Any1 EDD in May 09?


i also din engage any CL, my mil will help me

but will she help u look after bb in the nite time?

My mum will come in the morning till evening help me look after bb so i can rest in the morning. mil will also look after lah but scare she cant cope tat y i look after in the nite (i am a owl in the nite).

juz to let u noe tat if no one look after bb while confinement, u will be very tire like my cousin she fell ill during confinement...

so better discuss with ur hubby. u need to take more rest during confinement...

i doubt she will look after my bb at night..
so sad..
anyway even if there's someone to look after my boy, i still need to wakie to feed him ma..
i intend to breastfeed..
and i heard from some mummies that we shouldnt let bb use bottles for 1st few months if we wanna breastfeed..coz he might get nipple confusion..
scare he will not want to latch on again..



Yesterday went for 28th week check up, my princess weight 1021g (1kg+) juz nice said my gynae... My gynae is Dr Sim Lee Ngor... Next visit is 3 week later.... 4th March


cyncyn... 4bedded in TMC also have tv juz tat the visitor hr is restricted lor... if u think u need ppl to accompany u in the nite suggest opt 1 bedded bah.. i opt 4 bedded coz i wan to save some $ as need to celebrate full month. i din work only my hubby working...


haha cyncyn... i go for hospital tour so i know lor... u can go for the tour to know more... my edd on MAY'09 leh... keke..


Thomson Medical Centre (fees for deluxe and other suite also nursery)

Thomson Medical Centre (maternity package exclude doctor fee)

Thomson Medical Centre (hospital bill size)

Hope it help u?

u got to ask ur doctor for his/her fee? Mine is $850 for normal delivery and $150-$250 for hospital inpatient consultation per hospital day.

they will add any additional cost to wat u use during labour (epidural or other assisting equipment)

they will only charge 1 package ( e.g: initial u chose N. Delivery but end up Assisted delivery or C-section, they will charge ONLY charge either 1 package tat use)


My EDD shld be on the 10th May 09'. But doctor say might be earlier cause its my 1st bb. Choose to go for Mt.E, which doesnt seems to be a very popular choice in this forum. Haha!!!


Well-Known Member
My EDD shld be on the 10th May 09'. But doctor say might be earlier cause its my 1st bb. Choose to go for Mt.E, which doesnt seems to be a very popular choice in this forum. Haha!!!
Maybe it is bcoz the bill is quite ex so tats why nt very popular~


Actually i opt for TMC, but my doc say Mt.E is cheaper n better..... anyway since i have confirm with the doc then just remain loh.
BTW, anyone have any idea where i can go for a 3D or 4D scanning? Don't think it is being offered by e clinic i went. Almost in my 27weeks but still cant see the gender of my BB, so anxious to know. Hubby n mum keep saying that my doc is not professional enuf. Haha!!


mine is bb girl, dd: 23rd May 09... haven buy anything... still thinking what to buy,,,because first time ma,,

hihi... i also 1st time preggy. i bought a few pair of mitten & booties. My princess gt 3set of clothing ( 2 from MIL, 1 from 2 buddy)... the rest of bb clothes will pass down from my cousin.

My buddy also bought 1 bottle/food warmer & milk bottles for my princess.

Maybe u can start wat u wanna (that need to buy) first. Do u need to buy bb cot or sarong (or decide to let ur bb slp in cot or sarong)? U intend BF mah? if yes, u wanna latch on or use breast pump? For clothing i suggest dun buy if gt ppl pass to u...

the above suggestion is wat i tot of...