Not sure why, her face started to stiff up the moment she got out of house. In the pram, she just remained stationery and her eyes don't even dare to blink, just kept staring at either me or hubby.. Walked about 2 rounds at the void deck before she started fussing and eventually cried out.. Slight improvements from yesterday. Think I have to make her get use to going out. Car ride is still a torture.. Wail all the way from starting point to destination. Any mother facing such difficulties in bringing babies out?
hey erlina, my bb also stiffen up like that when she first went out.. now if go new places, she might do the same too.. eyes big big eyeballs rolling around to see.. she was so stiff that she did not poop or even pee often.. but as we go out more, she's doing better.. last fri pooped twice in orchard.. As for putting in stroller, she also not v used to it.. she likes movement.. i try to keep it moving.. she also wants to see things or look at me.. so i make sure i face her to me or check on her.. yesterday she she managed to slp in it after i put her down at mil hse.. but it can get v hot in non aircon place.. so i open up the back to air the pram.. in aircon places, it gets abit too cold for her as sge is just lying there while pushed.. so i will wear jacket for her or maje sure got enough blanket to keep her snug.. after i put on a nice jacket for her, she slept for 3hrs!

Car ride is mostly a torture for us too.. most of the time she wails non stop till reaching that time she falls aslp.. shortly after that i gotta remove her frm the seat.. :/ bo bian.. but last week i brought some of her fav 'toys' to distract her frm crying.. like her blue little polka dot fan, the cordlife bear, or my iphone case, or even my hubby's water bottle.. at night i will keep the light in the car on as shecseems to cry lesser.. i even showed her a video of herself while waiting in the car.. just doing anything that can distract her... once she gets tired n comfy liao, she'll either stare blankly or emo abit or just close her eyes...

sigh bb stopped crying when i nursed her.. she had been crying from 7pm till 10pm.. now i feeding her last feed.. hope she doesn't fuss when unlatching.. it might go on for hours... :/ how to break the confort suckling? i tried pacifier just now.. worked awhile but she wailed again... den put her in cot swaddled n on mobile to distract her...

Thanks yuen for sharing ur experience!

hey felicity.. my little charlotte arches her back, stiffen whole body n legs all the time! Cry till screaming .. all the 吃奶力 used to exert , even force out the milk .. ends up puking... sighh why my bb has to cry excessively at night?? is it common?