2 weeks wait


Well-Known Member
Jia you!! Lim2528 hope the stork is on his way to deliver them to you:tlaugh:.

I bleed yest midnight and i thought ok my period has finally show and i put on the sanitary pad but to my surprise jz now i c no blood but 2 brown dots:eek:.

waaa...got chance got chance!!!!

good luck dearieeeeee:shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:


waaa...got chance got chance!!!!

good luck dearieeeeee:shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:

I dun tink so leh... Mebbe its very slow process to period='( cramping feeling getting stronger alrdy=(


I dont tink so ... Mebbe its very slow process to period='( cramping feeling getting stronger alrdy=(
Finally AF report tdy around 5pm:eek:10::eek:10::eek:10::eek:10:

If no bleeding occurs but bloated stomach, frequent urine, is it a sign? I didn't notices bleeding occurs on me.
I also have these sign before mebbe bcz of the windy weather and i kept goin to the toilet and sometime i got bloated stomach nearing to period as well..
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dun give up lor.
anyone using clearblue fertility monitor? thinking of getting it.... currently, i been using clearblue digital ovulation test kit...wonder anyone know where to get the test strip for it?
Finally AF report tdy around 5pm:eek:10::eek:10::eek:10::eek:10:

I also have these sign before mebbe bcz of the windy whtr and i kept goin to the toilet and sometime i got bloated stomach nearing to period..


dont give up .
anyone using clearblue fertility monitor? thinking of getting it.... currently, i been using clearblue digital ovulation test kit...wonder anyone know where to get the test strip for it?

Not exactly gving up jz the waiting time for my hubby genes blood test is killing us:001_07:.

*PS: Do pray for us tt the results doesnt turn out to be FINE n nt genes prob cz we dun mind goin thru IVF to get the joy of our life cz my gynae say tt in my case its hard for me to get pregnant naturally :001_07:.......


Not exactly gving up jz the waiting time for my hubby genes blood test is killing us:001_07:.

*PS: Do pray for us that the results doesnt turn out to be FINE and not genes prob cz we dont mind goin thru IVF to get the joy of our life cz my gynae say that in my case its hard for me to get pregnant naturally :001_07:.......
Justforgags, do u mind telling me how is the gene test done?

How many siblings does your hubby have? If he has many, then probably the reason lies not in the genes isn't it? My hubby has 5 siblings, so I dun think the reason is genetic.


Justforgags, do you mind telling me how is the gene test done?

How many siblings does your hubby have? If he has many, then probably the reason lies not in the genes isn't it? My hubby has 5 siblings, so I dont think the reason is genetic.
its thru blood test.. My dear husband have a family history of childless couple he has got 4 siblings and out of his 5 uncles only 1 got child and the rest are childless.. and got a few of his cousins who are childless as well:001_07::001_07::001_07::001_07::001_07::001_07:....


justforgags, I did tot of gettin the fertility monitor a few mths back but I found it too ex. Furthermore, the test strips are v costly n I didnt really like e part where e monitor could predict fertile days n most fertile days. Bcos tis mean tat u will use more strips to obtain the result. So eventually I used the ovulation test strips n the clearblue brand one as more easy to see e ans rather than comparing lines.

Anyway I believe I hv ovul probs too cos certain mths there is no smiley face. Abt ur hubby prob, dun lose hope ok. Take vitamins etc n monitor e result after 3 mths. Best is wit tcm/acupuncture. Finally, if poss, then jus go for IVF loh. Nvr try also will nvr koe... :Dancing_wub:


babylemon, u are refering to my quote right? hehe...ic ic.... i agree that test everyday is really costly..haiz...
u will also experience certain months no O? wonder is that normal or not..


justforgags, I did thought of gettin the fertility monitor a few mths back but I found it too ex. Furthermore, the test strips are very costly and I didnt really like e part where e monitor could predict fertile days and most fertile days. Bcos tis mean that you will use more strips to obtain the result. So eventually I used the ovulation test strips and the clearblue brand one as more easy to see e ans rather than comparing lines.

Anyway I believe I have ovul probs too cos certain mths there is no smiley face. about your hubby prob, dont lose hope ok. Take vitamins etc and monitor e result after 3 mths. Best is wit traditional chinese medicine/acupuncture. Finally, if poss, then just go for IVF loh. never try also will never koe... :Dancing_wub:
Thx for the encouragement babylemon=))

Anybody want my guardian ovulation test kit?? I bought it at $39.90 still new in box hvnt open yet.. Selling @$20..

Ya mebbe im goin to go for accupunture.. Anyway my gynae is also practising traditional chinese medicine and his a s'pore registered acupuncturist and also active in traditional chinese medicine as well i shud ask him on how do my hubby prob shud go about if we wanna try acupunture.. Jz happen i look thru his profession profile.. Cool rite he cn do both western and traditional chinese medicine as well=)


Thx for the encouragement babylemon=))

Anybody want my guardian ovulation test kit?? I bought it at $39.90 still new in box hvnt open yet.. Selling @$20..

Ya mebbe im goin to go for accupunture.. Anyway my gynae is also practising traditional chinese medicine and his a s'pore registered acupuncturist and also active in traditional chinese medicine as well i shud ask him on how do my hubby prob shud go about if we wanna try acupunture.. Jz happen i look thru his profession profile.. Cool rite he cn do both western and traditional chinese medicine as well=)
Yeah, very rare find. In that case, you can combine the best of both worlds! And get your desired results very, very, very soon!!!


hi girls, i need some advice, mine first unprotected sex is on 14/07 after that my menses come on the next day 15/07. then i ML with my hubby on 24/07 , 27/07 , 30/07 and 11/08, my menses is suppose to come on 11/08 but it have not come yet, i felt light cramping on my lower left side of my stomach. but no spotting.. when can i do the pregancy test ?


Yeah, very rare find. In that case, you can combine the best of both worlds! And get your desired results very, very, very soon!!!
Yup, hoping the best and the gynae is very very good and will even attend to your needs everytime you have queries..

hi girls, i need some advice, mine first unprotected sex is on 14/07 after that my menses come on the next day 15/07. then i ML with my hubby on 24/07 , 27/07 , 30/07 and 11/08, my menses is suppose to come on 11/08 but it have not come yet, i felt light cramping on my lower left side of my stomach. but no spotting.. when can i do the pregancy test ?
Cn start chking now alrdy=)
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Yup, hoping the best and the gynae is very very good and will even attend to your needs everytime you have queries..
Can I ask how much does your gynae charge? Mine charges $60 consultation for every 20 mins. If you linger any longer, she will not hestitate to slap you with more charges. She is like that. So I was wondering how is yours like?


Can I ask how much does your gynae charge? Mine charges $60 consultation for every 20 mins. If you linger any longer, she will not hestitate to slap you with more charges. She is like that. So I was wondering how is yours like?

Mine is in public hosp its in SGH.. I went to polyclinic first n told them bout my concern of conceiving n they referred me to KKH but i ask for SGH n i got a lady senior consultant but later change to a consultant male gynae as my hubby is much comfortable wit male gynae since they r now concentrating on his probs so its under subsidised n sub visit i pay $25++.. My lady senior consultant recommended him cz they work together as a team on infertility..
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i just checked it is negative.. i use those normal test knit i brought in hospital pharmacy. i think i think too much.


however the instruction did ask me to wait for 3mins , but i did not, once i see the one line is out, i wait for around few seconds then i throw it away already. is it correct? cause the line is quite obvious so i think is done already


Mine is in public hospital its in singapore general hospital.. I went to polyclinic first and told them bout my concern of conceiving and they referred me to Kandang Kerbau Hospital but i ask for singapore general hospital and i got a lady senior consultant but later change to a consultant male gynae as my hubby is much comfortable wit male gynae since they are now concentrating on his probs so its under subsidised and sub visit i pay $25++.. My lady senior consultant recommended him cz they work together as a team on infertility..
I did not know there are gynae at polyclinics! Your subsidised fee is really cheap! Good for u! :)


however the instruction did ask me to wait for 3mins , but i did not, once i see the one line is out, i wait for around few seconds then i throw it away already. is it correct? cause the line is quite obvious so i think is done already
Yes you should wait. Next time please remember to wait for a full 3 mins first.