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  1. J

    Enfapro for sale

    Hi, still available? Interested!! Pm mi at 97248307(Jess)
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    Red Packet

    Bread talk do hv also
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    aft bb 3 mth jab

    My bb juz reach 3 mths old! Recently went for his 3 mth jab! But aft his jab, his milk intake become lesser! Keep making some noise on and off! Does anyone encounter is b4!! Need advice! Tia!
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    Primary School Canteen Stall To Take Over (Around Bukit Panjang)

    Do email mi the location and rate at
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    Let's add together in Facebook or MSN mummies!!

    Add mi add mi!! Lets share share! Current bb 3 mths old!
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    advice on exclusive EBM

    Usually I pump every 3 hourly when at hm! If I'm outside, I can last till 5 hourly under my control! So no, leaking at all! Aft tat will need to pump out if not sure leak! Can also wear a breast pad when outing! It helps!
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    I'm also using mamypoko M size! It's cheap and it can last quite long! Bb 9 weeks old! Weight at 6kg! Doesn't drink much ebm onli 100ml every 2-3hrly. Is it ok?
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    pass motion

    Help! my 2 mths old bb haven pass motion for 5 days already! Wat shld I do? I'm totally on bf! Anyone encounter tis problem b4. Shld I bring him to a doctor? TIA
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    Night fee

    Lana17, hw u manage to skip tat 1pm feeding? My bb also drinking at 12, 2, 4, 6 he juz turn 2 mth old! So tiring. Need advice! TIA
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    can we drill hole for spring cot during confinement

    I also drill hole aft confinement told by my mil too! Y nt u try waking ur bb up in the evening and talk or play with him! I'm using this method to my gng 2 mths old bb! It really works for mi. :) Although every 2 hourly feeding, but aft feeding, he Will fall asleep straight
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    Every how many hours and how many ml of milk should a newborn drink?

    My bb is 7 weeks old but onli drinking 100 to 120ml every 2 hourly if u give more he can't finish up!
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    recommendations for breast pads

    Hi, I'm using lucky baby breast pad! Brought frm NTUC
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    baby's weight at 1.5 mth. old

    Care to care ur bb weight at birth and aft 1 mth? Mine, was 3.2kg at birth and 1 mth later 5kg!
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    cup feeding

    Tks for ur feedback! Hw old is ur bb? Mine 1 mth plus! So u using syringe during every feeding or?
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    cup feeding

    May I knw wat is cup feeding? Suitable for bb? Hw do u feed? Would like to knw more abt it? Tks in advance
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    Yao LAN

    Any mummy giving ur 1 mth plus bb slp Yao LAN? My bb keep wanting to carry and pat. Tis is making mi very tired. Really very stress when bb keeps crying? Any advice???
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Camcam congrat! Tat's real fast. It's all worth it. Take care and rest well! Lizzy, oh is it! I din knw. But bb like every 2.5 hour will cry for milk. Somemore, his Tummy nt full full, he can't fall aslp. So nw 100 ml will make him full den he slp.
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    EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

    Hi all breast feeding mummy, I'm already on my 20 days aft delivery but when I express my milk onli manage to get btw 80-100ml for both side. And nw bb drinking 100ml every 2 and a half hourly. Really afraid milk not enough. How? Any tips to share! Tks in advance.
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    bb hving phlegm

    Landy, I'm bf my bb. But when he's drinking den I can hear those phlegm sound. Went for his check up at polyclinic mention to the doctor and say, will recover when bb abit older if nt, will need to go pd to suck out. I'm worry!
  20. J

    bb hving phlegm

    Notice my 2 weeks old bb seem to hv Phlegm. During feeding time, I can hear those sound. Any idea y a 2 weeks old bb can phlegm? How to cure ! Worry worry