EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


justamom: infant care for me, not much choice. I think in some ways, infant care is not the end of the world. professional care takers, other infants, toys, people around, would be more stimulating (hopefully), than say, being left with a helper or mum/MIL. I'll of course, spend as much time as poss with baby once I'm done with work!


I will prefer mil.. but oso depends on how hands on n how clean.. would prefer professional help if possible but its ex.. plus infant care will contract alot of germs.. rush hr is an issue and if they got outbreak of hfmd or chicken pox, u gotta have plan B for ur child to stay at home.. bb still young so i prefer a house , limited exposure..

As i quite kiasu and also go iut for longer time..plus bb has bad reflux, puking often on clothes n use up alot if burp cloth...
My diaper bag contains :

2 Rompers
1 Long pants
1 pair of socks
1 baby cap
5-6 Burp cloth
1 Baby jacket (if i wash in time to bring out)
2 Muslin swaddle cloth
1 Blanket
1 Buckwheat Pillow
1 toy (her fav is a clip fan to distract her)
1 Breastfeeding blanket
1 Diaper change mat
4-5 Diapers
Ruyi Oil
Wet Wipes
Dry Tissue
Water Bottle (mine)
1 mini hand sanitizer (always forget to use)

My diaper bag is usually super packed till cannot close up zip lol... sometimes i bring an extra bag to hang on stroller.. put manduca carrier n hubby & my extra tops inside...

Any tips on how to do it better? Actually i never use up all before.. always left alot to bring back... but u nv know when the massive poop comes n leak all over.. happened to me twice so far.. leaked to bb's back n up! Plus she was wearing a super tight romper! I had to slowly take it off careful not smudging poop onto her hair!


Hey lizzy same here. I put ziplock bag then into any of my bigger bags...

I would prefer my mil... Mum too old... So far my dg1 is well taken care of.. Mil will teach her basic chinese characters n words numbers n english too.... Plus will speak dialect..


Active Member
probably when i started working my mil will be the main caretaker... but actually i'd love to put in infant care if can find vacancy, convenient n affordable. i love my mum but she's so eccentric at times haha. she likes to pounce on my bb n that startles her a lot! then i always hv to tell my mum off >< but she still does it. zzz... besides that, it will be too inconvenient to send to my parents' place.


Wah meltie ; TATS ALOT OF STUFF U R CARRYING!! Goosh n I tot mine's alot alrdy!

How come u gals r bringing bibs? Hv ur bbs started drooling?

Reiann; I brought along blanket cos my son not wearing long pants n his thighs r exposed. Shopping malls in Sg r damn cold! Even I'm shivering myself. Plus now with e rainy season, dun wan him to catch a cold. In fact I also bring along a sweater for him. Two wks ago I brought my son to a friends wedding dinner at mandarin oriental.. My son was alrdy wearing long sleeve n 3/4 pants. But it was reallyyyyu cold, made him wear e sweater n on top of that use e blanket to cover his waist down. The diaper bag I'm using is e Thomson medical one. Cos it's less gu niang for hubby to carry mah... He did suggest taking his backpack though..

For me, my son under mil care. Seriously if the passing of virus/sickness not common I will definitely opt for infantcare. But then again if put my son there our budget will b really tight. However when my son turns 18mths no matter wat I want him in the play group. At e moment Ren the unhappiness with my mil.


felicity my son got ENT appt...2nd one...when he was born wasnt breathing...so was on ventilator for 2 days in NICU...then had to be on iv drip and feeding tube and antibotics...so they are scare the meds may cause some problems...thats why need to check his ears....

and every 2-3 mths got to go bk to check on milestone to make sure he has hit his milestones....

there goes my childcare leave and annual leave...but i knw he is ok...just worried abt his ops for his bird the most...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypospadias he has hypospadias which needs surgery when he is about 2 yrs old....
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Wa meltie! U have a lot in ur diaper bag! Mine only has the following:

1 spare romper
4 diapers (sometimes 2 or 3 if I forgot to "refill")
1 changing mat
2 burp cloth
Wet wipes
Cooler bag with bottles of ebm
1 flask of hot water
1 cup to contain hot water for warming ebm
Fan (those clip on stroller kind in case bb hot)
Ruyi oil (if I rem to bring)
Desitin (if I rem to bring)

And ya.. I would prefer my mum, followed by mil, followed by bb sitter, followed by infant care in order of preference for childcare.. I trust my mum more than mil but my mum stays in jurong! I can't bring bb back every night unless I move to my mum's hse too! Mil has too many patterns (e.g. insist I pull bottle out of bb mouth after feeding half e bottle even though bb still happily suckling to burp her before continuing the rest of the feed.. DUH!) but still at least I noe bb will b in safe hands.. Bb sitter (v reluctant but bo bian) is better than infantcare cos of limited exposure ba.. Heard so much stories of bb getting sick at infant care.. Sighz.. Actualli best is I take care of bb myself, though this is impossible cos it will b v tight for us to survive on single income.. Sighz..

Oh Piglim.. My girl just pass 3mths.. Started blowing bubbles with her saliva oredi, and then drooooool.. Haha..


lings becareful...she maybe teething soon...

my son is drooling the past 1 week...and blowing bubbles the past 2-3 weeks...and now my MIL said he starting to show 2 teeth white part liao...and she can feel the hardness on the gums liao....


NeSSa:735291 said:
lings becareful...she maybe teething soon...

my son is drooling the past 1 week...and blowing bubbles the past 2-3 weeks...and now my MIL said he starting to show 2 teeth white part liao...and she can feel the hardness on the gums liao....
Oooh, really? Ok, tmr morning shall check out her gums! Haha..


My diaper bag is same as ling
1 romper
2 diaper
1 changing mat
1 blanket
Wet tissue
1 hot flask
1 cup to warm up ebm
1 extra bottle with milk powder as usually I only bring 1 ebm out though this always not used as I will latch her in the car.

I haven't started to let my gal wear sweater, maybe will start to bring now.

My gal also blow a lot of bubble, she got a lot of saliva and she even choke herself with the saliva.. But she didn't drool a lot though, she is 9wks plus now.. Looking her newborn photo till now, I realized she grew up quite alot now and I am quite impressed to give birth and feed her to such a cutey bb :) I just finish pumping, going back to sleep but guess I won't be able to sleep long as my princess will wake up soon around 4/5am..


haha i think i ama kiasu mum.. charlotte needs alot of spare stuff.. got once or twice she used up my burp cloth, in the end survived on tissues.. she puked ALOT.. one session can wet 4-5 burp cloth... sigh.. also she flings it off to the floor?! i just keep changing... anyway, uually go out is put bag in stroller.. seldom carry ... or hubby will help.. we drive so easier.. :p

sighhh my bb drank n slept at ard 11.30pm.. Don't know why she woke at 2.45am to cry for milk... :( I think she got alot pf gas.. coz she was squirming like mad.. esp when she drink she can't concentrate.. keep squirming n twisting her body.. tried to burp her, she cry.. so let her burp herself loh.. she kept tugging at my breast.. ouch.. :( but i oso too tired to keep stopping her.. dozed off myself.. woke up at 3.45am, she still drinking! Tugging at times! Gosh! Unlatched her at 4am and went to change her diaper.. super soaked in urine... she cried abit too haizzz only the litte fan could stop her for awhile to prevent her from screaming... rocked her to slp despite her fussiness... no passing of gas leh.. put alot of ruyi oil liao.. just hope she slps well till morning.. super tired.. :/

Any mummies got tips on how you change bb's diapers in the middle of the night? i very scared she strike terror on me by wailing.. which she did afew times.. i had to change coz either it was poop or it has been more than 4-5 hrs liao... niwadays i change her diaper before last feed so that won't disturb her slp after her feed... its a challenge! A hungry bb is an angry bb..! A slpy baby is also a fussy n angry bb if being disturbed! :/

Hmmz she's making alot of grunts n fidgeting alot in her cot.... i hope she pass out some air to feel better n slp thru.... pls bb .. mummy wanna slp too... :/


Oooh, really? Ok, tmr morning shall check out her gums! Haha..
My bb has been drooling abit n she has started playing w her saliva.. making joot joot sounds and also blowing some bubbles! Shall try to check for white spots... but how to see ar? her gums always hard hard.. and sharp too... :p hope she doesn't teeth so fast coz my nipples need to rest! Don't want her to bite w her teeth! Gums already buay tahan!


Hey wat type of cup u ladies use to warm ebm?? I find heavy... Usually i will plan my timing need not carry so much... I will bring warmed ebm or... Chilled go cafe/ rest asked for cups or bowl. Im using avent bottle


Sigh is my bb having growth spurt? She has been drinking 3am,6am and just cried again 8.30am for milk! Totally different from her usual ..i'm so tired.. :(


Meltie - I don't change my babies diapers at all in the night unless she poos, which is extremely rare.. If it is just pee even though she wakes up in the middle of the night I feed her and just put her back to sleep, too scared if I change her diapers she will wake up completely and my sleep will be disturbed. Also when you know charlotte has had enough start giving her the pacifier, trust me its been a savior for me.. My baby keeps waking up atleast once or twice every night :( so tired and just longing for 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Justamom - yes ill be coming on the 19th for the gathering, and ill bring my carrier too.. so you can use my insert for your baby and see if he is comfortable in it before you decide if you need to buy one. I found this page on FB called sweet angels closet, I got my carrier and insert from that lady at a really good rate.. The carrier was for $98 and insert for $30, she took about 4 to 5 days to get it.