April 09 MTBs!


Active Member
Hai, Sugarcookie
How r u and your baby? I just finished my confinememt 1 week plus..
Baby is ok but she drives me crazy sometimes. As she grows older, she becomes naughtier! Giving me sleepless nights too...she always wants to be carried...and she seems to be resisting sleep!

How about your baby?


Hai, Sugarcookie
How r u and your baby? I just finished my confinememt 1 week plus..
Hi Yvonne,

How was your delivery? If I remember correctly, you went to KKH for induce birth on 13th Apr right? I was at KKH too... I went for induction on 14th April... but cervix not co-operative, so ended up emergency cesarean... lol
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Hi, Cream.
Yes, i went to KKH for induced birth on 13th April 2am.Than the next morning around 10am+ my gynea came an BURST my water...Oh...My delivery really SIONG ah. Almost labour pain 9 hours natural birth without epi but last mint my baby kena vacuum .. So how's your baby now?


Hi, Cream.
Yes, i went to KKH for induced birth on 13th April 2am.Than the next morning around 10am+ my gynea came an BURST my water...Oh...My delivery really SIONG ah. Almost labour pain 9 hours natural birth without epi but last mint my baby kena vacuum .. So how's your baby now?
She's ok... she was really an easy baby when CL was here... But now that I am handling her, I find it damn siong... cos she also sleep well in the day but at night she kept talking and talking... My friends told me that it's because I talk too much during my pregnancy... haha...

I also went to KKH at 2am, but on the morning of 14th April... after 30 over hours wait... still no progress... so baby's date of birth is 15th April when I decided to go for E-C sec

Who's your gynae by the way?
My gynea is A/Prof Han How Chuan. So when u go back to KKH do your Pap-S check-up? I end of this month..
Now u look after your baby ?


My gynea is A/Prof Han How Chuan. So when u go back to KKH do your Pap-S check-up? I end of this month..
Now u look after your baby ?
Nope... I am going back to work soon... I intend to take 2 months ML then the other 2 months keep for future use... But I may extend one more month... Yes, I have to go back for Pap-S, but I can't remember the date... haha... gotta refer to my little pink booklet... Shucks, my booklet doesnt have the date... I gotta call KKH... duh! haha

Ok, got it... my appt is on 16th June at TPS
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Active Member
My Pap Smear is scheduled for this Thursday but I think I'm having my period (I stopped breastfeeding)!

Should I still go? I was thinking I might as well since I have questions for my gynae.
My Pap Smear is scheduled for this Thursday but I think I'm having my period (I stopped breastfeeding)!

Should I still go? I was thinking I might as well since I have questions for my gynae.
Hi, Sugarcookie..what i know if u still having manses cannot do pap smear one...


But as long as there is still "blood" cannot do pap smear right? Thats what I was told... If still bleeding, then have to call to cancel the appointment.


Active Member
I called to cancel the appointment this morning. So next appointment is in June. I hope my period doesn't come again at the next appointment!!!

How are all you Mummies and bbs today???


Sugarcookie, who is your gynae in KKH? Maybe all three of us KKH mummies should fix the same day for our appointment... hehe...

DD is lazing in bed now in dreamy mode... I wish I have that luxury...


Active Member
Sugarcookie, who is your gynae in KKH? Maybe all three of us KKH mummies should fix the same day for our appointment... hehe...

DD is lazing in bed now in dreamy mode... I wish I have that luxury...
My gynae is Dr ML Yeap. How about yours??? My appointment is on 12 June!!!

DD is sleeping now but she is stirring...soon she will yell and demand to be carried again!


I wonder when I can pump 90 ml ?
Mine drinking 90ml per 2hrs; sometimes have to top up by latching on. Hope your supply increases soon. With my CL around, I was more hardworking in expressing my milk like every 3-4 hourly. Now, i stretch to 5-6 hours cos inbetween got latch on plus just too plain tired and lazy to keep having to wash & steralise the pumps. I get about 210ml to 270ml in total for 3-4hrs. Not fantastic so no secrets cos I've gf that gets 300ml per breast! I didn't take any papaya, hardly drink much liquid nor supplements; just plain old simple food during my confinement. When my bb demands increases and my supply not enuff then I will start on fenugreek. For now crossing my fingers supply can meet - have managed to freeze 3 bags of excess milk for emergency :001_302:.

But what I realised is that previously I used electric dual pumps and my output was pathetic even after pumping for 1 hour. Then by chance I tried avent manual pump and so surprised I actually had much more milk! So now I swear by my manual pump even it takes more time and hands tired. What pump are u using now? Perhaps if possible, see if u can try a manual pump.


Ha...ha...same as your baby..my baby gal day time can sleep very well but night time she want me carried n sleep...C BEH SIONG ..
mine is just like urs except he wants to be carried WHOLE DAY & NIGHT! So tired. Put him down only he starts wailing. So mus really rock him till he deep sleep then put him down and pray he sleeps for at least 1-2 hrs so I can get by with the housework or have some time to unwind... By then he's awake and starts wailing again and the whole pattern repeats. :_(

Told my hubby... looking after bb is 24 hrs job with no official knock-off time or can take tea break as and when feel like it.