We are TTC-ing!


Poohy,u so cute! I think I better dont ask weird qns if not my gynae will give me that weird look again! Sometimes I got lots of queries in mind regarding my condition.. But I don't kw how to ask.. Also scared that my gynae will find me silly to ask such question. But if I don't ask , I will feel stressful as whatever I read fm the Internet may not be the same as my condition. Like I ever thought my pcos is multiple cysts n so scared that it will grow to become ovarian cysts, but my gynae said its different fm ovarian cysts.. Make me so confused..
Yes, all of us need to hv gd balance diet, keep tummy warm n try to keep stress level to the minimum. Stay positive!
For my case, the doc who did the hsg told me the scan pics still need to go through lab. Then my dedicated fertility doc will go through the final result with me on 18mar. But I forced him to say so what he thinks about my result. :p He said it seems Ok and unblocked. Ok he did go through through the pics with me after my procedure. I do see the dye reaching the end of my tubes. Other than that I don't know how to read the scans. Leave it till 18mar then.
Hi Dragontail, I just did my HSG scan 2 weeks ago. apart from the ink reaching the end of the tube, it has to say that the ink spills out too, this is to prove that the tubes are not blocked and the ink spills out. also, from the scan, can see if the tubes and uterus linings are smooth. hope this helps.
Are you going for IUI after this? I did the HSG scan so as to proceed with iui once my menses come this cycle. but of cos, I m hoping I can conceive naturally this mth and not hv to go for iui next mth. Anyone can share your success IUI story? Appreciate much :)


Active Member
Thanks gal! Yes I read that the ink has to spill too. Plus other indication of the uterus condition etc. But I just dont know how to read those scans. So have to hear out what my doc says.

Likewise as you, I hope to go natural especially after this HSG. Whatever it is, I will keep an open mind on medical assisted ways. I should be doing IVF though, not IUI.
Hi, my doc says doesn't need to check fallopian tubes if going for IVF. Reason he asked me to do HSG scan is to make sure they are not blocked otherwise IUI is a waste of time, if blocked, will go straight to IVF. Can share why IVF and not IUI first?


Active Member
My doc suggests hsg because hsg can tell a few things about the womb. I have been preggie twice but mc. Likely tubes are not blocked but maybe something about my womb that couldn't hold the pregnancy.

Im 42 soon and doc thinks ivf is the so called quickest way for me. Anyway nothing is firm until I go through all the various reports with her on 18th.


Hubs in aussie land now. His work project last bout a yr... so I go over once 2-3mths.... but he wants me to stay there with him... but I aint keen... sianz


Actually hubs was also tellin me bout ivf e other nite... but I scare.... read itz quite invasive... I m jus scare of both physical n mental pain... I m such a wimp


Active Member
Hopingforangel thanks. And I wish you all the good luck to your iui too (but best is jackpot with natural before iui!).

Maq,maybe new land new air gives new positive vibe to your ttc.


Aussie land sounds great to some but I've been there n its so so. Drive there nitemare. N I always get lost. N I m still so blur with e road so itz jys off to e grocer n the mall... itz jus diff frm here where I know every nook n corner plus all my fave makan places. Even simple must hve like chilli belacan is impossible to find. I tried to smuggle some e other time but got confiscated but their custom officer! Explained itz nt animal prodt but still no use. Siao


Is it true dat success rate for iui at thomson is higher? I m jus asking coz my hub friend's wife also did iui at thomson n got a son.


Active Member
Maqisa My friend also missed all the spicy goodness when She is at aussie! She came back and will eat alot spicy stuffs Haha.

Somehow I got feeling fann Wong like not natural one. Ppl like us struggle So much. Plus her job So stress one, got time to do meh


Same here
They must have seek some help somewhere along the way

Normal couples like us already so difficult
Then the both of them most of the time not in same country.

But till now they didn't state their winning formula.

I guess they are waiting for some sponsors Then endorse their products or company and then claim it helps them to conceive.

Celebrities all love to capitalize on this kind of Money making opportunity

Just my own thoughts la


Mxlo care to update after your gynae visit?

hello my dearies in here...i am doing ok....weekly gynae visits now becos of spotting/brown discharge and initially bubbsicle has no heartbeat. I changed my gynae to the one at Mount E and am doing ok with bad nausea at times.. :( food no longer appeal to me.

Back at work after 1 week of mc. And yes bubbsicle heart rate went up (above 100) :) it has been tough journey....i cant wait for Oct to come....boohooo!!

My tummy is always bloated....and evening and nite are the worst with nausea.

baby dust to all! Have faith gals.....


Hey mxlo, thats great!
good to know u and bub are doing well

All the best!!!

Oh I read that peppermint and Ginger tea helps in nausea



I was also thinkin maybe they had some form of medical help but they told reporter its au de natural... think bullsh*t frm them as usual...

Mxlo, weekly gynae visit somemore mt e sure nt cheap.. u take care