EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


My mil is still alright (maybe i dun stay with her), but she does have her set of beliefs and assumptions.. she also got her own way of doing things and doesn't listen when she feels she is right.. always ask me to overwrap my bb .. making her super sweaty n hot... even driving instructions i gave her she still wanna go her way and end up say i always give false info... gosh.. i drive everyday leh n i know the roads v well (esp around south area).. oh well other than that she is a nice mum n mil bah.. helps to cook n buy meals... don't want my hubby to tire out... but she still v sour abt why my hubby n i decided not to shift in to stay w her (we almost did! long story..) Now as we consider our next house, got ask if she wanna shift in n stay w us so that we can take care of her.. but she says 'u all wouldn't have shift out in the first place'.. oh well we already discussed w her earlier that we got king size bed n the room too small to out cot n bed n all our stuff...

but generally i just tahan bah... can't imagine if i shifted in to stay for gd.. maybe i'll be complaining here more..

Hmm last night bb went down to slp after 8.30pm feed .. fed till 10pm and she slept till 1am den stir. Asked my hubby to try dreamfeed w bottle.. made her scream big time.. but still drank down the 100ml in panic mode.. but she continued wailing non stop! Hubby had to pass to me to latch n soothe... sigh latched till 2plus.. but she slept till 5.50am... :p just woke up at 8am.. seems not hungry but constipated.. hmm dunno why..now so cranky..


Kary2500:734361 said:
Yea her legs are bent in it so its like shes sitting on a little stool and her legs are inside the carrier. I did try pulling her legs out but she screamed and cried too much and didnt stop. The first few times she cried everytime I put her inside it, but I just kept patting her back and walked around in the house with the air con on till I knew she was comfortable and then went out. She sleeps in it so I guess shes comfortable.. And my baby is very active too keeps kicking her legs all the time when on the bed, but in the carrier I think she's too tied up to me that she has no space so she sits still and keeps looking around everywhere till she falls asleep.
Kary r u gg for the gathering? If So I can c hw u carry.. mayb aft that then consider to buy the insert..


LOL i can imagine just 1 cabin full of mummies and babies...

my monster having 2 teeth and now super cranky and i don't have anything to sooth him :(....


LOL i can imagine just 1 cabin full of mummies and babies...

my monster having 2 teeth and now super cranky and i don't have anything to sooth him :(....
hey nessa, maybe can try a iced teether? saw tey sell those that is got water inside and can puy in fridge to cool down.. it'll relieve the pain abit... or just wrap an ice cube (or ebm ice cube) and give him?


i don't have much money LOL...despite these problem my son's teeth must now....awaiting for my pay to come in next friday...

don't have any teething gel...:(


Breakfast was Gd at riders cafe... Glad my son slpt thru.. N woke up in time to take pic with a white horse! Yeah!! Hehehhe

First time went to taka with baby n hubby n headed to the nursery room. Wah it's huge man.. But a Pity have only 2 bfing room so gotta wait. My son somehow hates its with the nursing apron. As long as he's covered he'll start making noise. ;( hmmm looks like I can nurse in public Liao he needs to see the light! Took quite a no of pics of my son n the Xmas tree at taka. Hahah but by e time hubby take for me n my son he fell aslp! But v v v happy. Haiz... Wish we can do this as often.
The next time prob I will try ion since I heard e nursing room there is like hotel. Just to chk with u ladies what do u all bring out for the baby in ur diaper bag.

I hv like;
2set extra clothings
nappy cream
wet wipes
tissue paper
changing mat
a small bean pillow

I will bring another small bag of cooler pack n a bottle of my ebm n a flask of hot water n a container

poor hubby he has to manage all these plus a stroller... N we dun hv a car...
Hmmm any easier way out?


Nessa :( just use teether then cold one..
Piglim i inly bring 1 changing clothes (romper,socks,mittens) 2 burp cloth and 2 terry cloth 2 diaper and depends how long im gonna be out for the milk. If only 3-4 hours i only bring 1 milk and leave house when bb's just drink milk


Haha think i bring more....

I got long pants too coz romper might b too cold at certain places... I bring brolly too... But amt of stuff depends on hw long in bringing her...

Like e other i go bk office.. Brought 1 spare diaper n 1 set of romper.. Put bib n 1 hanky warmed ebm..

Bean bag i always bring if i use stroller n 1 towel...lol


Oh yea wet tissue :)

1 set clothes
2 diaper
Changing mat
Wet tissues
Dry tissue
Antibac tissue
Extra pacifier
2 terry cloth
2 burp cloth
1 extra bib

I dont use diaper bag i just put stuffs separately to a ziploc bag and just use any of my bags


Hmm i rather get a nanny to look after my son at home but nowadays it's hard to get one who can be trusted and wont abuse my child, unfant care is nice.. Bb's under professional care but it's a hussle to send and fetch bb specially on a rush hour and of course the sickness that our bb can catch there. As per putting in mil, my mil is too faraway so it isnt my option.. But it could be as good as getting a nanny.. Ill be rest assured my bb is well taken care of at home and not with strangers.. So ill choose mil except Camcam's mil LOL joke :p


Haha.. I will like to place my girl with my mum than infant care. Someone that will know her pattern and able to help me take care of her if have any night function or wedding dinner to attend, compared to infant care.. But, it all zoom down to ur relationship with ur mum or mil..


piglim: no need so much stuff! I don't bring blanket, I only bring one set extra romper, 3 diapers, no nappy cream, wet wipes, tissue (for myself), small changing mat, one bib, two very small towels (to wipe up drool and spit). that's it!

the more you bring your baby out the more experienced you will be. I've literally been going out every weekday by myself and baby.. now it's so easy and I enjoy heading out, really enjoying my maternity leave having lunch at any restaurant/cafe/food court I want, then a coffee and book later! sigh. all these will end so soon :(