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    Maid taking photos

    Just wondering... How would you feel if you found out your maid has been taking photos of your baby and your home using her hp without your permission, even though she has been instructed not to hold her hp with her when looking after the child?
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    How does your toddler fall asleep at night?

    Thanks for all your tips mummies! They are really useful. Sounds like ignoring is the best technique, but if i ignore her when she starts sitting up on the bed, she will start crawling all over wanting to play, then start crying for attention. Any tricks on how to make her lie down on her own...
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    How does your toddler fall asleep at night?

    My 14 month old can roll around on the bed for up to one hour talking/yelling/fussing and trying to climb off the bed before she finally knocks out. We have to be sitting there next to her the whole time and laying her back down when she sits up. It's such a struggle. I'm dreaming of the day...
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    Food for a 1 year old in overseas??

    Hi there! I'm also bringing my 1 year old for a holiday for the first time soon. So nervous about whether she'll fuss during the journey and whether she can sleep well! I'll be bringing lots of jar food that she likes and cereal. Snacks like puffs, bread and biscuits also keep her entertained...
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    Crying in the middle of the night (12.30am to 3am) everyday!!!

    hi Juz17, sometimes baby is not used to the pacifier at first. i had to keep putting it in my baby's mouth many times before she got used to it, and finally it helped calm her down (sometimes). also find out what kind of movement soothes your baby - swinging, yao lan, walking, maybe just lying...
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    When did your toddler start to walk?

    Thanks for your replies! Wow seems like a lot of your babies started walking really young! Seems like mine is more likely to start late... She doesn't really have a lot of strength in her legs yet... I'll have to do more practicing with her. hehe! :Dancing_tongue:
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    When did your toddler start to walk?

    Ok I know every baby develops at their own pace... but I'm soo looking forward to my little girl taking her first independent steps! She's just turned 12 months. She stands well with support and can walk a few steps with us holding onto her hands. At this stage she's in, how long more do you...
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    Baby dun want to sleep and dun want milk...why??

    My baby stopped drinking milk at 8 months too. Tried every brand of milk and bottle out there, every feeding position and "trick" i could come up with, all to no avail. At least your babies drink milk mixed with cereal. Maybe you could increase their solids intake in the day time so they can...
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    Do u train ur babies to sleep thru the night?

    hi angelwendy, my baby used to wake up several times in the night for milk at that age, but would only drink a little each time, soon she rejected milk altogether (think she doesn't like the taste anymore). i figured that she might have been hungry but was not waking up for milk. so i upped her...
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    Which brand of diapers?

    Those links are really useful thanks :) I've seen goon diapers at the supermarket at liang court but didn't think to try them... Will look into that! :)
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    Which brand of diapers?

    wow you mummies are sure experts on diapers. seems momypoko is popular. haven't tried it so will give it a go, thanks! i think it's about finding the balance between absorbancy and thickness. some brands are so thick the skin can't breathe and that's probably what causes diaper rash? thanks all...
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    Which brand of diapers?

    Thanks District98. Does momypoko last him through the night?
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    Which brand of diapers?

    For our 1 year old we are using pampers cruisers during the day (not very high absorbancy but very lightweight) and pampers active for the night. Any recommendations for more absorbant brands of diapers especially for night time use?
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    Entertaining baby to eat

    haha that would be my nightmare - chasing after her with food. she's not walking yet but i really don't want this habit to get to that stage when she does start walking! what do you do when ur boy doesn't want to open his mouth for food? or is he generally not fussy with his meals? when we...
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    Entertaining baby to eat

    We have gotten into a habit of entertaining our 11 month old so that she will eat. We show her toys, sing her songs etc. just to get her to open her mouth. She can eat a lot this way. Otherwise she won't open her mouth or blow the food out. Anyone going through the same thing? How can I get...
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    Has anyone?

    some brands are more sensitive than others. for me i tested early and i got + on one brand and - on another. i tested again after a few days when my hcg levels were higher then got + on the less sensitive brands. this website might help...
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    Baby waking up at 4am!

    thanks mummies. guess i'll have to keep experimenting with nap time and bedtime to get my baby into a better schedule... also, last nite we tried the yaolan and she managed to sleep for 1 more hour in the morning... hehe!
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    Baby waking up at 4am!

    hi ben10, how old is your baby? he can last the whole day on just 1 2hr nap? was he very tired/fussy when you first transitioned him to 1 nap a day?
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    Baby waking up at 4am!

    thanks all, for your replies. wow ur babies can play alone for an hour or more? amazing! mine gets bored quickly and needs attention. she wakes up at 4 or 5am ready to start the day and she won't sleep again until morning nap around 9am. tried a later bedtime but she still wakes at the same time...
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    Wats wrong with my Baby??

    so glad it helped you :) think my baby was a pretty extreme case, she only got better after 7 months or so. now she's such a lovely girl. each day will be better than the day before. there's so much to look forward to. jia you!