EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Reiann I wish I knew also. Haha! All those super loving helpful angelic MILs in movies really just end up giving people like me such beautiful bubbles to be popped. Hahahahaha!

Hubby doesn't dare to go against his mama. Not that I need him to take sides or anything. I don't really care anymore, somehow all my concentration focused on baby girl now. :) and HONESTLY, maybe you'll think its wrong to separate her from her grandparents but I seriously don't wanna her growing up in such negative environment. Lol.


Active Member
Oh dear :( camcam u've been a great mummy! What the hell is wrong w ur mil?! Tell ur hubby u cannot stand that.. Who can tahan ppl got thing no thing also come make noise somemore put all the blames in the world on u... When it's none of ur problem. Wtf I read already I very very hot ah!!!

Dun worry come here rant all u want, u need an outlet... That's really too much for one person to handle la!!! $@#%*€£@$&#!


Cool down camcam... U already treated her very well and very patience.. Pei fu ni.. I also stay with in law and I dun dare to talk back to her direct, all I can do is to talk to hb n let hb talk to her becoz I know there is no even single chance for me to move out so I try to make peace..

I hate my fil too, he keep kissing my gal and
Talk to my gal in very close distance, saliva must be dropped to my gal face. Last Sunday he even
Kissed n hold my gal when his hand is still dirty and his mouth was not yet washed after his dinner, I couldn't take it anymore and I snatched my gal back and told him not to kiss my gal with his dirty mouth.. I hate him go near my gal :(


Active Member
Lin.. Same :( I no chance to move out, cos in the first place is they living w us, not we living w them. I can't possibly throw them out. I dislike fil too, old man behaving like a juvenile and the worst role model ever. On top of that I also can't stand my BIL who is not staying w us but nearby, alone. Treat mil like maid yet doesn't want to stay w his parents :( mil every week go over few times do hse work, bring his clothes back to wash n iron for him. He cannot find clothes or laundry not done will call mil n demand for his clothes then mil hv to run here n there to do chores for him. Spoilt brat!! :(

*big hugs for camcam n lin* in-laws, why such woes? Sigh... Although I think camcam u hv it worse... U r a strong woman!! To hell w tribal councils. Bah!!


Camcam, *hugs* Why is there such a monster walking on earth?! U're a wonderful mummy no matter wat she says.. Ignore her! And yes, move out with ur hubby if possible! Such an environment is not good for ur little girl..


This thread is moving sooo fast I hardly hv time to reply after spending hrs reading them... Hmmm hopefully when u gals start work, this forum will still b so active.

Mummies who r hving a tough time.. Stay strong! Just rem u r not alone. Most of us here r first time mummies n wat we hv hoped n thought life will still b e same before we deliver our cute bbs... They nv did. Before I delivered I also told myself first thing I wanna do is to drink coffee, dye n cut my hair, exercise.. Etc... But guess wat even after now I hvnt not drank a cup of coffee.. Guess when one becomes a mother, everything is bout baby. I didn't wanna risk passing e caffeine to my son cos he's drinking my milk (although I know a cup wont harm) topic with hubby also mostly bout baby (even though I hv started work a mth ago) n worst still I hardly hv time for romance. Cos hubby works late, come hm ard 11pm. By tat time bb n I aslp, n I wake up early for work n hubby still aslp. So wkends r extremely precious n important to me.

I m also a headstrong n independent person.. Though now my son is taken care by my mil (n I m nv happy bout it) but instead of thinking n making myself miserable I try to come here n rant bout her stupidity n read stories bout how u gals r coping as well.

My supply is definitely going down. Each pump still can pump out 100ml one side but that's e max le last time still can pump 150ml. Plus not that I m working I pumped twice a day only. Morning n night latch.. Luckily still got frozen pack to last me another 2-3mths at most.. But seems like my baby doesn't like frozen milk taste.. How smart.
Took off with hubby n we'll b heading to riders cafe for breakfast!!! I m dying to eat egg Benedict!!! It's been a year!!!! Those sacrifices we make when we r pregnant... Guys r just so fortunate! Anw hope my son will behave n let me hv a Gd breakfast ;)

Hmmm so far been taking my son out once every wkend, e only thing I wish is we hv a car.. Cos bringing a baby out means carrying loads of stuff... Haiz... If only they give rebates or subsidy for families to buy a car.. COE now is crazy!!!!!!!!!

Ok baby is awake lor. :) he's soooo adorable now tat he keep smiling n making baby sounds n seeking lotsa attention! It's really much easier to manage him now tat he's 15-16 wks.


Lizzy and Nessa such cute pictures of your babies sleeping on their tummies... After reading all your posts about placing your babies on their tummies I started doing it too since last week... She sleeps quite well and doesnt make all her grunting sounds while on her tummy.

Meltie - I can imagine how tired you are with Charlotte troubling you so much. You should definitely consider the pacifier, give it to her when shes not crying to start off and then as she gets accustomed to it you can use it as your tool!

I was so against the pacifier but I tried it on my baby once before flying cos I wanted to use it for her ears to help with the air pressure. And after that I decided to use it as an emergency tool for other people to use when I'm not around her.. But now I use it on her too, especially when I know she's just biting my nipples and not really drinking, use it to put her to sleep, it also helps when I'm out shopping with her and she starts screaming and crying... Ive had really bad days like you too, and that made me resort to giving her formula milk when she gets this way cos I used to think I dont have enough milk.. So now whenever she gets too cranky I just give her FM, and I'm alright giving her FM once in two days or every other day. It works for me cos I cant handle her cries sometimes. Though the good thing about Mikaela is she is ok with anything in her mouth, she eats her mittens, her hands, my tshirt when I carry her in a cradle position and when I carry her up she does her acrobats to reach my arms and chews on them too..

Justamom - My baby is about 5.7 kgs when I checked on Sat and I started using the ergo carrier since Friday with the infant insert. I feel its just alot more comfortable for her with the cushion for her bum and the cushioned ribbing for the neck. Its really hot because of the insert, but I definitely feel its alot more comfortable with it. And her legs dont come out of the carrier like Lizzy has shown, I put her legs inside the carrier cos she's resting it outside the infant insert. She places her head on my boob like its a cushion for her to sleep, and the longest she has slept has been 3.5 hours in it. I love the carrier, cos its soo much more easier to go out with it rather than taking the stroller.

My baby is gonna be 3 months in 9 days, looking back and thinking about how these days have past.. I was almost on the verge of giving up breastfeeding cos it was soo tiring. Now she feeds every 3 - 4 hours and even if shes awake does not cry too much on most days. Though someone has to permanently stay around her and continuously keep talking to her or sing to her. She now allows us to eat our meals peacefully while she just sits in her bouncer. Though the nights are still bad, I envy all of you who's babies sleep through. My LO has to wake up every four hours for milk, i've tried stuffing the pacifier in her mouth but she screams and cries wanting my boob at that time. The good thing is her sucking does not last as long as it used to before and she goes back to sleep quite fast. Oh and my baby too has the problem of always turning her head to her right while sleeping and when awake too.. The pd noticed it too on Saturday and he was like we have to turn her on her left so that her head is evenly shaped and to place pillows on her side so that she stays in that position.


Kary2500:734353 said:
Justamom - My baby is about 5.7 kgs when I checked on Sat and I started using the ergo carrier since Friday with the infant insert. I feel its just alot more comfortable for her with the cushion for her bum and the cushioned ribbing for the neck. Its really hot because of the insert, but I definitely feel its alot more comfortable with it. And her legs dont come out of the carrier like Lizzy has shown, I put her legs inside the carrier cos she's resting it outside the infant insert. She places her head on my boob like its a cushion for her to sleep, and the longest she has slept has been 3.5 hours in it. I love the carrier, cos its soo much more easier to go out with it rather than taking the stroller.
Kary: meaning u put her legs also bent like sitting on a chair kind on the pillow? Does she stays in that position for u? I'm afraid my boy might nt stay still..he is v active n moves quite a bit..


Camcam - Stay strong and yes come out here and vent to us... Cos alot of us are going through the same thing with our mil's... They dont realise that they were once new mommies too. I get extremely irritate alot of times with my mil too and I keep sending my hubby really long msgs about the things that bother me. But alot of times when I cant take it I just tell her off, and Ive told her that Mikaela is my baby and she has had her chance to take care of her sons, now its my time to take care of mine. And not like what i'm doing is wrong, its just that its not the way she did it. I'm just glad I can still breastfeed cos everytime my baby cries I take her away and go in to feed her and keep her with me. Another thing I really dont like is everytime my baby cries my mil thinks I cant calm her down and she snatches her from me only to give her back to me after 2 mins saying shes hungry maybe you dont have milk feed her fm. And I take her and calm her down without feeding her and then grin that evil laugh to myself saying yayy my baby just wants her momma..


Camcam I salute to u for ur braveness! Ignore ur monster in law..u know tat u r a gd mum n u r the closest to ur bb.. nt her! Can u ignore her n stay in yr rm most of the time? At least u don't need to face her..nx time she wanna scold u again juz walk in carrying bb say u need to feed her..n lock the door n ignore her..I know it's hard to live under one roof..but ignorance is bliss! Don't need to talk to this kinda person who doesn't treat u respect! Brace up..come here to rant..


Kary: meaning u put her legs also bent like sitting on a chair kind on the pillow? Does she stays in that position for u? I'm afraid my boy might nt stay still..he is v active n moves quite a bit..
Yea her legs are bent in it so its like shes sitting on a little stool and her legs are inside the carrier. I did try pulling her legs out but she screamed and cried too much and didnt stop. The first few times she cried everytime I put her inside it, but I just kept patting her back and walked around in the house with the air con on till I knew she was comfortable and then went out. She sleeps in it so I guess shes comfortable.. And my baby is very active too keeps kicking her legs all the time when on the bed, but in the carrier I think she's too tied up to me that she has no space so she sits still and keeps looking around everywhere till she falls asleep.


Justamom.. Mayb u can borrow fm any1here....

Meltie i scrub my wash cloth n hankies..

I stay with my ils.. But im grateful.. Though certain act i buay song but generally they r ok

Cam ur mil very.. %€}¤$*$:]:|¤ no.comments man! 2nd worse to my fren's her mil uses their fav bowl to wash undies!!!! Can u imagine??!!! If can move out!

Really this thread super fast within hrs!!!!


Camcam, ur mil is amazingly scary, some more involve the whole tribal group (aunties). Definitely not easy, when ur mil is openly picking on u. The only solution is to move out, if not, really no choice but to tahan and continue to vent ur frustration here.. After hearing ur, think my problem is not that big. But, staying with in law is really not easy. Sianz to the max.. One good thing is all our babies are attached to mummies!!!

Meltie, really hope Charlotte can b better and give u some time off to rest. Is she still taking any medicine to cure her colic? Have u try praying? Anyway, stay strong and u r doing great to handle her urself.. Jiayou!!!


Camcam tell your monster in law you didnt carry bb for 9 months and gave birth to her risking your life just to make bb frighten, cough and all sorts of negative shits she was telling you about! Cant she think straight lol she's a mother she should kno that babies are human lol and will experience sickness and all normal human being experienced.. My god! If she doesnt want you to her daughter in law lol who cares as if you need a mil like her -_- she can tell you anything but not about your bb's. be fair.. She's a mother, how can she let her dil suffer and grow up without mother on her side?! What a monstrous being, lucky im not in your shoes or snapping aint enough for all of em, and they wont even see my child for the rest of their life! You're the mom you have all the rights!


Meltie: perhaps u can try to pray at Kwan I'm temple at bugis there and ask for kwan im fu.. Pray to Kwan I'm and ask for protection for Charlotte.. I did this when Leigh Anne was crying and puking nonstop previously, well at least praying gave me sense of comfort and at least I tried every means for the sake of my bb..
Aww meltie. You've got it rough. But at least you're hanging in there!! Good job. :)

I have officially waved my white flag.

Please excuse my rant. I don't know who else to talk to.

Monster in law went on a holiday for four days and I had peace. She came back a few hours ago and it's like the Spartans at war in the house.

The minute she stepped through the door she picked on me I DON'T NNOW WHY.

She said "aiyo, I go few days only and Sophie looks terrible. What did you do to her?"

I still smiled and kept quiet. After that she scolded me for father in law's matters, scolded me for hubby's matters. Not even my problem! I still smile.

Until the point where she said "you can't even take care of her properly. You keep frightening her. And make her cough so badly" and she went on and on.

I literally snapped.

I told her the only thing that looks terrible is her own face. And that I'd there was anything my daughter is frightened of, then it must be her.

Then she went on saying nasty things to me. Hubby came home, stand there act blur. I flared up at him too. His mother scold him, he scold me, I scold his mother, blah blah.

My little precious has been such an angel. But when monster in law came home she started screaming. I already know she's very attached to me and not even her daddy can soothe her. Monster in law insisted my own baby is frightened of me.

So I let her cry. And I feel bad. But I didn't know what to do anymore. Whatever I did was wrong.

Hubby tried to make her stop crying for half an hour. No use.

I told her she so clever she so professional please go ahead and make her stop.

She carried baby for LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES return to us.

Then she dragged hubby into her room for tribal meeting. And she called up all his six aunties to complain about me.

I managed to calm my girl down. She's sleeping against my chest now. And I've decided that I really can't handle such high tension in the house everyday. I want to look for a full time nanny, I will go back to work as well as go back to renting a room outside.

I wanted to spend at least the first year with my girl. But I don't have the determination anymore. It's like swimming against a strong current everyday and I've lost my strength. :(

wahh camcam.. when u said that the only thing terrible is her face i was litterally giggling!! sorry if i offend u but really that was funny and i hope i can see her reaction to that..

but on top of that, at least u got the guts to scold ur mil.. i dun think i can ever do that. but who knows ah.. maybe in the future i will do so too..
meltie.. u wanna try tuina? it can help with sleeping and colic problem. some mummies in smh forum really did find it very helpful. i also brought cayleigh there before due to her vomitting, but it doesnt help much on her. but it does help on her bowel movement. so it really depends on each baby i think. but perhaps u wanna try, it might works on your gal.


meltie.. you wanna try tuina? it can help with sleeping and colic problem. some mummies in smh forum really did find it very helpful. i also brought cayleigh there before due to her vomitting, but it doesnt help much on her. but it does help on her bowel movement. so it really depends on each baby i think. but perhaps you wanna try, it might works on your gal.
Hey eeney, where's the tuina u went? maybe can try..

Hey Lin, thanks for ur suggestion.. hehe i am a christian.. :p

hey camcam ur monster-in-law is really ovrerboard la.. hmm how u gonna find a nanny? hmm jiayoujiayou... do the best for ur bb ya? ;)
Hey eeney, where's the tuina u went? maybe can try..

Hey Lin, thanks for ur suggestion.. hehe i am a christian.. :p

hey camcam ur monster-in-law is really ovrerboard la.. hmm how u gonna find a nanny? hmm jiayoujiayou... do the best for ur bb ya? ;)

i went for yu guo tuina.. It's near sembawang mrt. per session is $26 not inclusive of medication if needed.