April 09 MTBs!

mine is just like urs except he wants to be carried WHOLE DAY & NIGHT! So tired. Put him down only he starts wailing. So mus really rock him till he deep sleep then put him down and pray he sleeps for at least 1-2 hrs so I can get by with the housework or have some time to unwind... By then he's awake and starts wailing again and the whole pattern repeats. :_(

Told my hubby... looking after bb is 24 hrs job with no official knock-off time or can take tea break as and when feel like it.
Hi, CJmom..now my DD daytime sleep in SARONG (YAO LAN) can sleep very long hour until she feel hungry than she will awake. But at night she don want YAO LAN anymore so i boh bian need to carried her sleep loh..
I told my DH look after baby is more tired than working ah.....!


Active Member
Told my hubby... looking after bb is 24 hrs job with no official knock-off time or can take tea break as and when feel like it.
I told my DH look after baby is more tired than working ah.....!

Have you tried propping baby up against your chest when you are sitting down? My bb seems to like it so I prop her up against my chest and we watch TV together.

Maybe you can try it too. This gives my arms a break. For a while at least.

Have you tried propping baby up against your chest when you are sitting down? My bb seems to like it so I prop her up against my chest and we watch TV together.

Maybe you can try it too. This gives my arms a break. For a while at least.
Yup! I try it b4 n my baby like the way..
So now anybody help u to look after your baby?


Active Member
I'm still on my own most of the time. My mother stays over at night but I handle the night feedings; don't want to disturb her as her health isn't that good plus she has work.

But no matter what, it helps to have another body in the house! Not so lonely and intimidating.

Ros Teo

New Member
Our babies have the same birthday! My baby girl was born on 4 April too! At KKH! How about you??
Wow! Mine was born at TMC in the evening hour. How is your baby girl now? Has she been smiling at you? These 2 days, my DD looked at me and smiled. Her smile really melt my heart lol...

Ros Teo

New Member
mine is just like urs except he wants to be carried WHOLE DAY & NIGHT! So tired. Put him down only he starts wailing. So mus really rock him till he deep sleep then put him down and pray he sleeps for at least 1-2 hrs so I can get by with the housework or have some time to unwind... By then he's awake and starts wailing again and the whole pattern repeats. :_(

Told my hubby... looking after bb is 24 hrs job with no official knock-off time or can take tea break as and when feel like it.
Hi CJmom,

Have you try putting your baby to sleep on tummy? My baby sleeps better like that, as she feels more secure and won't be awaken up so easily by little noises.


I miss my CL, she is such a nice lady... the past month had been fun having her around.
Cream u're so lucky to get a good CL. Mine was bad. Thought my first CL was not as good but this 2nd CL was worse. First CL was good in handling bb, do things efficiently, has initiatives and clever to improvise things. But she has bad habits like always asking me to give her things she fancied in my house, doesnt bring own toothpaste and finished 1 tube in 10 days and asks me for more! (alot of pple say she eat the toothpaste isit??), huge appetite so my groceries and tonic finish fast or sometimes mysterically "disappears", always managed to use up to the last cent when I give her $$ to get additional groceries cos she doesn't return the change to me and when I ask for it, she said the $ was just enuff. Asked her for reciept she said forget to get. And cooking is not nice, every meal asks me how I what I want to eat and how I want it to be cooked. So fed up despite telling her several times that I'm not fussy so just do ur normal confinement cooking style. So 1 fine day I blow my top a little and told her off to stop asking me that qns at every meal! So really closed 1 eye with her if not for my bb whom she really loves and takes good care of. And she goes the extra mile to do my housework like ironing, cleaning windows, washing toilets and floor mats, mending my torn dress (yes), altering bb's clothes so that it is not too big.

2nd CL...sigh.... can write a book on her. She actually SHHsss my bb when he cries at night without waking up to check on him until she realises I am standing in the room! One night I even find a towel covering his face!!! Luckily I woke up to check on him. Doesnt even notice his diaper is filled with poo and just goes to sleep. Doesnt track feeding times so my poor boy wails till lungs out then she slowly goes to warm the milk, then comment why u so noisy? Aunty just fed u so fast hungry (even though tats like 2hrs ago). Doesnt believe in using detergent when washing his bottles n teats. Shampoo his hair everyday (i discovered it by chance), totally no initiative (doesnt get ready my bfast or drink until my dear told her to prepare every morning for me, let alone talk abt bringing me tea or a drink each time after I expressed milk. I'm not expecting to be treated like a queen but tot CL is supposed to take care of both bb and mommy?), on the fan full blast the whole night cos she complains hot and my poor boy sneezing away (she hinted tat she usually on the aircon for 1-2hrs for the room to cool then it will be nice to sleep for the bb. So told her to on it if necessary and that very night she left the aircon on till morning when she woke up at 8 plus!!!), and the list goes on....it really does
(e.g. blur n forgetful - can actually add my jap health supplement in her coffee and thats not all, she even added salt n pepper as well when 95% of the sachets in the container are sugar... faint, burnt my elder son's porridge n tell me still can eat just slowly scoop! How to when the black specks are so "evenly" mixed with the porridge??!! I was so pissed told her to throw away the porridge. Supposed to look after my elder son as I top up her salary but 1st time and just 10 mins alone with her while I express milk, he fell face flat and had a 50cent sized blue-black bump and she still dare to say never mind it is ok one for children to fall!!! Gosh! I never ever got her to look after him thereafter! Left the cooker gas on! Doesn't bother to pick up her dropped hair on the table/floor whenever she dries her hair. On the last day, I actually had to pick them up).

So tempted to fire her but each time we told her she listened and improved so we gave her chance and monitored her for 1 week which then led to 2 weeks and by then 28 days liao. Just tat it is so tiring to hv to constantly watch what she's doing and tell her what to do or not to do when she's supposed to be an experienced CL. And I didnt even ask her to do my washing! I load and hang the washing myself! She even kept asking my dear to help her buy M1 top up card - total 5 trips my poor dear made cos each time she ask to buy 1 only! And recently Audio house advertised sale at Liang Court, she asked my dear to help her buy some electrical appliances! Doesnt she realise my dear has to work? He even does the grocery shopping so that she has more time to look after bb well. The only other thing that's good about her is that she's frugal and honest and does good tonic.

So, Cream, u gotta rec me ur CL siah if I really try for 3rd one.


Hi CJmom,

Have you try putting your baby to sleep on tummy? My baby sleeps better like that, as she feels more secure and won't be awaken up so easily by little noises.
Thanks, Ros Teo. Tried that and he "cak" till face all red and wails so loudly. And cos he's a spitter (throws out milk frequently, it is better to sleep on his tummy so tat he doesnt get chocked on his spit but he just doesnt like it.



Have you tried propping baby up against your chest when you are sitting down? My bb seems to like it so I prop her up against my chest and we watch TV together.

Maybe you can try it too. This gives my arms a break. For a while at least.
My little bb seems to be enjoying giving me a hard time. Carry him not enuff as he wants to carry and walk him around. When he quieten down, we tried to gently sit while continuing patting or swaying him, he starts crying.. damn smart! The only way to give my arms a rest is to prop him on my chest facing me and I use my body to tahan his weight but then it means stress on my back.

Used carrier and he doesnt like it either. Just want my body warmth, I guess. Or cos I smell of milk?? Ha ha ha... okie that gives me an idea. Next time he sleeps I wrap him in my milk stained shirt.
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Active Member
Wow! Mine was born at TMC in the evening hour. How is your baby girl now? Has she been smiling at you? These 2 days, my DD looked at me and smiled. Her smile really melt my heart lol...
Ya she has been smiling! It's really sweet and melts my heart too.



Did I tell you all how weird my CL is? Haha.. not exactly weird la, but she is really not like other CL. Of cos she is good at those normal chores like taking care of baby and cooking etc. But it is her personality that amazed me and make me feel very paiseh all the time towards her.

My mum told me that it is the norm for CLs to eat whatever I eat, which means that if I eat tonic, she also eat, if I eat good stuff, she also eat... But my CL always don't eat when I ask her to eat with me. She will ask me to try my best to finish everything... Let me tell you what she eats everyday... She will eat whatever that is left of the day before, just heat it up and eat... Aiyo, I so heartpain... I also told her to just drink the essence of chicken at will cos I have TONS of them from friends and relatives, she also doesn't drink it.

Then when I hired her, I told her she only needs to cook for me and take care of bb cos I have a maid, and the maid will do the rest. When she came, she not only cook for me, but my hubby and mother-in-law too. Then she will ask me to call my parents to see if they wanna come over for lunch or dinner, then she will cook more. On top of that, she help my maid do alot of housework too.

At night, I would constantly wake up to steal a peek at bb, many a times, I see her feeding and talking to bb lovingly... and at night, I NEVER ever heard my baby wailing... my CL sleeps in the room with my bb which was initially meant to be out study room cos my MIL is occupying one bedroom so we do not have another room. Our study room wall was torn down and we put up a glass panel just so the house will look brighter... so you see, we can constantly know what the CL is doing if she is in the room with bb. But I am not saying that due to the fact that we can check on her all the time then she does her work properly, just that if she is skiving or not feeding bb when she has to, we can see it clearly. So really thumbs up for this CL.

You know what, she called me from Malaysia yesterday just to see how I am coping and ask how is baby doing... We chatted for about 10mins, and I told her not to waste money to call me. She can sms me and I will call her. But she says it's ok.

I am not advertising for her... just that this was really my very very good experience with my CL. Oh, by the way, she not only bring her own toiletries, she even brought along nappy rash cream for bb cos she is afraid I didnt buy it. And she used the one which she said is better to apply for my bb instead of the lousy one I bought. We did buy one to return her la... haha....


I forgot to add... she is a great cook too... I dont take ginger, but she can cook until i cannot taste the ginger taste and I always look forward to eating the ginger she cooks... She's my Da Chang Jin man! haha....


I had the thought of extending another month so that she can help me take care of the baby "professionally"... But when I sound it out to her, she said that she cannot do it cos her daughter in law is giving birth in July. She needs to go back to do preparation etc. She is rather young... 50 years old only.


Ya man, Cream, ur CL is really one of a kind. Mine cant bear to part with bb too but didnt hear from her after she left. Urs still bothered to call...awww... so sweet.

I even bought her a genuine leather passport holder with zip cos she's so forgetful and keep displacing her stuffs. So told her she can put all in 1 place now. She came with 3 bags! Can u imagine??!!! 1 of them is already those single suitcase. Got her the holder cos felt bad as she helped me to cook some dishes for my bb's full month.


She is rather young... 50 years old only.
Mine is 57. Saw it when I was helping her to check her entry validity. Even had to help her top up her card, check her sms and balance for her cos she doesn't know how. She's really the old school type. Oh even helped her to save phone bills cos she didn't use M1's IDD no., instead used a +62. Then complained her $ kenna eaten so fast. Actually already advised her to use 021 but felt weird why she still complain. Then realised she's still using '+' cos she said sometimes she dialed 021 didnt work so she gave up trying. Upon further questioning, she said she tried once only...sigh. Told her at that point cud it be her hubby is using the phone tatz y cant get thru, cos I've tried for her twice on 2 different occasions and it worked! Then she went "You ke neng". <faint>. She also has a local SG line and complained how come use 1 min only to talk to her sis in SG who is also having a SG line, it is so expensive. Kenna deducted $2 plus. Logic will tell u lor.. told her straight that it is impossible she talked for only 1 min! How cud a local call cost more than an overseas call for 1 min, right!!!??? <KILL ME>

Oh and the first 2 days she was here, her hp hokkien music blasted so loudly and long and scared my bb who woke up crying. So on the 2nd day my dear told her not to leave hp beside bb and hurry ans when it rings. Guess her reply....>>>> Oh is it my hp ringing? Thought it was yours.

How can u not recognise ur own ringtone??? It was the theme song of one of Jack Neo's movie on some gambling and owing ah long $$. Dunno the title but the song is abt "If I had 1 million".

See I can really write a book on her. Or even a 1001 series of drama outbeating those HKB dramas.